Posters were put up around Falkvard and Barkamsted
Looking to trade down a powerful alteration trinket to someone with a strong alteration trinket, who can then pass it on to someone else in a similar manner.
Please reach out to me if you have a strong, medium, moderate, feeble, or weak alteration trinket. If you have an aspect in alteration but no trinket, please also reach out, as the lowest rank will then go to that person. There may be more than one person with the same type of trinket responding, so please also provide reasoning as to why you should receive the rank up, along with the strength of your trinket.
Please do not perform secret trades or sell of the trinket you have, as this is to further the magic of everyone who will be involved. - Lady Mirithel of House Lyral
(Contact by responding to this post on the forums. Please include IC name and OOC IGN
The individual people will be lettered, and posters removed once the process is seen through. I will still give others a chance to respond for a while. May your songs never end, Lady Mirithel of House Lyral