Small: Strength: 4 | Constitution: 4 | Agility: 9 | Speed: 8
Medium: Strength: 5 | Constitution: 6 | Agility: 7 | Speed: 7
Large: Strength: 8 | Constitution: 8 | Agility: 4 | Speed: 6

Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Fur Coat
A strength and a weakness, the fur that covers the bodies of the Ca'liar grants them a resistance to cold weather and some natural elements. However, they are ill-suited for arid climates such as mesas and deserts, resulting in extreme discomfort and a susceptibility to heat stroke in these areas.
Natural WeaponsThe Ca'liar have a better sense of both sight and hearing when compared to other races, allowing them to better perceive threats and their environment, especially in the dark.
Heightened Senses
Thanks to their beastial lineage, the Ca'liar are born with pointed feline-like teeth and a set of a natural retracting claws on both their feet and hands.
Night Vision
The eyes of the Ca'liar are more akin to that of a feline, allowing them to see clearly even in extreme darkness.
Magic Aspects
The Ca'liar, like the other beastial races, are very limited when it comes to magic. Few of them show potiental for it, but those that do will always show it in only a single aspect: Earth. Much like the other beast races, Ca'liar are able to cast up to medium level in earth magic without a trinket if they have magical potiental.
Appearance and Traits:
The Ca'Liar are one of the three major beastial races in the world. They resemble a cross between man and cat due to their feline heritage. They are covered from head to toe in fur, which can vary both in thickness, design, length, and color from a variety of breeds from their animal counterparts. Their fur can come in a variety of browns, yellows, oranges, greys and so on, and have a variety of markings and spots. It typically does not grow in excess, though it is not uncommon for mains, fur tufts, head hair, and so on to form.
Their faces are close to that of a human's, but with a flatter feline-like nose. Their eyes come in a variety of colors, but will always have an appearance similar to that of a cat. Included with these feline traits are cat-like ears from the tops of their heads, and long tails that improve their balance. Included with these features are digitigrade legs and pawed feline feet. Rather than nails, they have retractable feline claws on both their hands and feet.
They are naturally very athletic and agile in nature due to their animalistic lineage, holding many natural abilities and traits that their beastial counterpart would have. Typically, Ca’Liar live to be anywhere between 80 to 120 years old.
The Ca'Liar vary greatly in size and build, a trait from their wide range of feline ancestors. Most can be classified by three build types.
Small Build: These Ca'Liar are naturally smaller by heritage, and are more akin to a smaller version of a human. Most only reach full height just above five feet. As a result of their lack of size, they also lack a great deal of physical strength. However, these cat-folk are far more agile than most.
Medium Build: These Ca'Liar are around the size of a human, some a bit taller and larger. Most reach full height just above six feet or so. Their builds are around the same as a human, and their physical traits are just as similar to them as well, aside from being a bit more agile and quick on their feet.
Large Build: These Ca'Liar are far larger thanks to their lineage, some topping off around the size and build of an orc. While far stronger than the other variants of their race, they greatly lack in their speed and grace.
It is somewhat rare for a Ca'Liar to have magical potential, only about 10% of their population being known to have it. Those that do have it will be able to use a single aspect, which will always be that of Earth. Much like the other beast races, Ca'Liar are able to cast up to medium level in earth magic without a trinket if they have magical potential.
The Ca'Liar are an honorable Warrior-Asiatic culture, a fierce race living on a distant continent from Saphriel named Einar. Overall they are a honor-bound culture, and many would willingly give their lives to protect their culture and traditions. Most attempt to follow what they believe is true or just. However, through ages of warring, it was found that what was true and just was relative. Due to this, there is more a focus on doing one’s duty for the greater cause you serve.
Being an honor-bound race, it is culturally accepted and expected that they retain their honor. If one Ca'Liar were to insult another's honor, the insulted party can announce a duel to regain it. The duel traditionally took place within a specific set of time, and only ended until one was unable to fight, dead or otherwise.
There were originally two sects of the Ca’Liar. The Empire, led by the Emperor Ri’Shaka, who believed that strength and harmony could only be achieved by force, evident from their war-like tendencies and violent actions. All Ca'Liar, they believed, should be united under their banner, even if subjugation and death was neccessary. On the opposing end were the Monks, focused on inner peace and tranquility. There were some outstanding warrior monks that studied martial arts, but they were one of the only defenses this sect had.
The Empire made an effort to burn and destroy recorded history from before Ri’Shaka became Emperor, to keep future generations in the dark about their older history. Many lashed out in outrage at this attempt to quell their culture, though the Empire was quick to silence any resistance. The final straw was when Ri'Shaka took the throne of the Ca'Liar through deception and betrayal, resulting in civil war.
The war was a bloody and brutal one, resulting in the deaths of many on all sides. At first, the war ended with Einar split between two sides: those who wished to follow the old, peaceful ways of the Monks residing in the east, and those loyal to the war-bound Emperor residing to the west.
Since then, however, further conflicts have erupted before being settled, with some that involved races from the continent of Saphriel. Eventually, the Monks were absorbed into the Empire and from here new branches appeared, with different focuses, though all claiming that their way was for the good of their war-trodden country. Some groups did not agree with the chaos that had taken place before, and set off to make their own. Others joined tribes or groups that had always existed outside of the Empire’s influence, resulting in vastly varying cultures and ideology throughout Einar.
