((This will be on my old account for SHIN, halohantis)) Character Name: Castien Elsinire
Race: Dark-Elf
Gender: M A L E
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarvish
Character Description:
A young dark elf, slowly reaching maturity, he is one who presents himself in a unique fashion. Or well… Relatively so… Being taller than your average dark elf,6’3, he’s adorned in dark black and red clothes that fit a style that he enjoys quite a bit. It’s an odd mix of both fancy and almost purposefully messy or strange. His dark trench coat, slim pants, and fine boots fit well for a fancy presentation while his shirt seems tucked in at an angle, his hair combed in a wild fashion, and his waist adorned with three thin belts. Not to mention the three large metal piercings on each of his lengthy ears. Beyond this, he’s fairly typical as a dark. Vibrant red eyes, white hair, and dark shadowy skin making him obvious as to what he was.
Character Occupation: (Optional)
Castien is still young but has taken up the work as a soldier for the Elven house Evander. Befitting his station he’s been trained as a warrior to be proficient in multiple weapons, and skills, fit for someone of his station. To add onto this he has received some guidance from his father, and knows a tad more on unique threats to the world that others may pass off as something not to fully worry about. Beyond his rigid combat training/learnings… He’s also a fairly okay cook, and takes some enjoyment out of making himself, or others, a home meal. Especially if it involves grilling, or spicy foods.
Character Personality/Traits:
Castien is… A mix of being boisterous and reserved. He’s experienced a lot of strangeness in his short time existing and it’s helped form a lot of what he does. He likes to have fun, he likes to dress well, enjoys the arts, and he likes to fight. On the other side of the coin… He knows he should be more firm, especially with his new duties. It’s a newer thing for him, but something that has been hammered into him through the past few years. Especially in regards to respect towards Elven nobility… A group of people he finds to be quite respectable. He also tends to not be phased much by odd, or gross, things… Of course there are exceptions to that but having grown up around dark creatures, and a living skeleton for a father, he’s sort of just grown used to strange things. Sometimes finding comfort in how strange, or macabre, something is.
But that is surface level to him… What can be seen easiest, and clearest. The more ambiguous portions to him are steeped with history and his past… The loss of his mother, Coo, had him become more quiet at times. He has a lot to look up towards, so lacks a bit of self confidence… It’s a feeling that’s led to him deeply wanting to be significant to others beyond just being his fathers son. Though it’s not as if there is resentment in that… He loves his father, and his family, after all.
Character Biography:
Born from the dark elf of Nehpiah and Sydian, he never knew his mother. The woman being rather mentally ill, she had ended her own life during his early, early, years. It was a period that he’d not know about much… And probably for the best. After which things became pretty typical for him, at least for a bit. He’d have quite a happy childhood, often not in situations of true need or great difficulties. It was quite swell even… There was even a period of a few years where he lived in a magical mansion that existed through an enchanted door. This mansion, while a bit lonely, had just about everything one could need or ask for. It was almost a bit over stimulating to a degree, but that paired well with occasional lack of company. Gave him some time to think on things himself at a young age… And he wasn’t ever truly alone, either as his father and him got to interact and learn from one another here. He’d hear about some of the insane things his high elven dad accomplished… The giant sword he carried, and how it was larger than an orc. It was a strange, but peaceful time… And they’d even move from Barkamsted to the Falkvard area within an abandoned manor on top of a mountain near the capital city. It was fairly nice, until it wasn’t… His father Sydian, Sir Sydian, knight of the order, skilled hunter of the guild, and slayer of demons, one day came home after a sort of accident. You see, he was now a walking skeleton. And while Castien had seen dullahans and undead within his home in the past this was a whole new level of strange and odd… It was genuinely terrifying really, sending the poor dark elf into a brief shock. His father opted to wear robes to cover his form during this time, though it could only hide so much. In truth though… While the initial shock of it scared him, and he actually thought maybe his dad was possessed by some demon, he sort of found it oddly cool too. Something odd yet interesting… And he didn’t want to purposefully avoid his father or anything, so there were some brief attempts to understand and comfort the skeletal high-elf. It was… Very odd… But sometimes quite comical in a morbid way. After all, when the strange becomes familiar, is it truly strange? But thankfully it only lasted a year really, and any residual tensity from this period would be left. Scylla Evander, who at the time was Guardian of house Arrynlocke, seemingly made his father a new body with magic somehow. Castien has a lot of appreciation for that. Around the time he was ten or so his father decided to move Castien out of the pocket dimension within the magic door… It wasn’t bad or anything, but Sydian thought it didn’t suit a child to be locked up in such a way. The manor on the mountain even got a little renovation too, so things slowly became more… Normal. It was a long period of simple life and enjoyment where he got to see more of the world, no more skeleton dads, magic pocket houses, and being able to actually see the sky. Though what was nicer for Castien wasn’t always nicer for his father… Sydian struggled, deeply, to find someone he could be with. Someone he could