This is a PlayerPlus Addon to any Race

Image Credit: Michael Whelan
Key Features:
Key Feature
Changelings have one central theme
Magic Aspects
Being a changeling does not affect magic
Appearance and Traits:
Changelings are a relatively new phenomena tied to an old legend of stolen children, replaced kids within cribs. The truth is that it was never limited to children.
Nor does it need to be a replacement in full. Changeling is a wide category that is rarely earned by those who have been whisked away by the Fae for an extended period. Spending so much time with entities of chaos has a way of rubbing off and those who return rarely do so the same as they left. There's rumor that some Changelings began as Fae, but the Fae themselves do not speak of such matters.
Changelings resemble their birth races and many are unaware that they are what they are. Indeed some may never discover their nature, while others find themselves changing the further they delve into this side of them, till Godly servants and Fae both take notice and the spiral begins.
When creating a Changeling you must consider themes. Approach it as if you were designing at first a Fae, then think of a person who might vaguely remind of that creature. A Changeling that speaks with plants may be themed to a gardener or a dryad.
Another who can shift their features may be themed to shapechangers or to mirrors. It is often good to consider an object and build from there. One thing to keep in mind is that while most are unaware of being a Changeling, nearly all Changelings have quirks or things that set them apart in behavior from society.
Like Half-Demons, Changelings enjoy a few odd advantages for the price of being them. They have the ability to form a pact with another individual once they discover what they are, which allows them to perform feats outside of magic. One such ability is seeing as the Fae do, observing the world in names and definitions, agreements and fundamental code.
While a Changeling would gain only one of these, a few examples include:
Shapeshifting one's features such as skin tone and facial construction, but nothing as dramatic as height or gender.
The ability to mystically open mundane door locks without picks or keys.
The ability to be considered a member of the animal kingdom by wildlife, and often ignored because of it.
The ability to speak with plants on some level.
The ability to absorb the injury of their pact partner.
To the Fae, all things are an agreement, a deal. Thus all things have a price; no power comes without cost. If you are interested in creating a Changeling, please contact Sero0, Rajaat, or Phaere to work on details before posting an application.
Work in Progress!​
Work in Progress!​
Work in Progress!​
Name Examples:
Male: Female: