Rumors spread around the town, mostly in small shops or at the tavern, some even in the library. A writer was creating something some considered heretical; but to the author was but pure romance in written form. Some say the writer has made a promise to post piece by piece a story! Though that is not all they will be writing, it’s heard they plan to expand their literature into different forms such as poetry and short tales. Soon small posters began to pop up around Falkvard decorated with swirling golden inks.

"Hello there citizens of Falkvard, I will be your writer for this series. You can just call me B. I’m excited to share my tales and perhaps change some of your opinions of the world as we know it. Lets hope you and I can become good friends, yes?"

[!] The posters were removed. Additionally more patrols from the guard appear to frequent the noticeboards.