love. His attempts at courting had the odd pentiant of them becoming absolutely batshit crazy. It was… Odd. And it wasn’t until the human woman known as Coo would that change… And for Castien, this was his mother. She was a sweet, kind, and kooky woman. Not the bad kind of kooky, but the fun bubbly kind that made you want to talk about your day with them and just share. She opened a lot of doors for Castien, showed him cooking, showed him fine clothes, toys, and even helped him clean. Not that they needed to clean much with dullahans around the house as servants… Eitherway, he grew extremely close to her. His parents even decided, eventually, to adopt two children from the orphanage in Falkvard. Both of these young ones being half-demons, just like Syidan, and close friends. Though it was easy to say that they were… Quite intimidated. For Castien though, he didn’t have much hate for other races or half-demons, after all his father was one and his mother was human. He was used to seeing a mix of people in a positive limelight. This was… The happiest period of time for Castien, but it did not last. His parents were with child, siblings even, and Coo did not survive bringing them into the world. It was… Extremely heartbreaking for Castien, the death of another was more shocking than seeing his father as a dancing skeleton man. And while the siblings, Vaalyun and Gaelria, survived and were quite healthy he himself fell into a brief depressive state. Similar to his father, to some degree, he found it hard to do a lot. He had to care for himself at times, or would not care for himself at times, and struggled with seeing his father take the whole world on his own. After all there were more kids in the house than there were Sydian’s, and he was on his own with that. But, for Castien, this didn’t stick. As time continued He found his resolve, and the thoughts of his mother strengthened him more than anything else. Holding his family close to chest as he continued on… And with that time moved on as well. The manor, slowly became a castle.. And Castien slowly became closer to being an adult. He wanted to explore the world, learn, and do so much… He wanted to know what life was truly like and how he could make it. So when Sydian talked about how Lady Evander would be willing to fund his schooling to be a warrior and work under her directly as a soldier to house Evander, he jumped on that opportunity. As it turns out Lady Evander had been made head of her own house after years as a dedicated servant and Scroll Guardian to house Arrynlocke. It was one of the highest rewards someone could get, to his knowledge… And Castien still felt he owed it to her for all the help she’s offered to his father through the years. So… As the castle home was being built up to replace the manor, and Castien was old enough to at least wield a weapon, he’d be sent on an all expenses paid trip towards the Hall of Earth. The Hall of Earth was a school, a sort of bootcamp even, dedicated to training new soldiers for the various noble houses of the elven nobility. It included rigorous training, academic studies, and teachings on how to respect the elven nobility. For Castien, specifically, he’d be taught like any other high elf. Training in their leaf-mail armor, their swords, spears, bows, crossbows, maces, two handed weapons, pole weapons, and even the rudimentary sling. Though he thought the sling was quite a waste of time, really. Such a silly weapon. In terms of combat skill… Castien did fine within the Hall of Earth. Even the more brutal regiments had an air of… Fun, to him. He liked to try out new weapons and become proficient in new things. His only, ever consistent, issue within the Hall of Earth was his disapproval of Leaf-Mail armor. Not that it wasn’t practical or anything… He just found it jarringly hideous, and a thorough eyesore. If he could design the aesthetics of the piece it’d have looked far better, he thought… But the Hall of Earth was heavy on uniformity, after all soldiers are to fight as one and be one. There must not be outliers unless it involves one of a higher rank, otherwise order is lost. So Castien got in trouble a couple of times as he tested the waters on how to make his armor seem more… Appealing… It got him a sort of name for himself, an infamous one, where others teased him for wanting to look cool. But uniformity is key… And so he stuck to that, as much as he disliked it. The Academic side… Castien struggled with far more than his physical training. Castien was restless when it came to such things, he fidgeted, talked too much, was impatient, and often seemed oddly distracted. And to a degree he was, but it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t focus on his work. He definitely tried after all, it just became very difficult. And it’s not like he was ignorant on subjects and such either, it was just hard to push himself to do so. Usually once he started on something it became a lot easier, at the very least, but actually starting was often an issue. He’d be tutored, and guided past these issues some but for him it was more around a workaround of this ‘laziness’ as others called it. To get fulfillment out of his work he’d need proper steps to it, proper methods, and a certain chaotic order to how he worked on it. It was… Extremely unconventional but he adapted. Thankfully able to get by just barely through his studies so as to not cause him some serious issues… He’d hate to be a disappointment after all. But… It’s not like he’d be at the Hall of Earth forever too… And eventually he wasn’t. After almost three years of studying within this school, away from home and familiarity… He finally would head back to his father. His gear packed with him, his time at elf-bootcamp behind him, he’d move forward onto his new work… After all, he’d now have some new duties under house Evander apparently. Not that he knew what he’d be doing, exactly.

The application is... ACCEPTED! Thank you! Welcome back to alive Castien Your starting gear and moolah will be sorted out as soon as possible!