Varik Eries

Basic Information
Name: Varik Eries
Alias: Sir Varik Eries, Hearth Councillor, Royal Knight
Age: ~40
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Homeland: Saphriel - A village near Barkamsted
Occupation: Royal Knight, Hearth Councillor of the Knight Order, Master Blacksmith, Tinkerer, City Maintenance
Physical Description
Height: 183cm / 6'
Weight: 90 kg / 198 lbs
Complexion: Tanned Caucasian
Eye Color: Blue
Hairstyle: When untied, his hair falls straight just past his shoulders, but he usually ties it into a tight, neat bun.
Hair Color: Almost black, though it shines brown under light. Very fine streaks of grey are now appearing on the sides of his head.
Distinguishing Features: If he tried, he could blend into a crowd fairly easily. He likes to cover himself with jewellery and isn't afraid to show off a bit, with his fingers studded by various rings and signets, at least an amulet of Aderoth hanging over his neck, and a pair of golden ear studs in his ears. This all hides a handsome face of a human free of a lot of blemishes other than those brought on by age and stress.
Clothing: Usually fairly regal. He doesn't like to wear plate armour when not on duty as he finds even the incredibly well-made Royal Guard's armour to be uncomfortable to wear for prolonged periods of time. Instead he likes to dress in silks and gold threads, often using black with golden trim as his signature colours, though he likes to wear what he thinks will look good on him. When working he puts on much simpler clothes. Old, worn-out tunics and trousers that have seen better days, mostly to avoid damaging his more exquisite clothing.
Description: If his face wasn't famous, Varik would be quite difficult to spot out in a crowd. A well-built, handsome human with a broad, muscular build and handsome featurres framed by a thick beard that is trimmed to a sharp point to slim his face. He has small golden studs in his ears and ties his hair back to keep it out of the way.
Many folk in the Kingdom would recognise him by now, if not through appearance alone then certainly through the name which he built up and cultivated for himself. Said name is carried proudly, with a straight stance and a gait certain of his actions.
Current Home: Falkvard
Current Location: Saphriel
Long-term Goals: Starting a family and becoming a lord.
Short-term Goals: Marriage
Affiliation: (What factions does your character belong to?) Knight Order, Royal Guard, Tinkerers' Guild, Explorers' Guild
Character Personality: Varik is a good man, trying his best to live up to the high standards he set himself. He no longer feels like an imposter, no longer pressured by the weight and burden of feeling as though he deserved none of what he had, and that he in truth achieved nothing. This was a slow healing process, but friends and loved ones taught him to recognise himself better. Varik now no longer fakes his leadership, but feels confident in being a leader in his own right when called upon.
This is not to be mistaken for arrogance, however. He still strives hard to be humble, and is perhaps still too harsh on himself, but this no longer results in self-loathing. He wants to help everyone he can, save as many lives and destroy the enemies of the Kingdom.
Character Strengths: Varik is physically strong for a human. Though he became a bit leaner in recent years due to the nature of the training he performs, this only made him more flexible and agile. He's a master blacksmith, good tinkerer, and a great warrior. Varik has become a lot more sure of himself, mentally fortified against the things that the Cult and other enemies of the kingdom throw at him. He's fiercely loyal and protective of others.
Character Weaknesses: He's very scared for his family and friends, and feels powerless to stop anything terrible happening to them if anyone decided to. Varik's still absolutely a workaholic, spending long nights at the end of the year with his accounting books for the Order and sometimes staying up very late to finish work. Though not a weakness as such, fighting is almost an addiction to him. He hates it, but he can't stop himself, even if every battle is a gamble.
Relations: In next post
Character's History: Varik was born outside of a village in Barkamsted, in the waning years of the Pact War. The city itself was not yet found nor attacked, though he remembers little of his childhood. He was the youngest of a large family, and as his father was called up to serve the family decided to send him off to a local smith called Triton.
There Varik spent a few years, learning how to become a smith. That was until the Pact War finally came upon the walls of Barkamsted. The village in which Varik lived was in the path of the advancing army, and was thus destroyed. He was likely the last survivor, with luck managing to make it to Barkamsted where he spent the next few years committing petty crime, begging, and living rough. That was until he was old enough to become a labourer, and as luck would have it Falkvard was retaken and needed hands to rebuild it.
Varik was once a scrawny little kid, but hard work hit him hard and he became a strong young man, often wrestling or fist-fighting at the docks to make extra coin. He had a few flings, but nothing that really stuck. He settled down in Falkvard, and with the need for labourers slowly drying up sought something a bit more steady than day work.
OOC Information
Minecraft Name: MRPolo13
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