Character Name: Ricardo Juan Cárlos (Varies)
Race: Goblin
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Character Description: Ricardo is on the taller side for a Goblin, standing at 3’10. He has green skin and a round, bald head. His pointed ears stick out to the sides, a bit wrinkly at the ends. His eyes are large and yellow, he has a snubby short nose and an underbite that causes his teeth to peak up above his lip a bit, giving him a somewhat bulldog-like mouth.
Character Occupation: Noble Goblin Adventurer
Character Personality/Traits:
Ricardo thinks quite highly of himself, and his attitude is nearly unshakable. He could be described as ‘Quick-Witted’ for a Goblin solely due to his ability to make up just about anything on the spot. He talks using big words and fancy speech, though he often misuses them or does not understand what they mean at all. His stories are often easy to pick apart if one prods, but even when they unravel he insists on their truth or finds another way out. He seems almost blissfully unaware of the danger or consequences for his actions.
Character Biography:
As a Goblin, most can pretty easily guess Ricardo is not his real name. He doesn’t remember it, or really any of his childhood. Much of his actual life has blurred into his false memories and made up stories. He was born somewhere between the Mesas and the new cities to a small tribe of Goblins that had not realized, or not accepted, that the war was over. The tribe didn’t last long, but at his young age Ricardo was small enough and quick enough to escape the fighting.
Ricardo had no idea why his people had been killed, nor did he have any knowledge of the Pact War. All he knew is that compared to everyone else he met from then on, he was strangely green and small. Sometimes he saw other green people like him. Some much much bigger than him. He did not want to admit his ignorance or ask for help though, so he simply learned the gist of things through what people said and pretended to understand.
He learned he was a Goblin, and that people didn’t like Goblins because they had been part of some great War that nearly destroyed the other races. The warped version of events he formed in his mind was that of a great Goblin Army, with a few Orc Slaves by their side, nearly conquering the world due to just how great this imaginary Goblin Empire was. But now that Empire had fallen, and the lesser races took their revenge through meager insults and throwing him out of taverns for ‘chewing on the plates.’
He thought about how he could restore this lost glory, if not for all of Goblin-kind then at least for himself. He started paying close attention to the people that seemed to get the most respect, that being Knights and Nobles. He didn’t understand this system of Noblehood, it seemed to him like anyone could just claim to be one and everyone had to respect them for it. So he did, but it didn’t work. He realized if he wanted this to work, he’d have to copy these respectable people and form his own story.
He noticed that they tended to have very long and important sounding names, so he needed his own. Sir Edward Jennings the 5th, Count Manuel Verridad y Galo, Lord Veniriten of House Gout. The longer and fancier, the better. Unfortunately, he has trouble remembering the name he came up with, and he also changes or adds to it when he hears another important sounding name. But the start, ‘Ricardo Juan Cárlos’ has largely remained the same.
His new story was formed; He was Ricardo Juan Cárlos di Rió Simoni Willem Ameurtá de los Franciscó Santíago Doméneché ser Piero van Guernicá d'Avignon Démoisellí, Head and last surviving member of the Noble Goblin House of Xerak. Never heard of ‘Noble Goblins’? Of course not, they were all wiped out in the war, he is the last one left. Which means he deserves extra respect. Most people either get lost trying to keep track of the twisted tale or just stop caring enough to dispute it, leaving Ricardo to believe his plan is a great success.
Donator Item: ‘Noble Crest of House Xerak’ A silver coin that has had an X carved into one side, and a crude face into the other. Indisputable proof of one’s Noble Goblin Heritage.
Magic Biography:
The ability to cast magic is obvious and indisputable proof of Ricardo’s Noble Goblin heritage, for of course a Noble Goblin would be capable of such. He doesn’t know he can cast magic yet, but he is completely confident that he can and even claims to have done so before. He unfortunately does not understand that it requires a trinket and thinks it's just something he will learn eventually.While he won’t wake up one day casting lightning from his fingers like he expects, he’d likely come across a trinket at some point in his life and take it up in order to prove his worthiness as a Goblin Noble. When he learned of his inability to aspect to more than one type of magic, he would claim that it’s because Goblins must choose one aspect to become true masters in rather than dabbling about. Ricardo would be very curious about magic, with a dangerously creative imagination to explore its endless possibilities with little fear of the results. He would continually crack away at it with his strange new ideas.
Please describe the magic system, including its limitations in your own words:
To cast Magic, you need multiple things:
Bothimir's Gift - Without Bothimir's Gift, a character simply cannot perform magic outside of witchcraft or other outlying methods. A character must be born with Bothimir's Gift, they can't obtain it later in life through any known means.
Training - In order to cast magic, a character has to train with it. Mage Characters can cast magic at Weak level to start and must train using the system over time to obtain stronger magic in their desired aspects.
Trinkets - Aside from a few natural-caster races, characters require Trinkets to cast magic of any kind. To cast a type of magic, you need a Trinket of that aspect. Your Trinket also determines how strong you can cast up to, even if you are a Strong Fire Mage with a Medium Trinket you can only cast up to Medium, and try to cast anything higher could cause the trinket to overload and/or explode.
Aspects - While magic up to Medium level in each aspect is possible, characters have only a few specific Aspects they can train beyond Medium. Their number of Aspects depends on their race. Also, a character cannot cast both Holy and Dark Magic of any kind, they can only be blessed with one of the two.
Drain - Casting takes a toll on the body and mind. Mages can only cast so much depending on their level in the caster aspect. They can cast at their strongest level up to 5 times, their 2nd strongest up to 10, 3rd strongest up to 20 and so on. This doesn't mean they can cast Wondrous 5 times, Powerful 10 times and then Stronger 20 times, the drain carries over meaning that casting their strongest level magic would use up double their 2nd strongest and so on. If they continue to cast after they're drained, they begin Overcasting and requiring rolls that could cause injury or death to them. There are some exceptions to Magic Drain such as Holy Shields costing 1/20th the amount of normal casting and using Holy Magic offensively against non-dark creatures costing double aside from a few specific spells.
Please describe how you would use a weak trinket with your characters first/only aspect:
After receiving a weak fire trinket, Ricardo would likely hide it somewhere on himself and then cast magic in little ‘street magician’ acts such as making little sparks and lighting cigars and pipes using his fingers, all to try and convince people that he actually had natural Fire Magic. Unfortunately he wouldn’t be able to do anything too impressive, but of course he was simply holding back, lest he obliterate the town square by accident.
Depending on how small the trinket is, he may try to eat it to gain its powers. While this would probably be a terrible idea, Ricardo believes he can have no ideas, therefore it is a great idea. Eating the trinket would surely prove his Noble Goblin Blood.
If the trinket was too big to eat, he would spin a tale about how it was passed down through generations of Noble Xerak Warlocks to finally end up in his hands, and that while it may appear to be a weak trinket to others, only a Noble Goblin may unlock its true potential.
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I'll get your starting item to you as soon as you can DM me which account you will be playing Ricardo on! Usually an IGN is placed at the top of an application to state which characters are still connected to each account name, so just shoot me a message clarifying what is what.