Let the wind carry you home
Blackbird, fly away
May you never be broken again
Date of Birth: Sometime in the summer
Other fitting theme songs
This is why we bleed, this is why we scream
But we won't run away
This is why we know that we must go
So we can fight today
You can make me bleed, you can make me scream
But I won't run away
This is how I know that I must go
So I can fight today
It all went by so fast
I still can't change the past
I always will remember everything
If we could start again
Would that have changed the end?
We remember everything
Take a look around how we’ve fallen from grace
I am the hand to liberate them!

High Elf
How old do they appear:
Typical elven adult, like a beautiful 20-25 year old
7 foot 1 inch, or roughly 2.16 meters
Body Build:
Lean and lithe
Eye Color:
Onyx black
Skin Tone:
Slightly tanned for a high elf
Predominant Features:
Black hair and eyes, very uncommon for high elves
Hair Color:
Type of Hair:
Wavy as ocean waves with not a storm in sight
Usually down with a braid across the back done with a dwarven steel clasp
Voice claim:
Overall attractiveness:
Depends on your opinion of high elves
Physical disabilities:
None anymore
Usual fashion of dress:
Typically wears a bulky-looking black cloak capable of covering his entire body made from black feathers. Beneath, he'd casually wear a black jacket with the crest of House Qorinvayas upon the left breast, the jacket having a violet trim, and a red sash around his waist that holds many tools from nets and bolas to sabres and daggers. Atop his hat is almost always a wide-brimmed red hat with a long yellow feather within it
Jewelry or accessories:
Wears a pair of silver earrings that look like wings

Common character traits:
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Reclaiming his name, title, and rising to the leadership role of his House
Character’s greatest fear:
Failure. Losing everything that he's worked so hard to regain
Lord Melviir has worked many, many long, grueling decades to regain the attention of the High Lords. Even after succeeding in that, he had to prove himself worthy of his name, which he wasn't at first. Then, he had to prove himself worthy of even being called a Lord, and then when he had retaken all he'd once lost during the War, he wanted to lead his House as its final member to formally rebuild it. He succeeded. To lose it all after so many trials to gain it all would not only deem him a failure once more, but would bring him nothing but shame
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be:
To have his mother and father back
While Lord Melviir wears the guise of confidence and, at times, elven arrogance, he stresses about not living up to the standards imposed upon him. With his parents to help guide him, he would feel much more confident
Character’s soft spot:
Ca'liar food, piano music, and red-haired women
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
Not really. Don't tell his wife about the last one, though
Greatest strength:
Lord Melviir has been called tenacious by Lady Remartiu and considered it his greatest strength. Despite everything that has happened to him, he never gave up and never will
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Lord Melviir has been goaded by Lord Glaedwin for straying from some of his goals for the possibility of exploring the unknown, being the first to accomplish something, or being seen as a greater asset to the kingdom. He considers this his greatest downfall
Biggest regret:
Joining the Rogue's Guild
Minor regret:
Openly considering the possibility of becoming an Abysswalker of Behmos
Biggest accomplishment:
Reclaiming High Tide and being named the Head of House Qorinvayas
Minor accomplishment:
Becoming a Knight
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
He gave away a gift from Lady Mirithel to save himself from a gruesome fate at the hands of a dragon
He thinks that his first lover, Lanna Dermston, dying when she did was probably for the best for both of them, despite how utterly traumatic it was for him
Despite taking the blame for it, Melviir never actually did burn down Lord Eadbhard's old home
Giving away Lady Mirithel's earrings made him feel like a coward, but ultimately, he couldn't risk failing by dying
Lanna never wanted to be a noble. Had she lived, she and him surely would have broken up eventually, only leading to more heartbreak
He just took the fall for it to save some of Lord Thaddeus Arion Dwynn's honor after he perished, even if he likely didn't deserve it
Character’s darkest secret:
He truly, deeply cares about how the humans perceive him. Lord Glaedwin is something of a mentor figure to him, and he doesn't want others to know that he feels that way
Does anyone else know?:
Some probably do, but he wouldn't want to admit it
The elven capital, Silivrenmir
Type of childhood:
Raised as a soldier in the Hall of Earth, later becoming a sailor under his father, Lord Enduil Qorinvayas, on board the Arrynlocke vessel, Blackbird, later the family flagship
First memory:
Observing a sunrise at sea with his mother
Most important childhood memory:
Graduating from the Hall of Earth
Childhood hero:
Lord Parcivale Arrynlocke
Dream job:
Head of House
Hall of Earth and elven noble education
Strongly, firmly Aderoth
Pretty good
Optimist or pessimist?:
Introvert or extrovert?:
Daredevil or cautious?:
Logical or emotional?:
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:
Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?:
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:
Outwardly confident, inwardly unsure

