-Posts Are put up around Falkvard, most so around the Arena itself.-
We are soon to be holding a tournament in honor of Uldir and the late Elizabeth within the Falkvard Arena. It will only be limited by a common sense rule, do not intent to kill. No explosives, no mithril, nothing equal to wyvern material or greater. No divine spells to instantly end your round. When the round ends it will be judged without bias who is the winner based on who showed the most skill and wit under the limitation of time. As well as abiding by the rule of conflict, no intent to kill. You win through display rather than victory over your enemy, so keep that in mind.
First place will be winning 200 silver, second and third 100 silver. Fourth and fifth 50 silver. Which will be paid at the end of the tournament by the Arena Master. But was funded by Dexter Cross and Esmail Zafar. The winner will also get a coupon for a free masterwork weapon from Taggart.
Those with sponsorship will be permitted to join the tournament free of charge. But those without will need to pay five silver entry fee if they want to be counted as a combatant and listed as part in the Tournament. Same with those who wish to sell their goods during the tournament rounds, sponsors take priority but others that have not yet sponsored any fighters may reserve a stall space for five silver.
The tournament will begin when all fighters are accounted for. Send all funds and inquires to Arena Master, Deldonu of House Ithilusk. ((Feel free to letter Skull175 in game or Skelly over Discord.))
((Sign ups have been extended for the time being. Until other events clear up!))