{ Within the cities of Falkvard and Barkamsted, hangs an elegantly written and altered poster pinned across many notice boards. The edges would shine with altered gold and otherwise the paper was a pale pastel green in hue, branch patterns faint but falling from the top of the page. }

The Whimsical Willow offers a variety of crafted woodworks, from gimmicks to instruments, to furniture for your home. We also sell a number of magically crafted wares which may be of interest to some. Our full range of offers includes:
~ Carpentry / Woodworks; Tools, decor, furniture, etc. ~
~ Interior Design {Must be ordered}~
~ Cursed Goods ~ {Currently unavailable}
~ Altered Crafts ~
~ Enchanted Goods {Rare, mostly orders} ~
Orders may also be taken for any of these things, price lists for cursed goods and enchantments available within the store itself.
The Nature's Brew
Lady Mirithel Lyral
The Whimsical Willow is located on Petunia Place, at L | 009, around the corner from the Mossy Rose and across from the New Falkvard Guard Barracks.
At present we are looking for new employees and business partners. For any further inquiries, as well as custom orders for carpentry or enchantments, contact Lady Nemirel of House Vodussi.
Seeking Employees
The Whimsical Willow is once more looking for employees. If you have an interest or passion for magic, and find yourself in need of work, we are looking for a new clerk to work the counter. Send to Lady Nemirel of House Vodussi if interested!