Character Name: Tozi Nesttinker (IGN: TyphoonNight)
Race: Night Avalti
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Character Description:
(At least one to two paragraphs describing your character’s physical appearance, including height, eye color, and skin tone.)
Tozi is a brown barn owl-looking Avalti. She has a few dark spots across her brown feathers.
Eyes: Purple-hued eyes that look like gems or the end of a sunset.
Size: 5’2” // Weight: Sub-Average // Fitness: Average (Dancer)
Hair: Think 1920’s Gatsby updo
Character Occupation: (Optional)
(For us to understand your character's starting skill set, your character still will need to contact the Kingdom to purchase any property)
Tozi would be a tinkerer, specifically a locksmith. At her level, she would help create simple single or double-toothed locks or even normal deadbolts. Ensuring everything moved smoothly and worked well together.
When that wasn’t being done, she would do minor jewelry making. Simple metal rings and bands or some pendants to hold things. Both skill sets require delicate work and would reflect her growing tendency to work with small parts.
Character Personality/Traits:
Personality Traits:
+ Tozi will only steal because of the thrill. Everything she steals will be returned to the rightful owners most of the time unless they are assholes. Then what is theirs is hers.
+ Tozi names all of her tools. Each one has a name and a personality. It’s not crazy to name your tools, it’s crazy if they talk back.
+ ‘Because it’s fun’ - She will do something that seems fun, but not outright dangerous.
+ Freedom - Rules are meant to be broken
+ Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I plan to hold it all
+ When I see something valuable, I can’t think about anything except how to steal it. The harder to steal, the more fun it seems. (Kleptomania)
+ Envious of others if their attention isn’t toward her. Not always, but if she is outright ignored, that will just force her to try and get their attention even more.
1) Lightning scares her, and fear of being struck by it + loud
2) Dislikes children, not afraid, but would be horrid if she ever became preggers
3) Being locked up unable to be ‘free’
Character Biography:
(At least three paragraphs describing your character's history and experiences, you must reference server lore)
+ Mother - Hunter
+ Father - Tailor + Accessory maker (Jeweler)
Being born isn’t so bad these days. I mean, you get to live! All my years as a chick are fuzzy at best. My earliest memory is when my dad made a stuffed toy for my 4th birthday. It was so adorable. I named her Lally. Don’t remember why, but the conversations with her! They were fantastic. No better friend a little girl could ask for.
As I grew up, I spent my time in the night, when most others were asleep. I’d wait until the start of morning to see if my mother came home from morning hunts. Killing of beasts that came too close to the nests, or perhaps evil witches who were attempting to sneak in.
My father spent his time working on his artisan skills. Creating fabulous accessories, many of which he always let me try on. I was the perfect model. I’d pose for him, giving him the best angles to see how amazing they were.
I did all I could to help him. I was his best friend, and he was mine. A daddy's girl. He let me borrow things he was going to sell for the festivals that were held. Sparkling bands, earrings, even a broach or two!
When I was six, I accidentally lost one of the rings he let me wear one year for a reading of the stars ceremony. It fell to the ground below, a dangerous place. I was going to attempt to get it, but my mother yanked me by my tail feathers and scolded me for even trying to go down to the surface. Even worse for doing so alone.
I was branched ((Grounded)). Stuck in my room for two weeks. I didn’t even notice when my mother didn’t come home for three whole nights. My father was stressed, and even at a young age, I started to notice something was amiss.
Those next few months were filled with fear as the other kids told me what they overheard their parents talking about. There was a battle with visitors. Strangers with fur, not feathers. It was horrifying.
Every time my mother left, I cried. I spent so much time in my room alone. My few possessions were my only friends. Giving them names and personalities to help fill the void of loneliness. Years went by, and I learned what little my parents would tell her, but overall, I was too young to truly understand.
It wasn’t until I was around ten that I started to understand more. The Ca’Liar were invaders. Terrible people who wanted nothing more than to enslave and overtake the island. No better than the same Witches that tormented my kind.
Ah yes, the Witches. Nasty fuckers. Growing up stories of them taking little chicks away to drain their life away were common. I even had an evil witch doll. I had all my other dolls beat it up all the time, much to my parent's delight. It was the only thing my dad made for me that I mistreated. I would create stories where I would be saved by a handsome avalti male from a Witch who kidnapped me. All fantasy, but a girl can hope.
As I grew older, my feathers came in more and I was able to start learning how to fly and use them. That was the worst mistake my parents could make. I loved flying. To some, that could be like a fish loving to swim. But it’s freeing. I would fly around as often as I could.
Being stuck underground or having to walk anywhere was boring. I mean, why walk when one can fly? I’d climb onto the shelf in our kitchen and float on down, much to my father's distaste.
I was around thirteen when I finally met my first non-Avalti and non-Ca’Liar. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, all of them walking around on their feet! Crazy. Kinos must have made them before Avalti because not being able to fly is an obvious flaw in their bodies.
I heard a few things from sneaking around and listening to conversations. A city called ‘Falkvard’ existed. Lots of things there. Lots of people. Lots of fun so I heard. I knew then one day I’d go and visit.
With my parents being more and more busy, I’d had nobody to watch me closely. Allowing me to get away with more pranks. I’d gotten caught a few times, and that ended poorly.
Being a cute and pretty teenager helped with the male birds, and a few female ones too. I was lying, deceit, anything to gain their trust just to snatch something when they were not looking. But, I didn’t care to keep most things. A few copper coins maybe, but nothing major. I normally returned it once they noticed it was missing.
That itch to steal things grew more and more over time. Somedays, I just have to take something. Almost anything. Then once I do, I’m fine for days, even weeks. Normally every month or three I get that urge, that itch, that need. Only the thrill of stealing and not getting caught would satisfy me.
