Original artwork done by OrekiGenya Source
A tall High-Elven man with black demonic eyes and blood-red irises, much like well, a demon's. He has straight white unkempt hair that is nearly shoulder-length at times, sometimes trimmed down shorter. He has decently fair or handsome features but this was not uncommon among High-Elves. Though unlike others of his kind he does look to be slightly more muscular than your typical High-Elf, this was somewhat odd and/or abnormal, feeling a bit unnatural given Elves typically were not capable of such builds normally. Upon closer inspection of his mouth while he speaks one may notice a large set of fangs, but these were not always visible as they did retract.
He normally wears his unique hunter armor which appeared more like clothing with various layers of white, black, and red fabrics all worked together into a single outfit which hid many layers of protection underneath with an outer layer of leaf like mail that appeared to be made of some kind of bone like material. The exterior of the armor was encased with various leather straps and harnesses that held his gear. Though, most of that was hidden by perhaps his most iconic piece of clothing, his nearly ever-present red coat that extended down to his ankles. The coat had a large red collar that concealed a hood tucked under it, alongside two black leather pauldrons visible on each shoulder. The rest of it was rather un-unique in appearance beyond that, just a large smooth red leather coat.
Under his coat, only visible at times when it moved about, were those aforementioned harnesses and straps. Around his right leg, there was a black harness with a steel dagger sheathed on the side of his thigh. A silver dagger can also be found strapped to the back of his belt. And his entire torso had a specially made hunter harness strapped to it, which held a variety of smaller throwing knives close to his body and a few pouches. A blade can normally be seen strapped to his left flank. A blood-red longsword with a saber like guard over the hand. There was a small ruby placed in its pommel, the guard was a dark silver and black, shaped like the wings of a bat being spread wide.
When not dawning his hunter armor and coat, he wore a variety of more normal outfits ranging from simple linen shirts and coats to more formal suits at times.
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Sydian Elsinire Reason or meaning of name: None Character’s nickname: None Reason for nickname: None Birth date: Year 3501 in the month of Lotesse on the 5th day, under the sign of Vulpes (the Fox) Date Character was Created: October of 2015
Physical appearance
Gender: Male Race: Half-Demon High-Elf Age: N/A
How old does he/she appear: 20's Weight: 190 Lbs Height: 6'8 Body build: Well built with strangely, and unnaturally, defined muscles (For a High-elf). Though still with a slender form.
Eye color: Red & Black (Demonic) Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None, but he sometimes wears black or red spectacles or glasses as a fashion accessory.
Skin tone: Pale peach Distinguishing marks: Tattoo of a dagger on upper right bicep Hair color: White Hairstyle: Neck length, unkempt and messy. Sometimes grown out in a ponytail or cut short when in hot environments, and very rarely, slicked back. Voice: A rough and moderately deep sounding voice, slightly different from the normal sing-song voices of other High-Elves due to learning and speaking common first, though not exclusively for that reason alone either, but it did make elven his second language. But it still had an odd smoothness to it at times despite all this.
Overall attractiveness: He's fairly attractive, and still manages to retain the charming looks that most High-elves seem to share, though with a more rough edge to him. Physical disabilities: None Usual fashion of dress: His works and 'activities' see him constantly changing his appearance from something somewhat formal, to dirty and stained coats and armor. Though his usual way of dress during his free time is his black coat with a red interior and red tie-up undershirt, as well as black pants.
Jewelry or accessories: A fiery red crystal amulet framed with a gold and black chain. It seemed to dance with flames on the inside when inspected. A strange emerald ring that had a windy magical nature to it. A knight and skull ring engraved with the Hunter's guild crest. As well as other small nick-nacks and charms of no specific design on his belt.
Voice Claim:
Theme Music
Cocky Fight
Desperate Battle
Climactic Battle
Duel To the Death
Final Goodbye

Non-Specific Reference Art