Ash Elves
Strength: 5 | Constitution: 5 | Agility: 7 | Speed: 7

Image Source: Here
Appearance and Traits:
Ash-Elves are often taller than humans, though they remain shorter than High-Elves. On average, an Ash-Elf will grow between 6' and 6'6” tall, with little variance between men and women. Their hair will always be white, like a Dark-Elf, and their skin will always be an ashen grey colour, hence their name, however they will always be a tad fairer than their dark kin. Their ears are much longer than Dark-Elves, instead matching their High-Elven parents in length. Their eye colours are many and varied, and this is the most telltale way to tell a Dark-Elf from an Ash-Elf; where Dark-Elves will always have eyes that are a shade of red, Ash-Elves can have any colour their High-Elven parents can have, be that golden, green, blue, or any other colour. Ash-Elves have an incredible lifespan, living anywhere from 200 to 250 years, and much like any other Elf, will stop aging at around 30, retaining their youth until their final years where aging shall once more take place. Much like mules, Ash Elves are largely unable to reproduce, with almost the entire population suffering from infertility or sterility.
An Ash-Elf has a strange magical potential, unique to the “magically gifted” of their race, which seems to be a smaller percentage than their High-Elven brethren, about 60%. They seem to be able to interact with magical and enchanted items far easier, those demanding energy from their user does not seem to drain an Ash-Elf as much, and the enchantments that demand time between activation tend to have slightly more powerful effects, and can be forced to activate slightly sooner than it would for other races. Furthermore, those gifted are able to detect the effect of an enchantment, and feel the alignment of a trinket, something usually limited to those of magical affinity. (Ash Elves must fill out a special magic application found here)
Key Features:
Superior Metabolism
Ash-Elves, much like their other elven counterparts keep a very lean figure reguardless of their diet.
Physically Adept
Ash Elves are a fairly well-rounded race, keeping the speed of their High Elven parent, whilst having their physical strength somewhat enhanced by their Dark Elven blood.
Resistance to Disease
Ash-Elves have a strong resistance to disease thanks to their elven blood.
Magic Aspects
Ash-Elves cannot use magic, but hold the strange ability to interact with and reach magical objects and enchantments
Elven, Common
Ash Elves are a breed of Elves, born as a result of a High Elf mating with Dark Elf. Due to how uncommon this pairing is as a result of the social stigma attached to it, the low conception rate of Elves, and that most pairings of the sort will result in a Dark Elven child, Ash Elves are an extremely rare breed. They have no cities or villages of their own; when they were not outright cast out, as was often the case in Manadh Calad before the Pact War, they tended to be treated with great prejudice by both High and Dark Elves in their home cities. Ash Elves were often found in mixed, primarily human civilizations, where racial segregation is not nearly as prominent, though rarely they were found in Dark Elven settlements.
Now, like all other races after the war, the vast majority reside in the cities of Barkamsted and Falkvard. Much like other half-bred elves, Ash-Elves are subject to the racism that their High-Elven kin hold toward the inferior species. They also share with their half-human kin a cruel nickname, given to them by the High-Elves: Sootskins. This nickname became so prominent that often, people will call an Ash-Elf a sootskin without realizing the insult behind it. To this day, they still struggle with racism, primarily from those of their parent races; both look down upon them for being half-breed scum, and many look down twice for them being unable to bring life into the world.
Work in Progress!​
Ash-Elves usually follow the religion of the environment they live in. As offspring of both Elven races, this tends to have Ash-Elves almost always following Kinos. Interestingly enough, despite their lack of normal magic potential, many of them do follow worship of Bothimir. Worship of Uldir and Perities are rarer, but still common enough to be noted.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Can be any variety of High-Elven or Dark-Elven