Potions and Alchemy Store
Within Nature's Brew you will find various alchemical substances and ingredients ranging from combat orientated poisons to curse repelling amulets. If there is something not present than ask the employee/s working at the counter within and they can offer assistance.
Our main categories are as followed:
Alchemical Enhancers
Alchemical Healing & Medical
Alchemical Poisons
Alchemical Utilities
Alchemical Misc & Luxury
Alchemical Ingredients & Supplies
We also hold various herbal and non-herbal alchemical substances for those aspiring to create their own mixtures and brews. Additionally there is a private greenhouse which access can be purchased for a low price of two silver a month. Inquire with Lord Eadbhard Vodussi, or one of the staff at the counter for more information.
Current Employees:
Gregory Topaz
Leopold Lambert
Current Business Partners:
Enych Felriede
Lord Melviir Qorinvayas
Located on the corner of Main Street and Lilac Alley within A | 001. Near the western entrance to the Merchant's Guild.
For any business questions or custom requests please contact Lord Eadbhard Vodussi.
~Nature's Brew~
Is currently hiring. Looking for specific individuals who have a history of dealing with dangerous and mundane alchemical substances or those wishing to learn and obtain their Alchemy Permit. Other areas of specialty or experience shall also be considered.
All interested parties should sent missive to Lord Eadbhard Vodussi.