Beauty and alchemical products
Located just to the right of the Falkvard Hospital, the Pumpkin&Pestle is a shop dedicated to vanity products. What better means to present a prosperous, recovered society in face of fearsome foes than mild luxuries? This shop hopes to make such goods more available to the common populace.
It also provides some medical items and custom alchemy orders. Should you desire a specific brew, even one outside of the context of the shop, please do not hesitate to contact our employees!
The shop is also able to provide other orders if asked and is linked to Petite Lapin.
Pestle Prestige!
Introducing Pestle Prestige, our brand new program that rewards loyal and long time shoppers at our establishment! Pestle Prestige requires a 20 silver payment per year to keep one's membership active.
While active, the participant enjoys a 20% discount on Pumpkin&Pestle and Alsafar products, save for enchanting which has a price regulation in the kingdom. Further, as you make purchases you accumulate Pumpkin Points, which may be spent for further discounts or unique and special prizes. At every fifty silver spent, you receive a Pumpkin Point which remains even if your membership expires, which may be used for further discounts or offers.
Presently we are trying the new program so suggestions are welcome. The unique offers shall be expanded upon over time but currently include:
Every two Pumpkin Points will find the participant gifted with a cute bauble from the Pumpkin&Pestle.
Five Pumpkin Points may be spent to gain a further discount of 40% off of one product.
Ten Pumpkin Points may be expended to receive the option to purchase the special stock, which shall be expanded upon.
Twenty Pumpkin Points may be expended to have Lady Evander and Lady Remartiu take an alchemical request that you may sit in on, to not only try to achieve the alchemical vision in its closest form but also perhaps learn some of the process if they are an alchemist.