What Are the Tinkerers?
The Tinkerers support the kingdom and its interests in many ways. Primarily, we strive always to improve the lives and situations of those within the kingdom, be they average citizen or otherwise. It is our goal, always, to not only innovate but to create solutions towards problems we encounter, even should those solutions be unheard of. We are a guild of craftsmen - working on alchemy, on inventions, smithing, and more.
As a guild focused on innovation, we provide a source of constructive criticism, as well as access and funding for materials and projects where necessary. This includes our own garden, its materials and associated tools open to all members who wish to pursue alchemy, and access to machinery that can make one's job both easier and of higher quality.
We deal, on occasion, with kingdom-granted contracts, along with contracts from private citizens. Our work requires focus, time, patience, as invention is a tremendously difficult art. Yet, what we gain from it is always of worth. If you have an interest in learning, in pushing through a project to fruition, and in honing skills while creating new paths towards success, we want you.
How Can I Take Part?
Contact Syli Mad-Kin (DeltaRabbit / Delta#1545 on Discord) to schedule your interview.
Guild Roster Head Tinkerer: Syli Mad-Kin Ko'Maroo Eali Mad-Kin Enych Felriede Nathan Pebble Ser Bakreal Coalheart Sir Varik Eries Colel Wildseeker Paladin Yolanda Oedelsi Filvarel Relmory Topaz Lucky Rules - Membership is free, and members are permitted to ask for, really, anything the guild can provide which will be discussed and then dealt with within reason. Constant requests for something that has been denied without change in situation will lead to termination due to inability to follow basic guidelines. - At times, a participation check is made. So long as you are making /something/, we are lenient on this timing. Failure to create anything over a long period of time will lead to a trial period of time to make something of worth in the interest of ensuring that members continue to hone their skills in their chosen areas. Should this time pass without creation, then the member will face expulsion. - Respect other members. By our nature we will face many ideas and many differing viewpoints on how to carry out a project. While not all ideas may make it to the end, all ideas regarding the process towards creation should be heard. - The performance of illegal acts shall lead to guild reports where necessary, and expulsion. - There are no ranks in the guild other than the Head Tinkerer. This is to encourage discussion on equal grounds wherever possible. Attempts to pull rank will be dealt with harshly.