"Invictus Maneo"
Pronunciation of name
Shoo-gah Oh’T Oog-niss
Meaning of name
Sughah of the Ugnis Clan, nothing too deep
Character’s nicknames
SugSug, Sugar, Sug, Sunset, Spicy, Shughar, Orange One
Birth date
By now the specific date has been lost
Fervent Uldirite
MTG Alignment

Actual age unknown
How old does she appear
Late forties, early fifties
(She's clearly got some years on her)
Thicc Between 280-300lbs
Body build
Extremely fit, sturdy
Shape of face
Overall rounded face apart from her sharper chin and more angular cheekbones.
Eye color
Skin tone
Distinguishing marks
A red tattoo travels along the entirety of her left arm like flames across her skin. Her right arm is wrapped in a branding of a serpentine dragon that goes to the upper part of her shoulder, and her back has yet another dragon branded down the center with wings stretched over her shoulder blades. There is also a burn scar on the back of her left hand which appears to be the freshest of all her countless markings.
Hair color
Sunlit-blonde with enough golden tint to distinguish it from being straight platinum
Type of hair
Thick and unruly, but not curly in any fashion
Partially shaven and usually braided in some fashion to keep it out of her face. Oftentimes it’s threaded with beads and feathers, small bones too.
Warm and raspy, but with a deep tone fitting of an orc
Usual fashion of dress
Typically she wears some variant of red and gold. Despite being involved in a trade normally geared towards fashion, the orc often keeps her attire simple so that she's unburdened.

Mood character is most often in
More or less returning to her jovial self, though rarely satisfied and always seeking more.
Sense of humor
Witty jokes often go over her head, but childish humor can strike a chord along with practical jokes, teasing, pranks, etc.
Character’s greatest joy in life
Her children and combat
Character’s greatest fear
Either herself or a member of her family dying to illness or outside of combat. In other words, a slow, painful, and undignified death.
Character is most at ease when
In combat or with her children, respectively
Most ill at ease when
In small spaces or deep waters, cooped up (see also: doors)
Enraged when
If any threat or harm was to be brought to her children as they are now
Depressed or sad when
At this point she doesn’t spend much time or energy dwelling on sadness. Anger and frustration come easier to her.
Character’s soft spot
Is this soft spot obvious to others?
Very much so
Greatest strength
Her adaptability. Her faith in Uldir and confidence in herself allows her to take necessary risks.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness
The cultural barrier she faces on a day-to-day basis
Character’s darkest secret
None. She has nothing to hide.
Optimist or pessimist?
Both. She's found a balance between the two.
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
She can lean either way depending on the situation. And her patience.
Logical or emotional?
Emotions drive her, but logic grounds her.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Disorderly and messy most of the time but can deliver neatness when work requires it
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of herself?
Confident, but she recognizes areas of improvement
Animal lover?
She respects and cares for the animals around her house, but otherwise no. Any soft spot that existed is now largely gone.

Became a Master tailor
Became a Wondrous fire mage
Made a family
Killed 2 Skalds
Survived the Pine Valley
Became a leader in the Explorers Guild
Became a Skald
Helped slay Cerberus
Aided in the Crossroads battle (and somehow survived)
Organized and participated in the successful siege of the mesa bandit fort
Create a proper orcish home for her family
Become a Divine fire mage
Fight a real dragon
Kill more cultists or demons above purple class
Grow beyond her means
Keep to her path and be the mesa's blade

Favorite color
Orange. Duh.
Least favorite color
Anything with a hearty beat that she can either dance to or play along with
Chicken, spicy foods
Spiced rum and orcish grog
Form of entertainment
Fighting or sparring, feasting, dancing

Fighting or sparring, brewing
Tailor and owner of the Tempered Serpent, kingdom lamplighter, mercenary
Plays a musical instrument?
How she would spend a rainy day
Business as usual
Spending habits
Sughah won't spend coin frivolously, reserving it for her kids or when buying aid for future battles.
An old habit picked up again, Sughah may smoke on occasion to help clear her head.
Other drugs
None regularly
Skilled at
Hand-to-hand combat, grappling or wrestling, wielding larger weapons, bows, and polearms, fire magic, tailoring, being stubborn
Unskilled at
Common tongue, wielding finer, smaller weapons, expressing empathy, reading a room, conceding, diplomacy, lying
Usual body posture
Standing tall
When speaking, she will break her phrases apart with "Mhm", "Nuh-uh", and "I think".
A lot of things she does can be considered peculiar.

Gromka (presumed deceased)
Relationship with her
Decent, but not the leading figure Sughah hoped for in life
Lorbash (presumed deceased)
Relationship with him
Extremely combative relationship perpetuated by failed expectations and judgement
Six half-sisters and one brother (2 sisters and brother confirmed deceased, rest presumed deceased)
Relationship with them
Closest with brother, but half-sisters also helped raise her during the Pact War.
Relationship with them
Mornah, Ukkah, and Ojah
Relationship with them
Close-knit and tightly bonded
Other important family members
Many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. (most presumed deceased)
Relationship with them
Almost nonexistent now due to being separated by the Pact War

Opinion of other people in general
People are judged based on their actions as opposed to their words or titles
Does the character hide her true opinions and emotions from others?
Opinions? No. Emotions? Depends.
Person character most hates
Close friend(s)
Gaatha, Grexzal, Yolanda,
Lilith, Rabziin, Taggart
Love interest(s)
Ha. That ship has long since sailed.
Person character goes to for advice
Usually depends on what she wants advice on
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of
Her children, the mesa orcs, sometimes Nodia
Person character feels shy or awkward around
Person character openly admires
Brona, Scylla
Person character secretly admires
None - she has nothing to hide
Most important person in character’s life before story starts
Orbak - her older brother
After story starts
Her children, Ukloz, the mesa orcs

Art made by myself can be found here.
Art by Others