Character Name - Ko’Kraver Vomos (aka Carver)
Race - Ca’Liar (Large Build)
Age - 48
Birth Date - Elenya, 1 Narie, 62 AW
Gender - Male
Character Description:
At an intimidating 7 feet and 6 inches tall and built to match, Carver is on the bigger side even among large build ca’liar. His feline eyes are yellow, his retractable claws black, and his fur grey with brown markings that are especially prominent on his face and at the tips of his fur. He carries himself with near perfect posture both on and off the battlefield, stooping only to duck beneath obstacles due to his lofty height.
Character Occupation:
Soldier, wood carver, and stone carver.
Character Personality/Traits:
If ever there was a “strong, silent type,” it would be Carver. After making many mistakes in his past, he’s come to realize that silence is golden, and that holding his tongue often leads to better outcomes than if he’d wag his tongue about. Not only that, but he knows it changes peoples’ perception of him. They often write him off as stupid, and talk more freely around him about their more personal/secret matters, or they’ll find him intimidating and steer clear of him; and either way suits him just fine. Words have often been his enemy, so it only makes sense that he’d find a way to best them, and in that, silence is his ally. And not only is he physically strong, but he does his absolute best to keep a distance mentally from the world around him and view everything from an objective view, free of bias and emotional attachment. Friends and family will come and go. Personal belongings will be earned and lost. But despite this, his guilt follows him everywhere. He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor, though irony is not lost on him and may be found amusing. To him, all that really matters is finding a cause worth fighting for, and living that truth to the end of his days. Sick of corruption, he searches for a cause with unfaltering ideals, eager to finally do right in the world. He often feels weary in this pursuit, but for him, it’s all he knows.
Character Biography:
When Ko’Kraver was born into the Vomos clan, the clan was already dying out. After generations of civil war supporting the Empire and the Emperor as distinguished and fearsome warriors, their numbers had dwindled more and more until no more than 15 tribe members remained alive, the majority of which were terribly injured or maimed from fighting in the war. Ko’Kraver, or “Ma’Kraver,” as he was called as a child, was a happy accident to his parents, and would bear the duty of carrying on the Vomos clan’s name into future generations. Or so, that’s what his parents hoped.
When Ko’Kraver was 8 years old, a force of ca’liar opposing the Empire overtook the Vomos clan’s camp, and none were left alive. None save young Ma’Kraver. He didn’t see his family die, but he heard their cries as they went into battle and then fell. He believed he wouldn’t be spared when the enemy did find him, but the men who found him had something else in mind. For whatever reasons they had, it was decided that Ma’Kraver would live… but his clan would not. With a flaming hot blade, ((TRIGGER WARNING: PHYSICAL MUTILATION THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH)) the 8 year old boy was castrated and discarded, left to be recovered by the Empire’s forces.
Unfortunately for Ma’Kraver, the Empire had no use for a child with no clan. While some took pity on him and would house and feed him - sometimes even months at a time - no one truly took in the young boy. And less than 2 years later, the civil war was over. Still young, traumatized, and bitter, Ma’Kraver was spiteful towards the Monks in the East, believing them all to be just like the heartless monsters that took his clan from him. But to his surprise, soon there was infighting in the Empire itself. Smaller conflicts as they were, they still confused the boy. Wasn’t the Empire the good guys? And if so, why were they fighting themselves?
Over the next 9 years, Ma’Kraver made it his goal to become fit enough to serve the Empire as his clan had before him; through combat. He got himself jobs working manual labor to grow his muscles as well as jobs on farms that kept him well fed, and all the while he trained and sparred either with anyone who’d accept or by himself when no one would. He had it in mind to become a great warrior, and soon enough, he got his chance to prove himself.
One summer day when Ma’Kraver was 19 years old, 2 small figures creeped into the barn of the farm he was working at. He was in the fields at the time, but he saw the motion of the two as they entered the building. Ever ready for a fight, Ma’Kraver took his pitchfork in hand and went to investigate. When he peeked inside the barn, he found that two small build ca’liar had entered the barn and slit the throat of one of the sheep there, and were getting ready to take their stolen good and run. They saw the large figure of Ma’Kraver in the doorway and both extended their claws, ready to fight their way out. Ma’Kraver simply stepped into the barn and closed the door behind him. When he did open the door again, the two would-be-thieves lay dead in the muck. It was then that he saw his mistake. When the light poured into the building and illuminated the corpses of the other two, he found he recognized the color of fur on one of them, despite them having wrapped themselves in cloaks to conceal their identities. His heart skipped a beat as he went to investigate, and then sank when he found that it was indeed someone he knew. The ca’liar girl was his age, another orphan of war that he’d known for some months. He knew she had been struggling to find work and food, and it seemed he’d killed her in her attempt to feed herself. To make matters worse, Ma’Kraver - or S’Kraver as he was called from then on - was praised for his work stopping the thieves, and encouraged to apply for a position as a guard in the local town. Trying not to think about it too hard, he accepted, and so began a series of battles where S’Kraver picked the wrong side.
Only a year later, S’Kraver was dispatched to Aceadia to slay witches… or so he was told. Instead of killing tyrannical witches, however, he found himself scaling trees to kill the avalti that hid within them, having been led to believe that they were the enemy. He found that avalti flesh was simple to rend with his claws, and was even proud of the deaths he caused. In fact, he was so adept at it that he earned the honorific title of “Ko,” and has gone by “Ko’Kraver” since. Then he heard about Emperor Ri’Shaka summoning a horrible yokai (demon) and the “accidental” assault on Barkamsted, and he knew he’d been on the wrong side of this war.
