The Realm of Saphriel
Welcome to the Realm of Saphriel
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10Roleplay Center
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293General RP
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- General RPI'm a smith still in learning and I'm searching for a skilled elven smith! I'm interested in traditional elven smithing, and designs regarding elven armor and wish to learn more on its forms and functions. If any are interested in teaching or talking regarding this subject please write Quetzal Talonscout! -QuEtZaL TALonScOuT (halomantis on discord)Like
- General RPThe guard is offering a reward for finding a missing person. Any verifiable and actionable information leading to the location and recovery of one Ivanovich Ranakev will be subject to a 20 silver reward on successful recovery - safe and alive - the person in question. For all inquiries and information, please direct information to the guard. Lord Alewaer of House Alwaran, PrivateLike
- MarketplaceNesty Farm is seeking a reliable farmhand to tend to the animals and its orchard, as well as to help with beekeeping responsibilities. It is a smaller farm and all are invited to an interview regardless of prior experience. You will be taught first to feed the animals every morning and to help maintain their health, as well as some light gardening. Additional responsibilities with gathering honey and orchard fruits will be expected during the appropriate seasons. Beekeeping attire will be provided upon training. If only half of these duties--with tending to the garden and animals--are met throughout a month then you will receive one silver for the pay period. Once all responsibilities are fulfilled then this pay increases to two silver a month, and will continue to be this even through the winter months if you have contributed consistent work throughout the year ((OOC: fruit and honey gathering at least twice a week)). If you cannot fulfill all of these requirements then your position will be replaced, unless you are able to communicate prior to any absence. All interested parties may please reach out to Gregory TopazLike