This is a PlayerPlus exclusive Race
Female: Strength: 3 | Constitution: 3 | Agility: 7 | Speed: 6
Male: Strength: 4 | Constitution: 3 | Agility: 6 | Speed: 5

Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Sharp Vision
The Avalti have sharp eyes. Day Avalti see best in the day, and not at night. The opposite applies to Night Avalti. Their eyesight drops below average at that point.
Unique to their race, while their wings don’t allow the Avalti to fly, they can use their wings to glide and drift safely to the ground.
Natural Weaponry
Specific to males, while they lack an aspect, they make up for it with sharper nails and claws.
Magic Aspects
Males have two aspects, and females three. They are forced to aspect in either wind or telekinesis based on their sex. Males naturally cannot use telekinesis, and females cannot use wind.
Appearance and Traits:
While this race seems to take elven traits in terms of structure, they have a much smaller statue, ranging from 4’ to an impressive 6’8” for the race. They are a varied people, as colorful as the birds in the rainforest with distinct differences between the lines of sex. There are Avalti that are strictly nocturnal, and those that are best fit for daytime activities. Every Avalti can be traced back to some sort of bird, their patterns not unique but replicated by nature.
What they have all in common would be their oddly colored skin and feathered forms. This skin can be almost any color, merely desaturated from their feathers colors. While primarily humanoid in shape their arms are very similar to wings which taper off into mortal hands, plumes of feathers gather around their small ears, dotting their hair and occasionally other less common places.They appear to have an average structure when it comes to the feet, though their legs are still rough and toes still clawed. Boots are surprisingly not uncommon.
Known for being sexually dimorphic, there are differences between the two sexes of this race. Where females tend to be duller in color, the males of the race tend to be brighter and vibrant. This expands into their cultural values as well as physical features.
The Avalti are egg bearers, their young hatching in a nursery guarded by the males of their society. At a young age they tend to look like small hatchling birds with some humanoid features. As they grow they start to depart from their floofy awkward birdstage and into a much more humanoid form. They reach sexual maturity at 16, and are considered adolescents until 20, and adults at 25. They tend to live a long life and perish around 160 years of age.
The origin of the Avalti is a much discussed rumor among those thriving in the Aceadia jungles. Things of mystery, often times considered monsters akin to harpies or other flight inclined creations of Kinos. There were records of them before the chaos that engulfed Aceadia, and many other hints had been destroyed in the conflict. Unlike the monsters they are rumored to be, the Avalti are extremely peace minded. Best known for their sleepless villages, vibrant through the day and night. They are also known for their mass migrations, rumored to be the coming of a storm by the inhabitants below. They happen to be a race with a colorful culture mixed with tribal themes and playful rituals. A colorful society with a rich culture developed in isolation. Coming of age ceremonies where they seek the birds closest to their own design, bright sociable festivals for their god, and mating rituals where the women hide their feathers and the males seek them out to impress the woman they wish to marry.
Luckily, they are far from legend, as most myths go in Saphriel. A race that flocks the treetops, these flightless avian kin spend much time away from the dangers lurking below, and have only recently drifted down to meet the earth once more. Having initially fled due to the wars below the treetops, they have since avoided contact with anyone below until the blood had washed away over the years due to the event harshly cutting their numbers.
Work in Progress!​
Closely connected to the sky the Avalti culturally devote themselves to Demostos. While some may orient to other gods, the stars and sky hold a great importance to them. With the belief that they are constantly encompassed in Demostos’ presence. Every month, there are events centered around the sky, weeklong festivals that cease to stop regardless of the time, held at both times for both night dwellers and day bound Avalti. Places they consider sacred are those spaces closest to the sky, the nursery, and certain checkpoints used for migration, each with a shine to request the sky’s blessing on their continuing journey.
Name Examples:
Male: Female: Unisex:
Ikal (Spirit) Ariche (Dusk) Hasen (Soul)
Kasakir (Daybreak) Sesasi (Pretty) Iktan (Clever)
Kabil (Cloud) Citlali (star) Naran (Moon)