The Creation Myth
(These are the common beliefs of the people of Saphriel about the creation of the universe rather than a fundamental truth.)
It was over five hundred thousand years ago that the God Demosto, and the universe that he created in his wake, came to be. The depiction that man had created for this deity was a mighty and all-powerful male figure, with long, flowing robes that seemed to sparkle with the brightness of the stars themselves. It was said that as he drifted through the darkness which was to become the universe, countless galaxies and stars materialized behind him, seemingly forming from nothing as he moved through the never-ending darkness, lighting the path behind him.
After many millennia of creation, Demosto came to rest upon a barren world that he had created. This world is where he begat his children, each of them made from a piece of himself. His first child was Kinos, the God of Earth and Sea. The second was Aderoth, God of Purity and Healing. Then came the third, Behmos, God of Darkness and Sin. Lastly came Udero, his final child, God of Balance and Order. Udero was tasked to keep the three children in check. Demosto, after creating his children, then returned to the cosmos once more to observe his creation from afar.
The four siblings came together on this wasteland and with haste begat sons of their own. Kinos created from himself the God of the Hunt, Pereties. Aderoth created the God of Magic, Bothimir. Finally from Behmos was the creation of the God of War, Uldir. Udero, however, refused to create an offspring of his own, for he believed that this would upset the balance of power. Out of fear of greater unbalance, Udero forbade the gods from creating any further children of their own. Since then, no other godly beings have been created, as far as anyone may know.
Working together with their sons, the gods created the planet that would become known as Haraveth. Kinos looked upon the barren wasteland and lifted his hand, seemingly pulling the oceans and trees from the ground and creating life for this once-empty world. Once the planet was given the resources to provide other life, Kinos would then create the lesser beings and creatures to inhabit the world; first smaller beings, such as insects, then livestock, and soon even greater creatures that preyed on these. Animals, however, were not to be the sole inhabitants of this world. Working together with all of the Gods, Kinos soon created what would be the first race and inhabitants of Haraveth: the Frol.
The Frol were a powerful and mighty race, greater than any made since. The Gods gifted them with magical potential, awe-inspiring strength, unmatched power, and high intelligence. These beings lived on Haraveth for thousands of years, creating an elaborate civilization under the watchful eyes of their creators. They crafted with magic itself, forging legendary tools and weapons, and constructed many of the magical relics and artifacts known today. However, in time the Frol began to grow selfish, arrogant. They looked down on the Gods themselves, for they thought themselves greater than their makers, believing that they had become the superior beings of the universe. This was the point where the Frol then decided to rebel against the Gods, and dared to steal their power of creation.
The response the Gods would have to this uprising was swift and brutal. The ignorance of the Frol became their downfall, for they were unaware that the Gods would just as soon destroy the creations they had watched grow. The Frol would soon find the Gods descending from the heavens, appearing from the realms they had been residing within for thousands of years, as they hunted down every Frol that had defied the Gods, effectively committing mass genocide and wiping the Frol from the face of the world.
Nearly two thousand years would pass before the Gods decided that they would attempt creation again. This time, they created a variety of races much weaker than the Frol, for they feared that if they were to create another race as powerful as them, they too would become corrupt and attempt to rebel against their creators. Kinos, from the ashes of Haraveth, created the six mortal races. The Humans, who were adaptable and intelligent. The Elves, who were graceful and light. The Dwarves, who were stout and tough. The Orcs, who were strong and fierce. The Goblins, who were small and sneaky. Finally came the creation of the Trolls, gargantuan and powerful. However, in recent years further beings have come to light, calling into question this narrative of creation. Word of fish folk known as Kurol has spread across sailors, while the feline Ca'Liar have set foot onto the mainland. Are these creations of the Gods as well? Or something more?
The Gods
God of purity, light, and healing; creator of Angels and ruler of Heaven, as well as the source of all holy magic. Often depicted as a woman, but may be depicted as a man in some regions, either elvish or human in nature, wearing flowing golden garb. They are one of the most commonly-worshiped gods in the realm next to Udero, and are primarily worshiped by humans. Their chosen champions are referred to as Priests and Paladins, each holding their own special gifts granted to them for their faith and dedication.
God of darkness and sin; creator of vampires, undead, and demons along with hosts of other abysmal creatures. Often depicted as a humanoid draped in dark robes with his face hidden. He is the creator and ruler of Hell, as well as the source of all dark magic. He is by far the most under-worshiped god, as worship of Behmos is illegal within the Kingdom, but for those who know the path, his champions of darkness are known Warlocks and Abyss Walkers. Each hold their own special powers gifted to them, at a costly price.
God of balance and order; creator of Homuncului, who watch over and act as messengers between realms. Often depicted as both male and female, they are normally shown as a young but very tall human, though at times an Elf, with flowing white robes. They judge who is to go to Heaven or Hell, based on their actions in life. Tribute is often paid to Udero by political figures and merchants in hopes of fair trials, judgement, and trade.
God of the cosmos, stars, sky, and creation. Not commonly worshiped, but a great power recognized by most races. Little is given in their respect, as beyond the story of creation there is nothing else known about them. They are mostly depicted as a man draped in flowing robes and capes made of the night sky, decorated with stars and lights.
God of wildlife and the hunt as well as the creator of werewolves and the realm of the Hunt. They are almost always depicted as a man, but very rarely they are shown as a woman. They are always depicted, regardless of gender, as a younger humanlike figure dressed in the attire of a hunter. Not commonly worshiped, besides by hunters and trappers. For those chosen to become a champion of Perities, many gifts of the hunt are given to them, and they become known as Hearn.
God of magic and the ruler and creator of the aether realm, which serves as the source of all magic, excluding dark and holy. He is also known as the father of elementals, powerful sentient constructs of magic. He is mostly worshiped by mages, and much like Perities is almost always portrayed as a male elder man or high elf, sometimes depicted with a long, flowing beard, depending on race. His devout worshipers could potientally become one known as an Esoteris, with powerful gifts of magic.
God of conflict, war, and battle. The creator and master of battle maidens, his servants and protectors. He is always depicted as male, but in a varying races; usually as a man or orc, but rarely even a dwarf. He is always, however, shown as a battle-hardened warrior, usually accompanied by his maidens of battle. His most dedicated followers can become champions known as Skalds, who hold many powers and are well-known for being very effective against mages. He is mostly worshiped by warriors.
God of the earth and seas, and father of all mortal races. He is a commonly-worshiped god, especially by dwarves and elves. Tribute is often paid to him for good harvests and yields when mining and pulling resources from the land. One of the most commonly worshipped Gods among many races. Unlike most other gods, he is often depicted as a nude male earthy humanoid figure, made from the stones and waters of the land.