Date of Birth:
Sometime in the fall
Other relatable character themes
I can't count how many times
Awakened in fear nightly, palms sweating
Dreams of promises I've made
To no one but myself have been
Crushed daily
Don't lend me your hand, I can't trust myself
So how can you trust me?
When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
Don't leave me here again
All my life I waited for one
A friend
I am a son without a father
He gave me his name then walked away
I am a man, now a father
And I swear my son will never know that pain
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

Human, Half-Demon
Sometime in his late 30s
How old do they appear:
Mid to late 20s, maybe older with the white hair
5 foot 8 inches, roughly 1.7 meters
Body Build:
Stocky. Broad, muscular shoulders, dad bod
Eye Color:
Sage green with black irises
Skin Tone:
Hair Color:
Type of Hair:
Shaggy, not as well kept as it once was. A bit on the longer side now, enough to cover his ears and get into his eyes.
Lightly-kempt most of the time unless at a special occasion
Overall attractiveness:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Physical disabilities:
Obvious half demon
Usual fashion of dress:
Blue, green, and gold colors. Wears layers almost all the time. Likes to dress formally.
Favorite outfit:
Silk shirt and shoulder cape
Jewelry or accessories:
Holy symbol of Udero around his neck, a ring devoted to the same God

Character traits:
Mood character is most often in:
Deadpan or content
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Getting married
Character’s greatest fear:
Enclosed spaces (Claustrophia)
Clanking metal
Being the target of somebody's hatred
A freak mining accident left Dexter trapped beneath debris with a dwarf friend, Baezil Gibbons, for 12 hours many years ago. Trapped in the darkness with the constant, looming threat of certain doom directly above - all while suffering from painful burns suffered in the prior explosion that caused it -shook Dexter to his core. Baezil clanking his metal helm on the rocks was what saved them. Dexter swears he can still hear the sound in his nightmares.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?:
The loss of his children
Character is most at ease when:
Spending time with his family, cooking, or getting lost in a crowd of people
Most ill at ease when:
Alone in the dark and being confronted
Enraged when:
The peace is disturbed, especially when by one who seeks chaos and conflict for Uldir's sake
The safety of the people, his family, and himself
Life philosophy:
Self control
If granted one wish, it would be:
To be somebody's best friend
Dexter has a very low opinion of himself. He truly believes that nobody would ever really consider him their closest, most trusted friend
Greatest strength:
Dexter considers himself bound to his duties because he has something to prove, even if he claims otherwise. He sees this commitment to the people who usually turn their noses up at him as his greatest strength
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Dexter has accidentally broken hearts one too many times in his life due to his poor self-esteem. He sees his self-loathing as the source of all of his problems and, thus, his greatest weakness
Biggest regret:
Assuming Gwenllian never really cared about him
Minor regret:
Mining for the dwarves
Biggest accomplishment:
Becoming a kingdom-approved enchanter
Getting married
Becoming a father
Becoming the first half-demon involved in human politics with the People's Council
Minor accomplishment:
Served as a royal chef
Managed the Chat Fonce
Reached Wondrous with Dark magic
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
Dexter turned his back on Gwenllian after she gave him so many signs that she really liked him and sought the comfort of another woman, effectively cheating on her without realizing the connection she had with him. It stayed mostly quiet, but it's a humiliating failure on Dexter's part that he has only just barely made peace with. Though it remained mostly quiet, too, it ruined his friendship with Cecilia, as well, who holds Gwenllian in high esteem.
Dexter accidentally fudged an enchantment for a customer once. He wasn't sure if they ever even realized it
Dexter is ashamed that he's frightened of the dark as a Dark mage. It's not as bad as a child literally scared of their own shadow, but as he studied the deeper secrets of Dark magic, he began to associate shadows and darkness with evil and loneliness, both of which he loathes
Dexter can't sleep well without something to hold on to. Often, a teddy bear
Dexter's always had a self-esteem problem being a half demon. Humans were both frightened and scornful of him because of it. He grew to hate that part of himself. Despite it all, he's tried for many years to be a productive member of society who can live a normal life just like anyone else nor born with his curse. When he cheated on Gwenllian, it horrified him as much as it broke her heart
The enchantment was done mostly right, but a secret part of it was done incorrectly on Dexter's part and he never even realized it until the enchantment was done. By that time, it was too late, and the customer was confused, but rather than Dexter explain what happened, he feigned confusion, too. As far as he knew, no one ever found out
The day of the cave-in was a dark one. That was one part of this fear of his. The other is Dark magic. Dexter has a stronger connection to Behmos than others, but unlike other half demons, he fears the Sin Father and he hates to be alone where the only person who can save him is himself, and what good is he, anyway?
After the traumatic cave-in with Baezil, Dexter had a hard time sleeping right. A nurse gave him a teddy bear to help him sleep. Ever since that night, Dexter couldn't sleep alone. If it wasn't with a teddy bear, extra pillows, or a person, he didn't sleep at all. This wasn't a problem when he had a wife who slept with him every night, but he only ever confided this with Elizabeth. He still keeps a pillow made specifically for cuddling with so he can sleep when he's alone
Character’s darkest secret:
His demonic traits and hypersensitivity
Does anyone else know?:
Few, especially after a particularly debaucherous night at the brothel with strip poker

