Name: Yama Khaali
Aliases: Ajan
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Origin: Eastern Tribes
To most it's obvious at first glance that Yama is from the Eastern Tribes, the Tribal Tattoos covering most of his face being a quick give-away even to those that don't understand their meaning. He doesn't tend to talk about his past with people he doesn't trust, but at times lets things slip by accident.
Yama is short spoken and secretive, responding with a simple 'Okay.' to most things. He speaks both Tribal and Common, when speaking Common he tends to speak in a very deliberately 'correct' manner (I.E. "I am going to go to battle now.") which can make him sound very verbose in his attempt to be seen as well-spoken. When he gets upset this wall tends to fall away as he stops thinking over his words and just lets them pour out of his mouth. (I.E. "This fucking stupid. Waste of time. Leaving now.") In both of his spoken languages he tends to swear fairly often. It's hard for him to care about things as he expects them to somehow be taken from him, but when he does place trust in something or someone it tends to be very strong. He tends to easily feel as if he's been slighted or betrayed by people as a consequence of not trusting them.
Yama has dark skin and long black hair pulled back in a fluffy ponytail. He has feminine amber eyes with a small mole under the left eye. His build is slim but athletic, his usual activities toning the muscle he has rather than building more. And the most obvious thing, a bunch of dark-blue Tribal tattoos along the right side of his body. Many will just see them as a series of neat designs, but those familiar with the Eastern Tribes would understand that they are representative of something. His left ear is missing its earlobe and most of its lower half, but it is usually hidden by his hair. He has a scar on his lower lip.
His clothing is simple but elegant and almost royal in appearance, fine silks and velvets of purple and gold coloring. They have similar Tribal patterns sown into them with golden thread. His shirt has one long sleeve going down the entirety of his left arm while the right has a short sleeve that shows off the tattoos along his right arm.
Most of the time he'll be found in his armor. Consisting almost entirely of blacks and dark greys, it has a sinister look to it especially with a set of sharp teeth positioned at the knuckles. The faceplate has only a thin slit for vision that makes for an emotionless veil with only a vertical purple 'scar' over the left side of it. Regardless of what he's wearing, he's almost never without a certain large spear that appears made of bone either in hand, on his back or at his side.
More Art

Young Yama Concepts by Me

Teen Yama in B/W by Me

A young Yama by BelByTheSea

Yama Painting by Colbatico

Streetrat Yama by HaruArtwork

Young Yama / "Ajan" Sticker by Purge/Pru (This text absolutely refuses to center for some reason)

Steampunk Yama by Ardabees

Injured Yama by PatchedPockets

Schemin Yama by Sargonvoid

Goofy Comic Strip by Me
Yama by GhostieToastie
From SageGreenPossum
Yama Demos his newest designs by me
LTG Meme by me