Character Name: Aether Nytheris
Race: High-Elf
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Character Description:
Aether is a tall slender man- as most elves were, with slightly shorter than average pointed ears, and long silver hair paired with icy blue eyes. Said hair usually had a windswept and somewhat spiked appearance to it, usually facing one direction and falling over one ear.
His voice was smooth and his words flowed effortlessly, as it did for many elves. He had a slightly lower and definitely masculine tone that made his gender no question despite the androgynous nature many elves had.
He normally dressed in blacks, blues, and whites, and had a preference for slightly more refined clothing when not working, nothing like a noble may wear, and also nothing too restrictive or overly fancy. He held himself tall, plastering a smile on his face when he could but he did carry some more serious undertones to the way he held himself.
Character Occupation: Ex-Soldier
Character Personality/Traits:
Refined with a snarky edge. He’s somewhat narcissistic but not in an overbearing way. He enjoys the cold, music, and exploring. He’s an experienced fighter and magic user, at least until more recently. He enjoys chatting and meeting new people, and learning about magic and magical items, abilities, places, champions, and so on.
He holds himself with a degree of self importance, standing tall. This is reflected in his personality, talking to people as if he knows more than them though he does try not to offend, in fact even being quite caring under most of the facade. He’s usually pretty light hearted otherwise, but takes his jobs fairly seriously.
He was also hungry, not specifically for power, but for something more, to reach an unseen potential. This often led to him putting himself in situations he probably should have avoided otherwise.
Character Biography:
Aether grew up as no one special, his family was not bound to any house save for his parents, who were soldiers in the Lyral house, and due to his appearance and affinity for ice magic he’d been compared to the Lyrals before, though not frequently, given no one wanted to offend the house either. His childhood had many ups and downs, his mother he lost unfortunately as she was a soldier, and died in battle during the war against the demons and cult after the Pact war had seen its end. His father was an elven soldier as well, who was quite firm with him, though also not always around. And he was at times too firm for the young elf, causing the two to butt heads frequently.
His mother had left him at a vulnerable time, and he’d blamed his father partially for it as they had both fought in the same battle where she was unfortunately killed by a purple demon while holding off swarms of hell creatures from one of the many hell gates that had appeared around the kingdom.
He’d grown to develop a great distaste for demons, hating them. The only thing he probably still shared with his father. Despite their differences, he often found himself going to the man to help him practice fighting. Even then their situation didn’t improve much, he knew down inside it was not totally his father’s fault, but they still failed to protect his mom when he had the chance, so he could never fully let that go.
As the years went by the two talked less, and when he eventually came of age, his father pressured him into joining the Hall of Earth as his mother had. Begrudgingly, he did so for no other reason than for his mother’s sake- and because he didn’t have many other options at the time.
He went on to train and be refined by the Hall into an effective soldier, making his father proud, and developing the skills he needed to become a renown fighter. The training he’d been doing beforehand helped propel him through the process. But his attitude problems left him conflicting with some of the training, but he eventually managed to carry on through to the end.
When the time came to assign the recruits to their respected houses, he was assigned to house Lyral, ironically enough. And through them he went on to serve for several years. Unfortunately his issue with authority and self absorbed nature made him progress very slowly among the ranks. He did have magical potential, which was a small victory. He eventually got his hands on an ice trinket and proved to be more useful as time went on.
He worked alongside his fellow soldiers against various threats to the kingdom and elven houses, provided relief effort voluntarily during the plague, helped where he could during the Avalti immigration, and stepped forward quickly to help defend when he was called on. Be it fighting monsters, cultists, bandits, whatever he was ordered. He even volunteered to help with the crossroads- but his duties placed him elsewhere at the time.
Though times grew harder as the second long winter set in, proving a difficult time for himself as it did with many others. And it was during this time that he was wounded in a battle during a cult ambush, his entire patrol was struggling from the snow and weather as it were, the attack catching them at an inopportune time. Dullahans, undead, and ghouls assaulted the soldiers, the battle ending in a loss for both sides, with only Aether alive along with two other severely wounded soldiers. And in the battle his trinket was destroyed as a result of his overcasting, the act rendering him unconscious at the time as well, this perhaps was what spared him. As he joined the many corpses on the ground, no longer an active target. When he awoke he was barely able to stabilize the other two survivors before a scouting party sent to investigate their vanishing found them.
He was reprimanded for his misuse of his magic leading to the destruction of a trinket and leaving his patrol down a soldier mid battle, a lesson he’d not soon forget. He got no replacement and had no coin for one himself.
It was not long after this incident he decided to take an indefinite leave from the elven military to pursue something more from life. He was still young in terms of elven lifespans, and felt he had more potential that he’d never reach unless he branched out. And after that near death experience, he felt he needed to become something more, and someone stronger, faster.
His father was disappointed in his choice- but the two rarely spoke these days and he did not care to find himself beholden to his father’s whims. And so, he set out to reach the potential he knew had.
Other/Extra: A pair of light blue spectacle glasses
Magic Biography:
Aether knew his core aspects since he had himself tested with several trinkets in his youth. Disgusted and surprised to find he meshed well with dark magic. He had no love in any regards for it- yet perhaps it was his attitude and hate that made him mesh with it so well ironically. He also found himself blending well with ice magic, as well as lightning and illusion.
He got his hands on an ice trinket midway into his career as a soldier as a gift, and was able to practice and use ice magic up to a strong level for some time in the elven military, but he unfortunately lost his trinket and magical progress with it some years ago.
That said his drive and love for magic is still strong as ever, if not stronger. He often daydreams of new mix magics, enchantments, and the potential uses of his aspects as well as those of other magics, hoping to become a well renowned mage someday.
Please describe the magic system, including its limitations in your own words:
Magic is cast by by channeling ones magic through an object known as a trinket. The strength of this magic and the type of magic is based on the type and strength of the trinket. There are several limitations, such as said casting level, as well as the time it takes to train your magical strength, and the risks of overcasting.
Each race has a different number of aspects, an aspect being a primary magic focus for your character, allowing them to pass medium levels. Some races, such as dark elves have no aspects. Should one overuse or abuse magic beyond their limits, it can risk overcasting. This ranges from nosebleeds, headaches, passing out, to actual death.
Please describe how you would use a weak trinket with your characters first/only aspect:
Using a weak trinket of ice, one could cool a small space or liquid, or create a thin layer of frost across a mundane surface.
This application is Approved! Everything looks clear and concise, follows the server timeline and fits with server lore, and the magic application shows a clear understanding of the server's systems. Aether is in the clear! Starting funds will be delivered shortly, and enjoy your new character!