Character's Full Name:
Lady Nemirel Aodhamair Vodussi
Reason or Meaning of Name:
Nemirel means 'Water Jewel', Aodhamair means 'Flame/Fire' in Gaelic Irish. Her father named her this way because he believed she'd one day 'set the sea ablaze', but she and her family almost always just use Nemirel.
So her first names together essentially translate to 'Water jewel on fire'.
Character's Nickname:
Nemi, Lady Nemi, Nemi-Wemi-Femi, Nimrod, Heronluck, other numerous misspellings.
Reason for Nickname:
It's either Glaedwin being a funny dude, or someone misspelling her name because they're just bad. Lord Eadbhard also calls her Nemi sometimes.
Date of Birth:
37th of Narie, Year 30

High Elven
How old do they appear:
Early-mid 20s
Light, she's a fuckin elf.
7'1" [215cm]
Body Build:
Slender, bendy
Shape of Face:
Eye Color:
Gold [Normal]
Red [Heightened emotion]
Green [Very calm/contented]
White/Opalescent [Magic, Holy tell]
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes:
Skin Tone:
Distinguishing Marks:
Glowing, random runes covering her entire body
One of these runes is Bothimir's mark on her chest
She has numerous battle scars on her body, most of them minor. She covers them up most of the time.
Predominant Features:
Definitely the glowing eyes/runes these days, but also how sharp their shape gets. Her right ear also flicks down when she's annoyed/mad. Notably short for someone of her family.
Hair Color:
Golden blonde
Type of Hair:
Varies. Usually she simply has it down and wears the occasional accessory such as beads, ribbons, brooches or circlets.
Nyx from Hades (You don't think she uses a cantrip to sound spooky? Think again)
Overall attractiveness:
Attractiveness is kinda subjective but she's had a lot of compliments!
(Her voice is also canonically very attractive a la Scylla)
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Often it flips between militaristic suits, and flowing light dresses. There is usually always gold in the clothes, but these days they are primarily greens or teals with secondary whites/blacks and golds/reds as teriary accents.
Favorite outfit:
That's a hard one for them. It's more accurate to say that her favourite outfits are the ones that look good wearing her.
Jewelry or accessories:
She has a few brooches, necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings, though she's most commonly seen with a hairpin in the shape of a sun, filled with topaz, amber and a garnet in the center.

Good personality traits:
Willing to learn and teach
Bad personality traits:
Mood character is most often in:
Jovial, relaxed. Though this is also followed by curiousity.
Sense of humor:
Dry, dark, and occasionally sexual in the right company.
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Her family!
Character’s greatest fear:
The battle with Red Demon Peraxi in Hell involved a lot of heavy bells that tolled throughout the fight seemingly without cease. As a champion of magic, it made her feel very out of control and paired with the sensation of Hell ripping her soul open every time she cast Dark Magic there, the sound of bells can often call her back to a darker time.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?:
Probably being unable to protect either her children, her husband or her brothers for whatever reason and losing them because of it.
Character is most at ease when:
Playing the piano, violin or harp. Especially the former. Alternatively, during her acts of worship to Bothimir.
Most ill at ease when:
Either when she's around a Witch/heretic, or hearing about Lord Eogan Vodussi.
Enraged when:
Someone speaks ill or presumptuously about herself or her loved ones. Or, in the heat of battle when something doesn't quite go her way.
Depressed or sad when:
Thinking of Taennon, Syralei or Lore. So much lost potential.
Ensuring the spread of knowledge and magic, even to the non-magical, as well as experimenting with such. Making sure her children grow up to be bright minds and curious souls.
Life philosophy:
"With Arrynlocke, Victory."
If granted one wish, it would be:
Probably for Syralei to be unsilenced and given a fresh start.
Whilst she understands why it had to be done as far as public knowledge goes, and will never speak of her ever again, she and Syralei were close growing up so hearing that she was silenced was a tragedy that plagues her. She wishes they had more time together in their adult lives given most of their siblings are boys - even though they were cousins, it was like having a little sister.
Character’s soft spot:
Cute animals, especially felines and equines. She'd love to just watch ixalion fowls from afar and, perhaps one day, tame one.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
Sometimes. Not always.
Greatest strength:
Her ability to change and adapt with time and circumstance.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
A constant, crushing weight to be the best noblewoman she can be due to being an Arrynlocke by birthright and a Vodussi by marriage. It's sometimes overwhelming - hence her need for perfection.
Biggest regret:
Not thinking fast enough to save Amara.
Minor regret:
Keeping information from the guard whilst trying to be Ko'Maroo's confidant.
Biggest accomplishment:
She has a lot of accomplishments but if you ask her, the biggest one she feels is proving that she's worth House Vodussi's time and marrying into the oldest Elven family. Realistically it's likely something else but she's unsure how to quantify it.
Minor accomplishment:
Becoming a Hunt Steward and being an Archmage for a time.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
Her dinner with Lord Eogan Vodussi and Lady Fairlin Remartiu.
My guy, she had to crawl through the streets of Barkamsted on her broken legs after that fuck-up. It was a lesson in humility and knowing one's place, for sure.
Character’s darkest secret:
Her husband got her addicted to his alchemies once, that was pretty grim. She also finds him incredibly controlling despite loving him dearly.
Does anyone else know?:
A few NPCs know, but otherwise no. I imagine some have their suspicions however.