Lady Laenalla Qorinvayas, the loyal navigator
Relationship with her:
Melviir wasn't quite as close with her as he was his father, but his fondest memories were with her coddling him
Lord Enduil Qorinvayas
Relationship with him:
Melviir was extremely close with his father. Though the man was stern, it was for a reason. Melviir's tenacity was inherited from this stubborn, commanding presence of a man
Melviir travelled a lot in his past and knew many women on them. He has fathered children with some of them, though he does not know it.
His official heirs are the twins Lord Failbhe Qorinvayas and Lord Endhelion Qorinvayas.
Other important family members:
Lady Alisane of House Vodussi is Lady Gwendolyn's mother, and when they are married, she will be something of a mother figure to him. From the time he met her, she is kind and has high expectations of him, like most of the nobles he's known, and he is confident enough to like her and hopes she stays in contact with the House.
Lord Eadbhard of House Vodussi will, too, become extended family once he marries Lady Gwendolyn. He did great wrong by associating himself with the arson of the Lord's old home, but over time, Lord Eadbhard grew to forgive him - as far as Melviir knows, at least - and gave him a chance by teaching him some of what he knew of alchemy. To this day, Melviir feels he didn't deserve it, but is grateful all the same.
Lady Nemirel of House Vodussi was once an Arrynlocke and isn't related to Melviir by blood, but like Lady Gwendolyn, she has been in his life for a long time, seen him in his worst moments, and once sought to cut him out of her life entirely after his greatest failures. Once upon a time, Melviir longed to make her his Lady Qorinvayas instead of Gwendolyn, but due to her choice to cut him out and seek the hand of Lord Eadbhard instead, it was never meant to be. However, Lady Nemirel turned back on her decision after seeing the effort Melviir put into turning his life around, and to this day, remains one of Melviir's most steadfast friends. He considered her family before she became a Vodussi.
Teiresius Oedelsi, like Lady Nemirel, was like something of a competitive brother to Melviir. Once, he was a fellow member of the Guard. After Melviir became a traitor, Teiresius, with Lady Gwendolyn in tow, showed Melviir the forgiveness of Aderoth's light. Though a man of strange choices and far from perfect, Melviir always wished for the best for his oldest friend, Teiresius Oedelsi, even during his most controversial days. The day he died, Melviir mourned in agonizing silence while many others laughed.
Scroll Guardian Kahlin Faolain is also not related by blood, but the House's first Scroll Guardian. With the family's history and Melviir's own etched into his flesh, Melviir feels a strong sense of responsibility for the young elf with the sea-colored hair, despite the bickering he and the Guardian sometimes have about whose life is truly the one that should be protected.

-To perfect my swordplay
-To avenge House Qorinvayas
-To become a leader among the reclamation of Silivrenmir
-To prove myself worth becoming a Paladin of Aderoth and to never stray from that goal again

Current location:
Qorinvayas Homestead outside of Barkamsted
Currently living with:
His Scroll Guardian, Kahlin Faolain, and his twin sons
He has a holy sprite that makes him physically tougher that's sort of like a pet to him. It hangs out around him, usually sitting on his hat rolling around, smiling at passersby and waving at his friends
Head of House Qorinvayas
Knight of the Order
Steward of the Church
Aspiring Dragon Priest of the Conclave

Least favorite color:
Hurdy gurdy and sea shanties
Exotic ca'liar dishes
Stories about commonfolk becoming heroes. Fiction or not doesn’t matter to him
Form of entertainment:
Reading, socializing
Mode of transportation:
Most prized possession:
His father's sword and the symbol of his House, High Tide

Cloudwatching, stargazing, fishing
Plays a musical instrument?:
Hurdy gurdy
Spending habits:
Potential investments in his business, things that could save his life in a pinch
Nervous tics:
Tapping his chin, chuckling into his hand

Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others?:
He has no choice. He has to lead by example
Person character most hates:
The one who brought House Qorinvayas to its knees
Best friend(s):
Lady Nemirel of House Vodussi, Lord Eadbhard of House Vodussi, Lord Alawaer of House Alwaran
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Lord Glaedwin, Lady Evander, Lord Eadbhard
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Scroll Guardian Kahlin Faolain, his sons
Person character openly admires:
Lady Evander, Lady Remartiu, Lady Nemirel, Lord Eadbhard
Person character secretly admires:
Lord Glaedwin, Paladin Yolanda, Sir Varik, Dame Nanna, Dame Sigyn
Archive of original background
The old elven house of Qorinvayas - who flew banners of black and violet bearing a single raven - were a retainer family to House Fingal. They were explorers before the war, originally servants to the Fingal during their own travels. They were explorers of the land, but their love of the ocean guided them to becoming seafarers, always careful not to stray too far from the coast as to avoid the dangerous monster-infested oceans. The Qorinvayas explored the shallows out of wanderlust and a desire to seek treasures, be it rare minerals, exotic fish, valuable alchemical herbs, or pots of gold they would have thought to have been left behind by the Gods themselves. While many in the family took the traditional Kinos-worshipping route, as the world they explored around them was all a painted canvas to them in both land and sea alike, once the seafaring generations came about, some took to worshipping Demosto as they used the stars as their maps while out at sea. They prayed to Him for safe treasure-seeking expeditions and swift journeys home. “May the stars guide you home” quickly became their slogan, and their common farewell to others, rather than the usual ‘May your song never end.’ The war called for the service of all elves, and exploring the seas had to wait. The retainer family began to train for military campaigns alongside Fingal and Arrynlocke namely. The Pact navy was laughable until a mere seven years in and Falkvard had fallen, their many ships seized and repurposed for their own purposes. To answer the fall of Falkvard, House Arrynlocke called upon the seafarers for their knowledge of the waters and skill at maintaining ships to combat the Pact’s new naval force. The Head of House, Enduil Qorinvayas, served for decades as the first mate to an Arrynlocke aboard a vessel in High Lord Parcivale’s fleet. Through their unquestionable loyalty through the decades, Enduil was made High Lord of House Qorinvayas and offered the vessel dubbed ‘Blackbird’ to him. In the following fortnight, the black and violet banner bearing the young house’s raven bearing a dirk and scorpio was flying with the Arrynlocke fleet. Lord Enduil was not without his family through all of this. They were his legacy that would leave his mark upon the world were his song to end in this war. With his wife, Laenalla, the violet-haired cartographer, they had one son only. Melviir Qorinvayas, who inherited raven black hair and pupils like a pair of onyxes. Lucky to have such rare elvish traits as he was, it seemed to come at a price, as Melviir was without the Blessing of Bothimir and would not inherit his father’s powerful Wind and Illusion magic. Born just two years prior to the start of the Pact War, Melviir never got to experience the peaceful side of seafaring as his parents did. His early life was spent mostly in Silivrenmir while his parents explored for House Fingal. As a young elf during a time of war, Melviir was quickly inducted into the Hall of Earth, educated with a focus on military, discipline, and tactics. The young raven-haired high elf took up scholarly studies as a hobby, taking pleasure in reading fiction, non-fiction, and even writing his own short stories as a hobby when he wasn’t studying or training for the war ahead of him. Upon his graduation from the Hall of Earth at twenty five, Melviir was cleaning hulls, masts, and sails aboard Arrynlocke vessels, singing songs with his fellow elves of Silivrenmir that told of the end of the war and the destruction of their green-skinned enemies to the east. The war saw the boy mature quickly, and necessity saw him taught the use of nimble, small one-handed weapons that would be easiest to use in the crowded spaces of sea ships, such as cutlasses, dirks, sabers, and rapiers. He would have been trained to use most elvish weaponry in the Hall of Earth, such as serpent swords, glaives, and other common weapons, but the nimble high elf took to preferring the smaller naval-style weapons for obvious reasons. Melviir saw many battles at sea, be it under the command of an Arrynlocke or by his own father - his High Lord Qorinvayas - aboard Blackbird. With precise swordplay and elvish dexterity, many an orc and undead was skewered by his rapier and dirk. Even as the war began to turn bleak for the Alliance after the fall of Manadh Calad and high elven sailors began to die off and be replaced by humans, the Arrynlockes began to outfit their vessels with massive cannons that skewered Pact ships with fire and death, and the war turned in their favor. Tragedy befell House Qorinvayas in the years following the invention of the cannon. A particularly powerful dark mage aboard a Pact ship had nearly skewered an Arrynlocke-controlled vessel with tendrils of darkness as it began to hit it with its broadside cannons, but was quickly intercepted by Lord Qorinvayas, using his Wind magic to propel Blackbird in the mage’s path. The magic annihilated the pride of House Qorinvayas, and as it sank, so too did the body of Melviir’s father and mother. More than his family, Melviir lost House Qorinvayas, only lucky enough to be saved by his fellow soldiers in the battle’s aftermath. Melviir never knew who the dark mage was that ended the life of his House, but if the day ever came that he did, he would surely seek to avenge his family. The raven-haired corsair returned to serving the Arrynlockes at sea, then reluctantly to fight alongside the Pact as the Demon War followed shortly after. Taking up a rapier of silver, the once-Lord Qorinvayas sought to see his song end battling the darkness that took his nobility from him, but was instead met with successful service in the elvish armies. Without his family, all Melviir had left to his name was his family’s signet ring. It was his proof of nobility, now stripped of him through the war’s destruction of it all. The once-Lord, now lonely corsair used the last bit of his silver to purchase a small ship, crew, and supplies to trade between Barkamsted and Falkvard, aiding with the capital’s reconstruction through the delivering of supplies to and from. Though after less than a decade and hearing so many tales spun of heroes across the land, battles that had been fought and won, Melviir grew unsatisfied with the trader’s life. Though he was at home on the waters, he was once a noble. Saphriel needed him. The elves needed him. Silivrenmir needed him. So Melviir sold his ship and supplies and came home to Saphriel, this time with more of an ambition to gain the fame, fortune, and glory necessary to bring House Qorinvayas back into nobility. He’d become a hunter, a gladiator, whatever would give him the fame that he needed.
Character Art!
By Purgatoris
By Sero0
By Bettemus99
By Tankinator
By Ambillis
By me
Memes that I don't know who made, but Melviir's in them and I love them