Strength: 8 | Constitution: 10 | Agility: 3 | Speed: 4

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Key Features:
Poison Resistance
Dwarves have a natural resistance to any and all poisons.
Dwarvish Strength
Dwarves, despite their size are nearly as strong as an orc thanks to their condensed muscles.
Superior Respiratory System
Dwarves have developed a higher functioning respitory system that is able to supply a them with more oxygen, even when in low oxygenated areas.
Magic Aspects
Dwarves are one of the more magically lacking races, and those who do have magical potential are only able to use up to two aspects.
Dwarven, Common
Appearance and Traits:
Dwarves are short and stocky compared to humans, with males reaching an average height of four foot four, where females commonly cease growth at four feet. Their hair is relatively bland in that it is rarely a color other than brown, black, white, and rarely red. Their eyes are most commonly brown, but blue is possible as well. Dwarves are particularly strong when compared to humans; the male Dwarf’s body is especially bulky, with dense muscles and thick bones. A male Dwarf incapable of growing a beard has yet to be documented; be it a full beard, moustache or some other variant of beard, a dwarf will grow one. Female Dwarves have not shown a tendency to grow beards; instead, their hair shows similar properties in that it ceases growth completely once they enter adulthood.
Males of the race reach sexual maturity at 20 years old, while females develop slower, reaching sexual maturity at 30 years old. Both genders reach adulthood at 40 years old, and commonly expire at an approximate 180 years old. The beginning of their beard’s growth is a signal that they are reaching sexual maturity, while the end of its growth signals their reach of adulthood. A Dwarven beard completely ceases growth at this point unless cut, at which point it will grow to the same length as before.
Dwarves possess the most raw physical strength of the Alliance races, only being surpassed by the Orcs. Due to their dense muscle and bone structure, however, they are lacking in both speed and agility. As a result of their life far beneath the surface, their lungs have adjusted to its lack of air, resulting in their respiratory systems being far more efficient in supplying the average Dwarf with vital oxygen. Likewise, their life far beneath the ground has granted them the uncanny ability to filter blood-based poison through their system with virtually no effect. Finally, an approximate 25% of all Dwarves show magical potential, dwarves can have up to two aspects.
The Dwarves took to the mountains of the realm, creating massive underground cities that boggled the mind. However there is only one surviving Dwarven city of note in Saphriel: Thonduhm. Located on a large island, in its mid-northern parts the Dwarves created the massive city of Thonduhm, in the mountains of the same name. It was this city which the Dwarves sealed themselves inside, in their pursuit of riches deep underground. Their craftsmanship and mining methods are nearly unmatched by any current living race. Before the Pact War they were rarely seen outside of their mountain homes, typically keeping to themselves. However, this did not stop them from trading with the other races quite often, especially the humans. They are a jolly sort as a whole, and typically enjoy a hard day's work and a strong drink. In fact, the dwarves are quite famed for their brewing skills, as well as their ability to down endless amounts of alcohol.
The Dwarves did not fall easily during the war, Thonduhm outlasted only by Silvrenmir in how long it stood. Their underground city was virtually impenetrable, and it took the combined efforts of the goblins, trolls, and orcs under the command of three cult leaders to break down the gates and take the city. Very few dwarves managed to survive the attack and flee from their mountain home; nearly 85% of the city’s population was wiped out in the attack. Those who lived have now taken up residence in Barkamsted with the other refugees who have fled the war. In recent years many of the dwarves have come to make peace with the Pact races, and by working together efforts are being made to reclaim their mountain homeland. However, there is still much resentment and hostility held towards the Pact races by the Dwarven people, despite the recent treaty between the two groups.
The Dwarves are a proud, stubborn people, for whom the worship of ancestors and the past is as important as living in the present. They brawl just as often and as willingly as they drink and be rowdy, usually in the same night. Passion, both positive or negative, usually flows in their veins.
Dwarves as a whole typically worship Kinos, god of the earth and sea. However, unlike in the culture of other races, they typically do not gather to perform this worship. Instead, they simply pay homage and give thanks to him for the riches of the land that he provides them. Their great faith in the god takes visible shape in the center of Thonduhm, where there is an ancient altar dedicated to Kinos. The second-most-common god worshiped by the Dwarves is Uldir, particularly amongst Dwarven warriors.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Benrus Bruldora
Gralrim Tasdish
Borin Belleria
Thuldor Bretlyn