My parents were told, that if I continued doing so, I’d be given the name ‘Nesttaker’ and thrown out of the nest. After a lot of yelling and scolding, I was sent to talk to a Nestmender. I shared that I didn’t always want to take things, and it wasn’t to ever keep. I just wanted to move things around, make people confused, and have some fun.
After a few weeks of talking, the Nestmender had a suggestion, one that played well with me wanting to help my father with his crafts. I’d start to learn to make locks. If I wanted to take things, that meant I could help prevent things from being taken.
I would work on creating a lock that I could only get passed if I got it. That was a challenge I found fun. One that would be rewarding even. That’s when I started to really work with my dad. Being taken to where others worked on tinkering projects.
The first lesson I got was safety. I won’t lie and say I didn’t make any mistakes, because I made several. Many feathers around my arms were singed, and that is annoying as fuck. Takes weeks to grow the feathers back if they are the main ones.
It was months later when I was trusted to do any real work, but I enjoyed working on the tiny parts. My fingers would work diligently to maneuver things. My father said I was a natural. I beamed in joy at his words.
To help with my skills of learning how to make locks, I was also helping my father with his various projects as well when it came to jewelry making. Creating beautiful things was fantastic work, anytime someone gave me praise I felt my ego swell more and more. The constant love and admiration made me want more.
It started with simple metal bands or rings, maybe help move things around or pick colors of gemstones and cloths to be used. It was a great start to working toward what would hopefully become my title one day.
Once I was old enough, my mother taught me to use a bow. She always said ‘just in case’. Always worried about myself and protecting myself. Of course, my plan if trouble ever came my way was to fly away, but I couldn’t deny that she had a point.
At first, it scared me, but I started to get used to the act of firing the weapon and hitting targets more often than I missed. My childhood witch doll became one of the targets in fact. She let me keep the simple bow to continue practicing, something I was terrible at remembering to do.
It wasn’t long before I was finally given my work title. I was afraid to being labeled a thief, but thankfully the Nestmender was happy and impressed with my willingness to continue my task of channeling my desires toward a positive route, and with it, given the name Nesttinker.
Yet, even with my new way of channeling my inner desires, they sometimes came out at random moments and in odd forms. During the ceremony where I would hide my feathers and have the males seek them, I hid them too well. I was the last set of feathers to be found. At first, I was disappointed. I thought the boys didn’t care to find my feathers, but then when the time kept going, and they kept looking, I felt wanted again.
I felt as if they wanted to find me and free me, like how I dreamed when I was a little girl being saved from witches. It was cute. I spent time with many of them, dating, and enjoying the feeling of being seen. Being wanted. Those special moments between me and other Avalti fulfilled something I didn’t know I needed.
Once I was fully grown up, I spent lots of time doing my own thing. To the point, my parents didn’t know what I liked and didn’t like anymore. One of the Avalti gave me a fun idea, reminding me of something I learned when I was younger. To go to the mainland. I didn’t like it at first, but then I realized how fun of an idea it was.
I was trapped on this island. Constantly afraid of the monsters and witches. Afraid that one day the Ca’Liar might try to take over again, even with the help of those from the mainland. But if I were to go to Falkvard, or even Barkemsted or some other city, I could be my own person.
It took a lot of arguing with my parents. They wanted what they thought was best for me, and in the end, I finally earned their acceptance of my wish, on one condition, well…technically two.
Each of them made a promise to prove I could live on my own and take care of myself on Falkvard.
My father said I had to prove my craft was improving and I wasn’t stealing things to get by. Working to make money and to live an honest lifestyle. So I would have to make a piece of jewelry that was of decent product. A ring, pendant, a pair of earrings, something with gemstones at the very least, and either gold or silver. I also had to make it something of my own creation. I couldn’t copy someone else's work.
My mother at first wanted me to hunt something on the mainland, but I told her that wasn’t something I wanted to do. She wanted me to be able to protect myself and prove it, so after days of arguing, we settled on me learning magic. Thankfully, I had Bothimir’s Gift. I would have to train magic up to Strong and be able to fight with it.
She specified not Dark or Fire, nothing dangerous or explosive. I’d told her neither interested me and might learn to fight with Telekinesis magic like other Avalti have. She relented and told me I needed to get an Aspect and learn how to fight with it.
I’d have to return home in less than two years to show off my work. If I didn’t, they’d both drag me back to the nest and branch me until I was old.
(Optional, this form must be filled out if you want your character to have magic at all.
Magic Biography:
(At least three paragraphs about your character's relationship to magic, and how they may discover their potential.)
Please describe the magic system, including its limitations in your own words:
Bothimir gifts certain people with his gift to use magic. Some races can do this naturally without the gift, but those are few. Each race has a certain limitation of how many types of magic they can Aspect into, for example, Female Avalti can only have three.
To use magic, one must have a trinket. Trinkets come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, some are mono-typed, and others can be more than one type.
To use magic, one must see or touch their target. Otherwise, it just won’t work. Some magics have weird and niche exceptions, but that isn’t really important for the base rules.
To improve upon your own aspect comes from usage and training. Having a teacher of a higher power than you can help speed this along.
Please describe how you would use a weak trinket with your character's first/only aspect:
(Try to be creative, while acknowledging its limitations and utility uses)
Tozi would use a telekinesis trinket to knock things over to distract people while she took a few things to remain unnoticed. A cup too close to the edge. A sign that was almost about to fall down anyway. Maybe a window that was propped up by something. Anything mundane enough to not be suspected.

This application is... Accepted! Thank you for applying, the only correction we have for this is that there isn't really a 'when most everyone is asleep' among Avalti. Many of their people are diurnal and many are nocturnal, so there are always people awake at all hours. In any event your account has been whitelisted!