Nitimur in vetitum
Reason or meaning of name: “Dimaria” means to have favor with the gods, and “Amaryllis” is a flower which often symbolizes strength and determination. It is also the new surname chosen by Dimaria's mother in response to birthing a half-elven daughter, and thus Dimaria's original surname is unknown to her.
Character's nicknames: Dimi
Birth Date: 23rd of Lotesse
Faith: Not openly religious but raised to worship and give thanks to Kinos
Sexuality: Undetermined
MTG Alignment: Black-Blue

Gender: Female
Race: Half - High Elf
Age: Over 70
How old does she appear: Early-mid twenties
Weight: 155lbs
Height: 6'5"
Body build: Slender, though not quite as lean as high elves. More bottom-heavy
Shape of face: Oval-shaped with sunken features
Eye color: Soft violet
Skin tone: Sickly and pale
Distinguishing marks: A few moles and freckles here and there, blemished, imperfect skin
Predominant features: Hooked nose, crooked teeth with gaps, dark circles around her eyes
Hair color: Naturally toffee brown, though rarely undyed
Type of hair: Wild, thick, and straw-like due to excessive dyeing and lack of maintenance
Hairstyle: Unkempt, all over the place
Voice: Very light, sometimes airy and pleasant on the ears, her voice contrasts her appearance.
Usual fashion of dress: Whatever sack or robes she can throw on. Clothes are typically downtrodden.

Mood character is most often in: Indifferent
Sense of humor: Normally dry, bordering on morbid. She appreciates darker humor.
Character's greatest joy in life: Satisfying her curiosity
Character's greatest fear: Dying or being seriously injured
Character is most at ease when: Napping
Most ill at ease when: Undergoing hard labor, prolonged physical activity or conflict
Enraged when: Being judged for her choices or lifestyle, though she'll usually avoid confrontation over it
Deperessed or sad when: She thinks of how her father chose to depart with knowledge she may never learn, though a part of her envies the freedom he had to be able to choose in the first place.
Character's soft spot: Her mother
Is this soft spot obvious to others: Depends
Greatest strength: Her curiosity
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her laziness and self-serving nature
Character's darkest secret: Find out IC
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Her appearance fits the former, while her approach to problems fits the latter
Prefers working or relaxing?: Relaxing
Confident or unsure of herself?: Can depend
Animal lover?: Unless they’re dead, not particularly

Owns her own home
Successfully found both a teacher and work
Managed to have at least one person who somehow wants to associate with her
Obtain a trinket for one of her aspects
Explore dark magic, alteration, and illusion
Explore alchemy and eventually become an alchemist
Explore necromancy someday
Explore enchanting someday

Color: Deep violets, black, grays, pastels in moderation
Least favorite color: Yellow
Music: Lullabies played by string instruments
Food: Bread and stew
Drink: Tea
Literature: Nonfiction
Form of entertainment: Napping
Most prized possession: Her life

Hobbies: Napping, reading
Plays a musical instrument?: No
How she would spend a rainy day: Napping
Spending habits: Tends to needlessly hoard silver
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Other drugs: None
What does she do too much of?: Napping
What does she do too little of?: Socializing, bathing, working, any physical activity
Extremely skilled at: Literacy, emotional control, dressing like a hobo
Extremely unskilled at: Dealing with other people, combat, making eye contact, bathing, finding and maintaining motivation
Nervous tics: Biting her bottom lip or picking at her fingernails. When alone, she hums to herself.
Usual body posture: Slightly hunched over, dropped shoulders, her back is never properly straight
Mannerisms:If spoken to, she takes her time before responding, if at all, and can often be seen or heard mumbling to herself before giving a reply. She’ll also fiddle with jewelry or a piece of clothing while speaking.Her hands are most often tucked inside her sleeves if the given wardrobe allows.
Peculiarities: Her lack of a proper bath, general awkwardness

Mother: Glynii Amaryllis (alive, original surname unknown)
Relationship with her: The most important person in Dimaria's life as her sole protector and provider for decades. Dimaria has only more recently begun to tear away from her sheltered life in Barkamsted in pursuit of more.
Father: Unknown (presumed deceased)
Relationship with him: There's no relationship to be had when her human father ran off around the time of her birth, and to this day Dimaria's mother refuses to divulge many details about him.
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: N/A
Spouse: None
Relationship with them: N/A
Children: None
Relationship with them: N/A