Ca'Liar made their way to Saphriel a few years ago from oversea, though there were no major trade routes or ships that made the trip to their lands very often. This has resulted in Ca'Liar being a minority race in Saphriel, with little presence in numbers and next to no political influence. Very little communication has taken place between the two continents due to political tension, and the Ca'Liar Emperor has blocked their homeland off from all outsiders aside from rare occurrence of trade, typically done unofficially or illegally. Yet the blocked border is only one way, and every so often Ca'Liar may venture to Saphriel via these rare trade and smuggling ships, or through other means. Most simply wish to escape their unstable homelands, while others may seek adventure.
The Kingdom has attempted to repair relations between the continents, first and foremost by the execution of one of their own who massacred many Ca'Liar. While there are rumours that the border may one day open up again, only time will tell if this shall truly be the case.
Ca'Liar Naming System
There are several Ca'Liar naming systems. The most common is the Empire’s way of naming, based off of a system of titles in the forms of prefixes. The list below shows various sects and tribes and their way of naming.
Empire: The largest group in the Ca’Liar lands, most have followed a similar naming system over their whole history based on various prefixes.
Feminine Honorifics
Dra = Known for wisdom and wit, or of venerable age
Daro = Nimble fingered, lithe of tongue
Ko = Respected healer, mage, or scholar, sometimes added to the names of learned ancestors
La = Promiscuous maiden
Masculine Honorifics
Kar = Thief, clever
Ko = Distinctive warrior
Kro = Grandparent
L/La/Li = Bachelor, young adult
Po = Respected physician, scholar, or mage
Ta = Esteemed leader of soldiers, trade, or governance
Gender Neutral/Unknown Honorifics
Do = Warrior
M/Ma = Child, apprentice, term of endearment, also used to imply virginity
Qa = Unknown
S = Adult
Tribes: A smattering of various cultures, their names vary but tend to be less structured and natural on the tongue.
In Ca’Liar culture there is a strong striving for balance between their mentalities. From here stems a devout sense of worship to Udero, the most common form of religion on the continent. For nearly all of their recorded history, the Ca'Liar have dedicated themselves to the worship and teachings of Udero, a tradition that has extended back for countless generations. Because of this, their homeland is dotted with shrines to both Udero and those that they have lost in death. Gifts are usually left at these altars and shrines to honor the memory of their dead, and to bring fortune to those waiting to be judged for their actions in life.
In recent years, with the rise of their newest emperor, there have been strains of other worship. While Uldir is worshipped fairly commonly in the Empire, it is largely still governed by followers of Udero. There is also a thriving worship of Aderoth, seeing that many hope their their warriors walk this path. As one spans outwards into the more rural lands there is a wider variety of worship, and the occasional Perities worshipper. Most the time, however, a Ca'Liar's worship often falls somewhere between these three gods: Kinos, Udero, and Aderoth.
Udalren: Udero, whose name means the ‘scales’ and the most widely worshiped and accepted practice within the Ca’Liar culture. They are trusted with the judging of the dead and believed to be the foundation for a righteous society. There is often conflict between what is believed to be the correct way of worship, however the gods importance is agreed upon.
Altaio: Aderoth, the name literally means “Loving one”, or “Love-giving one”, and is most represented as a raven. Monks believe that he is the founder of their ways, after revealing the peaceful ways to the first monk. The first monk and leader of their faith is titled the Aethean and his successor is chosen through signs that the previous one leaves as he dies. In addition, they believe that Altaio holds the keys to the Underworld.
Pirae: Perities, name literally means “Equally hunting one”, but is taken to mean “One who hunts all creatures of the earth”. He is the creator of the first Ca'Liars, and did so in order to destroy a “beast”(The Ancients mentioned in the lore) which some scholars may argue (although there’s no evidence) as the Ancients of Einar. He forbade the Ca'Liar from using the works of the Ancients, and is the one who the Ca'Liar worship by default.
Ulide: Uldir, name literally means “Forest-path”. Strangely, the Ca'Liar hold Ulide and Pirae as opposites: While one emphasizes that nature is the natural medium of all combat, the other says nature merely is another variable to the way of war. Ulide is the god who bestowed on them their techniques of war; martial arts, swords crafting (until Ulide influence, Ca'Liar fought only with claws and fists), and strategy. His contribution to the Ca'Liar is… complex.
Kenyeo: Kinos, name meaning “Ki (energy) giver”, he’s added as a footnote saying he was the one who breathed life into the first Ca'Liar along with the assistance of Pirae. He is prayed to at the beginning of every planting, and before any journey. Represented as a giant tortoise, all newborns are blessed by Kenyeo, as he is a symbol of long life.
The other deities are mentioned in minor documents, but are rarely called for. In addition to their version of the gods they worship and follow the teachings of their ancestors and past leaders. Their homeland is dotted with shrines to each of their variants of the gods as well as ancestors and fallen leaders. Gifts are usually left at these altars and shrines to honor the memory of their dead, and to bring fortune from their patron gods and ancient spirits.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Li'cho Dra’Shaksha
Kro'Dahir Daro’Naka
Po'Shakin La’Kihir
Do’Khahin Do’Kharjo