If Ko’Kraver had gone back to Einar after the invasion of Aceadia he may have actually made a name for himself fighting the demons that then flooded the land, but it was not to be. After a lifetime of idolizing the Empire and what it stood for, he found he had been deceived by his Emperor all along, and even led to kill innocents for a man who dealt with yokai. He was more confused and disgusted with himself than he ever had been before, and he made the hard decision to not return home where it seemed like his whole life had been a lie. Instead, he remained in Aceadia for the next 24 years at the fort occupied by the ca’liar, guarding it and occasionally going out in hunting groups.
Over that time he also developed some hobbies, namely wood and stone carving. He became well-known for this throughout the fort, and earned the nickname “Carver” both for his work carving stones and wood as well as his past “carving through avalti.” He didn’t appreciate the latter reasoning, but soon enough the nickname stuck, and there was little he could do about it. Carver didn’t know what to do with his life and had just resolved to go to Saphriel to start over when one day a new soldier came to the fort.
Despite it having been decades since he’d last seen Akechi - or Ko’Akechi as he was now known as - Carver recognized him immediately. He was shocked and thrilled to see a surviving member of his clan, especially since the two were close in age and friends when they were young. After catching up with him and confiding his feelings about the empire and his plan to leave for Saphriel, he was pleased to hear that Ko’Akechi was headed there for his own reasons as well. They departed Aceadia for Saphriel together during the beginning of the 3-year winter.
Carver was happy to learn how to read and speak some Common from Ko’Akechi, and very interested to learn how the people of Saphriel lived. He made plans for the two to travel to the major cities to see for themselves, but the long winter proved to be an inopportune time to arrive in Saphriel, and they were both forced to mostly keep to themselves as they hunkered down for the winter years. But with the threats of long winters now gone and them having had some time to finally get their bearings in the new land, they headed to Falkvard to see what the capital city had in store for them.
Other/Extra: Character reference photos!

(Photo Credit to!)
Magic Biography:
It wasn't until Carver was trained as a soldier going into Acaedia that he realized his magical potential. And by then, it was too late to properly develop the skill for warfare. He did, however, learn how to practice his magic and improve upon his gift. Beyond that, he's been given basic explanations on what trinkets are and what earth magic is capable of both with and without a trinket.
Because he didn't have time to formerly train his magic before the Acaedia war and since soldiers are sent to the Acaedia fort having largely already finished their training, Carver still hasn't developed his magical power. The most he's done has been to roll stone marbles around, or push designs into mud. And since his time in Saphriel has been mostly during long winter, he'd been more focused on survival than training his weak magic.
But now that the threat of freezing is behind him and he has more freedom to make his own schedule and do as he pleases, Carver finally has the opportunity to properly improve his magical skill. He'll be effectively starting from scratch, but he's very intent on finally looking into his aspect. He may have to start small, but he looks forward to being able to eventually accomplish big things.
Please describe the magic system, including its limitations in your own words:
There are three different categories of magic; Soul Magic, Outlier Magic, and Elemental magic. Each of these categories have their own subcategories, or “Aspects.” Characters are limited on how many aspects they can choose by their race. These chosen aspects do not have to come from any specific category (unless otherwise stated in the racial key features), so it’s possible for some characters to have aspects in multiple different categories. To channel any kind of magic, one must first possess a trinket (or be of a race that allows you to cast a specific aspect of magic without a trinket up to a certain level). Trinkets are aligned to specific aspects, so if a character has multiple different aspects, they will need a separate trinket that aligns with each of those aspects in order to cast all of them. Trinkets also have predetermined levels of strength that dictates the maximum amount of magical power that can be channeled through them. From least magically potent to most magically potent, these levels are; weak, feeble, moderate, medium, strong, powerful, wondrous, and divine. Mages must practice an aspect’s magic in order to grow in magical power, and each level of magical potency not only dictates how effective a mage’s spells are, but also unlocks new abilities for that aspect and determines how many spells the mage can cast and at what tier of power those spells will be. If for any reason a mage goes a long period of time without casting spells from a certain aspect, their progression towards the next tier of spells will begin to roll back, which is called “Decay.” Being highly experienced in multiple aspects will begin to grant mages “Mastery,” which allows those mages to cast even more spells than originally dictated by their primary aspect. “Overcasting” is when a mage attempts to cast a spell that they could cast normally, but currently cannot due to not having the appropriate amount of energy in their reserves. This is incredibly dangerous, and always has a chance to instantly kill the mage.
Outside of what I’ve already said, the spell effects in Saphriel are very open-ended and up to interpretation. While each aspect has example spells that are appropriate for each tier, those are not the only things that mages can accomplish, as those spells also serve as guidelines for roughly how effective spells of those tiers should be. It’s up to the player’s creativity and the GMs rulings to determine the endless possibilities!
Please describe how you would use a weak trinket with your characters first/only aspect:
As an emote; As his first action ever casting Earth magic, Carver finds a spherical pebble and sets it down in some undisturbed sand. He uses a Weak spell to roll the pebble around in sand, practicing manipulating the direction the small rock takes through the sand as it leaves an indented trail behind it. When he’s finished, the trail has formed the letters of one word: Vomos.
This application is Accepted! Everything looks to be relatively in order for this character, and they should now be playable on-server! I will note however that to reach 48 years old without realizing one's own affinity for natural magic, especially as a Ca'liar soldier, would be a significant oddity and may potentially reflect poorly on the character, especially in future interactions with their society. Many of the Ca'liar soldiers with an affinity for magic, especially those who were sent to Acaedia, were organized and trained with that ability in mind. You may choose to either begin playing them now or edit the application with this consideration in mind. Please ping me with whichever choice you make, and a short review or server whitelisting will follow!