Drives and motivations:
The safety of the kingdom and his family. Feeling pressured to find other motivations. To research a 'cure' to being half demon for any and all half demons in the world. To become a charismatic leader of the human people. To simply be a better person
Dexter deeply envies the more influential humans in society like Sir Varik, Esmail, and Taggart and is strongly motivated to be as good as them. Dexter has a horribly-crippling inferiority complex and tries to use it to motivate himself to become stronger both mentally and physically in hopes that if a woman he falls deeply in love with again has to choose between him and somebody else, they will choose him.
Immediate goals:
Don't do something stupid again
Don't do something stupid again
Don't do something stupid again
Long term goals:
-Get married
-Start a family
-Become a Master Fletcher/Bowyer
-Become a Dark Magic teacher
-Become worthy of somebody's love and affection
-Protect the kids until they can protect themselves
-Get a best friend
-Love yourself wholly
-Become an officer with the Guard
-Gain the favor of Udero

Type of childhood:
Stressful, due to the War as a constant threat looming over the city
First memory:
Being scolded for having bad handwriting by his adopted father
Most important childhood memory:
Killing his first orc in the war
Even now, Dexter loathes orcs and wishes they'd all go back to the Mesas. They only bring trouble guised as praising the God of Chaos, throwing the status quo off-balance every chance they get. To stand over one that he, himself, had slain in battle, proved that he had a chance of surviving and making the world just a little bit more peaceful by removing the chaos-lovers from it one by one
Childhood hero:
Lord Barkam
Dream job:
Above average. Raised by a Scribe

Current location:
East Falkvard
Currently living with:
His four children and girlfriend, Malle
Petal, the cat, and the EncourageMint that the kids simply call Carrot
Strongly Udero. Despite his distaste for what He represents, he shows respect to Uldir for Elizabeth's sake. He also holds a strong admiration for Aderoth and those who worship Her. His fear for Behmos is there, but not as severe as it once was.
Master Bowyer/Fletcher
Student of the Mage's Guild
Kingdom Councillor

A whore that no one knew the name of
Lezalit Richmond, a disgraced knight
None, as far as he knows
Elizabeth Brightwater, now deceased
Isaac Cross, the extroverted 'heir' of the Brightwater legacy. A young admirer of Uldir with the ambition to succeed his mother as a hero of the kingdom
Isabelle Cross, the curious silver-haired girl. In her youth, she is torn between the worship of Kinos and Uldir, wanting to be like her older brother, but also having a passion for flowers and nature
Odo Cross, the eldest of them all. An adopted pre-teen now, he has a tendency to fall ill easily and has the simple wish to just be left alone by the world around him. Worships Udero like his grandfather before him, seeking a quiet life free of conflict like his now-adopted father
Frideswide Cross, Odo's younger sister. Devout of Bothimir despite her young age, inspired greatly by the former Archmage, Rabziin, who helped raise them from time to time, who was capable of legendary feats of Telekinesis magic. Once led to believe that she was chosen to wield a fake magic borne from one's kindness to others for many years, the girl desired to study and wield magic just like Rabziin does. To this day, she has yet to show any signs of magical prowess, but made a promise to the former Archmage that even should she never show magical promise, she would study regardless, as Bothimir is the God of Knowledge, not just Magic.
Relationship with them:
Dexter's kids are his entire world. Without them, he would be lost.
Other important family members:
Elizabeth's mother, Regina Brightwater, may or may not yet live. She tried to murder Dexter with holy water when she first laid eyes upon him, and always looked down on the half demon. She only tolerated him marrying Elizabeth because he was a well-off man with some credibility in the kingdom. After Elizabeth died and Dexter reached out to her, she never responded to him. Dexter assumes she is either dead or pretends he and the kids no longer exist, which he is unhappy with. The kids liked their grandma.