Drives and motivations:
Her position as a Noble, her worship in Bothimir, and a genuine desire to protect others.
Immediate goals:
- Build her own seaworthy vessel
- Educate others in magic and otherwise
- Prepare for the Cult's next attacks
- Raise her children
- Think of a name for her newborn daughter
- Find more Willow workers
Long term goals:
- Help the people of Einar
- Help her people retake Manadh Calad
- Learn/study the Elemental Language
- Learn/study what little she can about the Ancients
- Find a way to travel to the Aether, if even possible
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Obviously some things are pretty simple and straightforward; studying the language of God Servants and travelling to the plane of magic, not so much. For now her intent is to take smaller footsteps with the aim of using them as platforms to her loftier goals.
How other characters will be affected:
Well hopefully if she finds a way to the Aether it won't kill her, else a lot of people will be very, very sad.

The City of Silivrenmir
Type of childhood:
Happy, really. Lavish of course, being highborn. Her parents ensured that it was countered with rigorous studies and training however and she took to it well. However after her 11th summer, things took a turn for the worse when her Uncle made the strategic decision to topple the Elven Forest's trees on their enemy, the Pact. From there she lived in Barkamsted and grew up to become a competant enough sailor, soldier and Lady, but things weren't the same after the Elves lost their home.
First memory:
Being walked through the high streets of Silivrenmir with her mother and father.
Most important childhood memory:
Standing in the crow's nest of the Dawnbreaker with her eldest sibling, Lord Elwyn Arrynlocke.
She feels it's more important to take an occasional glimpse to the positive memories rather than the vivid and powerful negative ones. This is usually the first that comes to mind.
Childhood hero:
Lord Parcivale Arrynlocke
Dream job:
Cavalry for the Arrynlockes
Hall of Earth, along with general Elven Noble education in etiquette and Ancient Elven and the like.
Kinos [Dominant], Bothimir
Well she's an Arrynlocke and her parents were decent at what they did so, they were well off.

Current location:
Old Falkvard
Currently living with:
Lord Eadbhard Vodussi and their children
An Acaedian Tiger called Rionach, and a really old stallion called Daelaenach.
Bothimir [Dominant], Kinos, Aderoth
Shipwright, Dockmaster, Carpenter, Enchanter, Hunt Steward of the Hunter's Guild, Owner of the Whimsical Willow
She's a fairly self-made woman, so well-off.

Lady Sadb Arrynlocke
Relationship with her:
She was always the more strict parent (not that her father wasn't) but they both have a loving relationship. Sadb is often rather fearful for her only daughter, but is proud of her. She'd often check in on Nemirel's Lady Etiquette lessons and make sure she was taking everything in since she knew her daughter was easily distracted.
Lord Oisin Arrynlocke
Relationship with him:
The two were always closer than Nemirel and her mother, and though she hasn't written him in some time, she feels very fondly of him. He was always more of a jovial sort, but polite and stern when he needed to be nonetheless. A very hands-on father. He was also the person that taught her how to play the piano at a young age, as they would sit together and play often until they got a song right.
Lord Elwyn Arrynlocke [Alive, eldest]
Lord Taennon Arrynlocke [MIA, middle]
Relationship with them:
Her relationship with Elwyn was always very strong, and her fondest childhood memories are of him. He is often jabbing and teasing at her, and making crass jokes in a way that's incredibly poetic. A master of the pen, she knows she could never outdo him in those regards and they have a bit of a rivalry but it is mostly playful and in reality she probably loves him even more than she loves her parents.
Her relationship with Taennon is more complicated. Whilst she loves her brother, he cast a huge shadow over her branch of the family tree which she had to climb up and over, with Lord Parcivale claiming that his brother's line of the Arrynlockes was subpar at best. Her memories of him during their childhood are mainly of her father casting Mock Silences over him to teach him a lesson, which in turn taught her just how horrible being silenced was and prepared her for the reality of Syralei's silencing.
Lord Eadbhard Vodussi
Relationship with them:
Nemirel adores her husband, but it wasn't always this way, and she still worries he is too controlling over the family sometimes. She's sure he has his reasons for it such as being protective in his own way, but sometimes it feels suffocating. In spite of this, they have both gotten through the mistakes they have made along the way and work well as a team. Nowadays they're very fond of each other, and she is highly attracted to his intellect and creativity.
Lady Amarthain Vodussi [Oldest, twinned with Islwyn, 10]
Lord Islwyn Vodussi [Middle, twinned with Amarthain, 10]
Unnamed Lady of House Vodussi [Youngest, newborn]
Relationship with them:
Nemirel tries to follow her father's example of being hands on and jovial but strict and polite in public settings. Nevertheless, she's very close with all of her children, but as of late has been paranoid about their safety and has occasionally been a bit fussy openly toward them. Of the two older children, Amarthain has seen Nemirel during one of her severe anxiety episodes and sometimes worries for her, but the mother is adamant that she will not tell her children why until they're old enough to at least understand.
Other important family members:
Lady Taimi Vodussi [Mother-in-law]
Lord Parcivale Arrynlocke [Uncle]
Lord Eogan Vodussi [Uncle-in-law]
Lord Eathelric Arrynlocke [Cousin]
Lord Acheron Arrynlocke [Cousin]
Lord Glaedwin Remartiu [Cousin]
Lady Fairlin Remartiu [Cousin-in-law]
Lord Melviir Qorinvayas [Cousin-in-law]
Lady Gwendolyn Qorinvayas [Cousin-in-law]

