Strength: 3 | Constitution: 4 | Agility: 6 | Speed: 6

Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Poison Resistance
Thanks to their Dwarven heritage, Dwelves have a natural resistance to poisons.
Disease Resistance
Thanks to their Elven heritage, Dwelves have a natural resistance to disease.
Dwelves are naturally light on their feet, and are capable of moving silently quite easily.
Magic Aspects
Dwelves are nearly as magically gifted as their Elven parents, with the majority of their kind being able to use magic. However, they are limited to only 2 aspects.
Common, Dwarven, Elven
Appearance and Traits:
Dwelves typically grow to be 3 to 4 feet tall, and have a rather lean stature; rarely is there a fat Dwelf. Due to genetic incompatibility between Dwarves and Dark Elves, Dark-Elven Dwelves are nonexistant. A Dwelf will always have the pointed ears of an Elf, and are unable to grow any form of facial hair. A Dwelf, much like an Elf, lacks any real muscle structure and are usually very weak, though they are quite agile and light on their feet, able to move quickly and without sound with relative ease. Dwelves have a smiliar range of skin tone to humans, and their eyes and hair color similarly follow human varieties. Generally, Dwelves are of peaceful nature and are rarely seen in combat, though as with any race, exceptions exist. They are also well-known for their massive appetites, and are known to eat twice as much as a human would in one sitting. Dwelves reach sexual maturity at the age of 25, and adulthood by 28. They seem to live anywhere between 200 to 300 years old.
Dwelves seem to have the same magical capabilities as an Elf, with 80% of all Dwelves having magic potential, though only possessing two aspects, a trade-off from their Dwarven heritage.
As the offspring of an Elf and a Dwarf, the Dwelf is a misbegotten creature. Like a Half-Elf, they are mistreated by the Elven community, though frequently to a far greater degree. Dwelves are one of the rarest races seen today next to Half-Orcs. All Dwelves born in the Elven cities were banished from their homelands, typically moving to a more accepting human society. Though Dwelves born in Dwarven lands were accepted to a slightly greater degree, many Dwarves still have a tendency to regard them with moderate prejudice. Dwelves are rarely seen today in Falkvard and Barkamsted, and are the minority of all other races in the city.
Work in Progress!​
Dwelves, being a minority race with no goverment or cities, do not have a common religion amongst themselves. Perhaps the closest to this is the worship of Kinos, God of the earth and seas, much like their Dwarven and Elven parents. Aside from this, there is little in the way of a major following of one God; most Dwelves worship whatever God or Gods fit their desires.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Benrus Amara
Gralrim Elora
Eldar Belleria
Fenian Bretlyn