Least favorite color:
Honey and turkey legs
Adventure and romance novels
Form of entertainment:
Likes to watch dancers and read
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession:
His family and reputation

Cooking, reading, and socializing
Plays a musical instrument?:
Played lute once to try and impress a girl. Stopped after she got herself killed in a war she had no place in
Spending habits:
Investments, things to spoil the kids with
Whiskey and moonshine
What does he/she do too much of?:
Bottle up his feelings with few outlets
What does he/she do too little of?:
Give himself any credit
Nervous tics:
Scratches his cheeks and neck often
Usual body posture:
A false look of confidence

Optimist or pessimist?:
Introvert or extrovert?:
Daredevil or cautious?:
Logical or emotional?:
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:
Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?:
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:
Very unsure of himself
Animal lover?:

How he/she feels about himself/herself:
Dexter has somewhat come to terms with what he did to Gwenllian, so he doesn't absolutely hate himself like he did for a while. He's moved on by now, having found himself the target of Malle's affection and, as gracefully as he could be, been doing his best to keep her around. He recognizes that he's grown as a person, but deep down, he still wishes he could be better. He hates that he made such a foolish mistake in the first place. He wishes he could be more like Sir Varik, Esmail, or Taggart. Whenever he's around them, he always feels so incredibly small.
One word the character would use to describe self:
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
"I'm here for my kids and for Malle. If not for them, then for my people, even if they don't want me. The kingdom needs people to step up, and I think I might have it in me somewhere."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?:
His loyalty
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?:
His self-loathing
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?:
His beard, the one thing Malle consistently compliments about him
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?:
The demonic traits
How does the character think others perceive him/her:
Dexter believes that the masses look down on him for being born the way he was, but ultimately recognize that he is a part of the People's Council for a reason. He doesn't think he's a good man, just a man trying to get by while helping as many people as he can.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself:
To be more charismatic like Glaedwin. To be taller, braver, more handsome, physically imposing, charming, and heroic like Sir Varik. To be famous, have his God's favor, and stalwart like Taggart. To be endlessly wealthy, powerful, and have the presence of Esmail. To be so much more than he is now. To be even half as good as every target of his envy

Opinion of other people in general:
Dexter values those who treat him like a normal person and trust him with responsibilities, but will always have a personal bias against Pact races. He holds more respect for the elven kingdom than he does the humans and hopes that one day he can help bring change to the kingdom to make it better from the inside.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?:
He has to so that he can lead by example
Person character most hates:
Sir Erinc, the Paladin who he personally asked to help keep his wife safe, and didn't even bother to go with her to the Pine Valley. The Paladin who acts like a child in the streets, making an utter fool of himself, who Dexter feels sets a low expectation for Council members in the eyes of the people. An undeserving, childish moron who exists to fight demons and protect Glaedwin, but when evil comes to anyone else, it's not his problem.
Love interest(s):
Malle, who, when he thought no one else could possibly love such a pathetic excuse for a man, proved him otherwise. Despite his shortcomings physically and emotionally, she is there at his side always supporting him and claiming he is better than he thinks he is. Like him, she is someone who has suffered under prejudice in the past and seeks to make the world a better place for victims like them
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
The kids and Malle
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Sir Varik, Taggart, Esmail, and Glaedwin
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Sir Varik, Taggart, and Esmail