Least favorite color:
Melancholic, slow, romantic. She enjoys the violin and piano most.
Anything very traditionally Elven, though she does love more smokey meats.
Romantic and adventurous, though non-fiction reads are great too.
Form of entertainment:
Dancing and singing
Mode of transportation:
Ship, with horse-back as a close second.
Most prized possession:
Skysplitter, Taennon's halberd.

Playing music, reading, writing, taking long walks through the God Forest and brainstorming magical things.
Plays a musical instrument?:
Yep! Violin, harp, piano.
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
Probably sat near the balcony listening to the rainfall whilst drinking something warm and dressing down. She'd likely play some indoorsy games with the children, make sure they're getting along with their learning and if she had time beyond studies, soak for a while in the bathtub.
Spending habits:
Sensible for the most part, but she does impulse spend at auctions.
Nope, though she's been tempted.
Other drugs:
If you ask Eadbhard, mana potions. Not really, she's been long weaned off.
What does he/she do too much of?:
What does he/she do too little of?:
Note-taking. Usually when she has an idea that she knows is good, she acts.
Extremely skilled at:
Polearm fighting, jousting, singing, magic, sailing
Extremely unskilled at:
Herbology, tailoring, any kind of percussive instrument that isn't a piano
Nervous tics:
Tapping her foot, lowering her right ear, occasionally if she's really nervous her skin will hum and glow red.
Usual body posture:
Proper, straight-backed, stiff.
She'll usually talk a lot with her hand movements.
The lowering of her ear thing. Also occasionally speaking without actually opening her mouth.

Optimist or pessimist?:
Introvert or extrovert?:
Daredevil or cautious?:
Logical or emotional?:
Depends on the topic, but mostly logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:
Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?:
Prefers working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:
Mostly confident but occasionally unsure.
Animal lover?:

How he/she feels about himself/herself:
By now, with all she has seen and been through, Nemirel knows that she is deeply flawed and has a lot of things that she has worked out - some she is still working out. However, she knows and believes she can overcome these things because with every failure, there is bound to be a lesson learned. She worries that people's faith in her is misplaced, but tries to live up to that faith anyway because in the end, her blood is of the Sun, and thus she will be victorious.
One word the character would use to describe self:
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
Nemirel would likely describe herself as a hard-worker, who does her best to uphold tradition and family values but sometimes slips because she has had to learn that she is imperfect. But, she believes many of her imperfections do make her beautiful, despite the fact that she still works to be a perfectionist. Like the abstract sunbeam shining onto the forest grounds through a canopy of leaves. She would not deny that she is capable of incredible things, but would say that it doesn't mean she's always wise with them.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?:
Her capability to keep going even in the darkest hour.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?:
Her pride.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?:
Everything, frankly, she's a peak Elf. She's no doubts about her physical appearance.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?:
How does the character think others perceive him/her:
Frankly, she doesn't spend enough time worrying about that much. People will think what they think. Though she is aware that Lord Eogan and Lady Fairlin believe she is needy and Nemirel is aware that was a flaw of hers - one which she worked with Lady Mirithel to try and fix.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself:
Physically? Nothing. Mentally? She wishes she could change how much she overthinks, especially in the battlefield. Her mind never feels like it can shut off and it is both a curse and a blessing.

Opinion of other people in general:
In general she believes that people are capable of incredible and dangerous things, and that minds are to be nurtured just as carefully as a body. Even the lesser races have smarts about them and it is not wise to underestimate them, even if they will never be as sharp as an Elf.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?:
Often, yes. Not always, but she does.
Person character most hates:
Best friend(s):
Lord Melviir Qorinvayas, Lady Mirithel Lyral, Ko'Maroo
Love interest(s):
Lord Eadbhard Vodussi, Lord Kero Evander [Crush], Esmail Zafar [Crush]
Person character goes to for advice:
Lord Eadbhard Vodussi, Lady Mirithel Lyral, Glaedwin
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Her children, her spouse, Lord Melviir Qorinvayas
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Lord Kero Evander
Person character openly admires:
Lord Kero Evander, Lord Parcivale Arrynlocke, Lord Eadbhard Vodussi, Glaedwin
Person character secretly admires:
Esmail Zafar, Sir Varik Eries, Lord Acheron Arrynlocke, Lady Fairlin Remartiu
Most important person in character’s life before story starts:
Lord Elwyn Arrynlocke
After story starts:
Literally all of her children.
A work in progress right now!