“We fight monsters and unholy creatures for a living here. Grotesque, evil, violent, dangerous; they’re certainly all these things. And yet, we somehow manage to go to sleep each night and wake up each morning.”

The Hunters have existed for centuries. They are the realm’s shield against that which goes bump in the night, as well as the blade with which it strikes back. Functionally, they are similar to mercenaries that specialize in the tracking, slaying, and capture of monsters and demons.
Though they have a long and proud history, it has been only in the last decade their ranks have risen back and the guild has struck a foothold against the dark and supernatural.
While the guild primarily takes contracts from the Kingdom in order to keep the realm safe from the threats that emerge they are not against taking hunts from various individuals looking to obtain parts of monsters or to clear out a location so they may operate without issue. Contact the Master Hunter or Hunt Steward if you have a contract you wish to set up.

How to Join
Prospective hunters should reach out to Hunt Master Lilith Lovefast ((AbstractCloud)). Any who wish to join their ranks must recognize the danger of the duty that will be performed for the Kingdom. Those who pass an interview will first join as Hunter Aspirants and will be given time to hone their skills and train among their peers. It is here they will choose their first hunt partner and eventually embark upon their trial for full membership in the Guild. The trial is dangerous, and Aspirants must be confident in both their skills along with their partners if they want to survive.

Non-Hunters are not allowed on Guild premises except by the Master or Stewards express permission.
With the exception of standard-issue gear and supplies, items belonging to the guild must not be taken except by the Masters express permission
Hunters are expected to carry themselves with dignity in their dealings with the public and among their peers. Embarrassments and infighting will not be tolerated.
Hunters must never undertake a contract alone. Each is assigned a partner, and larger hunts call upon even greater numbers. Failure to follow this rule will result in increasing degrees of punishment.
Hunters can only take contracts at or below their rank. The highest Hunter in a pair counts for both members in the instance of taking contracts.
Hunters must inform the Master Hunter or Steward before undertaking a mission. Details and information on the hunt can be found upon the contract boards. A report of each mission must be written and delivered to the Archivist for the guilds records.
Hunters must not reveal the details of a hunt to those outside the guild. This primarily includes locations and involved individuals for the safety of all involved.
Hunters are not only encouraged, but expected to take on contracts of their rank as often as possible.
Failure to be responsive to guild missives or calls to action after a period of six months will see expulsion from the guild.
Any failure to abide by the above will have consequences, up to ejection from the guild.

Master Hunter
Lilith Lovefast (AbstractCloud)
Hunt Steward
Blight Smith
Lady Scylla Evander (Scree1)
Nix Ingret (spazman1997)
Voyemir Radisin (Polofez)
Master Hunters:
Glaedwin Remartiu (Rajaat)
Taggart O'Connell (Tankinator)
Lilith Lovefast (AbstractCloud) Nix Ingret (spazman1997) Nathan Pebble (Halomantis)
Lady Scylla Evander (Scree1)
Journeyman Hunters:
Sughah (Syd_The_Squid)
Rabziin Rez (TheChiliCheese)
Yolanda Odelelsi (MindOfOrder) Voyemir Radisin (Polofez)
Apprentice Hunters:
Ranagar Lo'Rakh (SoulofBalance) Boro (Rattataskr) Deka Zakiti (Queen_Maev)
Sir Gaatha Arlos (Skelly175)
Lord Melviir Qorinvayas (StoneGlory)
Hunter Aspirants:
Deldonu Ithilusk (Skellyton175)
Lord Alewaer Alwaran (110PercentWizard)
Nodia Mad-Kin (ShankedPenguin) Ardor O'Connell (Purgatoris) Grimshaw (LunaMoona)
Tuvaili Longhammer (Syns) Yama Khaali (LivingDeadMan) Kana Arlos (AshNCinder) Remigio diRosa (Cat)
Braq Magada (GlacialDawn)
Lady Eibhleann Arrynlocke (Mae)

Guild Theme