Physical Appearance
(I have no art of Ozukiro yet)
Gender: Male
Race: Ca'Liar (Small build)
Age: 40
Height: 5'3"
Body Build: Slender, any muscle tone he might have is hard to see under his short fur
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Tone: Short, pale brown fur
Distinguishing Marks: White stripes on his face
Predominant Features: Ozukiro is slightly taller than the average small build ca'liar and has very long hair on his head
Hair Color: Dark brown, similar in shade to chocolate
Type of Hair: Long and straight, normally kept tied back in a ponytail
Voice claim:
Physical disabilities: Walks with a subtle limp in his left leg, making moving at a small build ca'liar's top speed near impossible. He always prefers to walk with something to lean on. It isn't impossible for him to walk on it, but it hurts to.
Usual fashion of dress: Prefers to dress in loose, unobtrusive clothing akin to kimonos and robes in Einar fashion
Jewelry or accessories: Likes to wear a hat, preferably one made from straw. Always wears a sash around his waist to keep his sword and icicle tucked into.
Good personality traits: Humorous, benevolent, and whimsical
Bad personality traits: Frivolous, fickle, and paranoid
Character’s greatest joy in life: Playing music with his family back home
Character’s greatest fear: Being taken back to Einar in chains
Why?: He doesn't want to be held accountable for his desertion yet
Enraged when: Called or treated like a cat
Life philosophy: 'For honor and a long life'
If granted one wish, it would be: Vast wealth
Why?: With wealth, he can have that big house built for himself and obtain the gear he needs to help him regain his honor
Biggest accomplishment: Fighting naga near Barkamsted
Minor accomplishment: Meeting people he thinks he can trust
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Running away from his duty in Einar
Why?: It is the reason for why he considers his honor to have been lost
Character’s darkest secret: He loathes the concept of honor and hates that he doesn't know of a better way to live his life without seeking out more of it. Honor to Ozukiro is, while an important backbone to Einar's society, a tool the nobility and upper echelons of Einar use to control those they consider beneath them. To him, honor is what tyrants use to cast those they deem unworthy out of society and kill those they would deem undeserving of life. Honor is what gets good people killed and allows tyrants to seize control of the blindly-loyal masses. Ozukiro recognizes that his desire to regain his honor is contradictory to how he views the concept and knows that it makes him a hypocrite, but he simply doesn't know how else to cope with what he did.
Does anyone else know?: He hopes not.
Drives and motivations: Gaining the trust of others and fulfilling his desite to regain a sense of honor for himself
Immediate goals:
-Regain lost honor
-Get a nice, cozy home on the land
-Live a long, happy life
Long term goals:
-Return to Einar and save my people from the yokai
Type of childhood: Squallor, lived on a small rice farm
Most important childhood memory: Playing shamisen with his family band
Why?: Music became a deep passion for him from a young age. To this day, it's one of few ways the ca'liar likes to entertain himself and others, even using it as a means of getting coin when he was very new to Saphriel.
Childhood hero: Emperor Ri'Shaka, who obviously wasn't his hero anymore after the events of the Acaedian war, which in part led to Ozukiro's jaded view of the Einar nobility
Dream job: Retired
Education: Literate in the Ca'liar tongue and common
Religion: Kenyeo/Kinos
Finances: Lower class
Current location: Falkvard
Currently living with: Occasionally Chime Bell
Religion: Kenyeo/Kinos, some Bothimir
Occupation: Farmer, apprentice blacksmith, builder, and occasional mercenary
Finances: Lower class
Mother: Dra'Nako
Relationship with her: Ozu was close with his mother, being one of the smallest of her children, and misses her deeply. Of everyone he wronged by defecting and coming to Saphriel, it is her he feels the worst about leaving behind
Father: Ko'Murasai
Relationship with him: Ozukiro's father was hard on him for most of his life, expecting him to keep up with the rest of his brothers and sisters who were all larger and bound for greater destinies than him. Ozukiro understand the necessity of how rough he had to be, and despite the fights they had in the past, they still love one another as father and son. Ko'Murasai would be the one most disappointed to hear that Ozukiro had either died, been kidnapped, or defected from the imperial army.
Siblings: Ozukiro has 12 siblings, the final litter of children to Ko'Murasai and Dra'Nako the rice farmers. Of note were Daisuke, the family's only large-build, and Ma'Ariya, the smallest of the family and only sibling who was smaller than Ozukiro was, of whom he was closest with.
Relationship with them: Several of Ozukiro's siblings, he had never even met as they had grown up and either moved away or joined the imperial army before he was born or old enough to know them. Daisuke was hard on Ozukiro growing up, always teasing and berating him, but it was done out of love and concern, for Daisuke wanted Ozukiro to survive in the army. Ozukiro and Daisuke still loved one another despite the constant bickering. Ma'Ariya was always the weakest child and Ozukiro always did his best to help and protect her from the others.
Other important family members: One of the soldiers that Ozukiro served with, Ko'Ken, the medium build warrior who loathed Ozukiro and scarred his left leg in a duel not too long before he defected.
Color: Green
Least favorite color: Pink
Music: Shamisen
Food: Dumplings
Form of entertainment: Brothels and taverns
Mode of transportation: Carriage
Most prized possession: His shamisen
Hobbies: Farming, flirting, singing, and playing music
Plays a musical instrument?: Yes, shamisen
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Holing up in a tavern or sleeping
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Ozu sees himself as a hypocrite for binding himself to honor so deeply and a coward for abandoning his family and his people.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His drive
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His uncertainty about himself
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His bad leg
How does the character think others perceive him/her: He hopes people see him as a charming, attractive, and hard-working minstrel
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He would like to be a bigger ca'liar
Relationships with Others
Opinion of other people in general: Ozukiro isn't bound by the same prejudices that citizens of Saphriel are. He doesn't outright loathe any of the sentient races of the land simply because he wouldn't understand why. If anything, he only has a lower opinion of goblins because they're ugly and he'd be intimidated by most orcs for how huge, menacing, and savage many of them are. He has met a wide assortment of humans, elves, and dwarves that he likes and dislikes, as well. Given the prejudice he faced himself growing up, Ozukiro is more accepting and open-minded of others on first impressions alone most of the time.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Yes
Person character most hates: Violet
Best friend(s): Ozukiro has met a lot of people he'd call a friend, but doesn't feel close enough to any particular one or two that he would call them a 'best friend' yet.
Love interest(s): Ozu is afraid of committing himself to any serious romantic feelings for anyone at this stage in his life. He doesn't feel ready for it.
Person character goes to for advice: Ko'Maroo, Sir Varik, and Sir Sydian
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Chime Bell
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Erinc, Ajax, Marigold
Thematic music
That a poor man's poison
Could be anything that you love
When all that you know is more than you need
Some better off are alone
Their mouth's salivate Fantasizing my gruesome ending This world looks down upon A man who can stand on his own two feet
Grown oh so tired I'll always chase a dream Pulled by something inside Led by the light I always fail to reach How it calls, how it pleads, how it shines