In the effort to continue on the practice of passing down trinkets--both for those seeking to further their potential or to whomever may simply take an interest in the aspect--I would like to trade a Strong Fire trinket for a Medium one, this Medium trinket for Moderate, so on and so forth.
The Strong Fire trinket that I shall pass on are a pair of cracked goggles that can ever so slightly bolster one's capabilities in crafting basic explosives. Please contact Gregory Topaz if you have any interest in being a part of this chain. As before, there is a chance that the lowest person within the chain can receive a trinket without requiring one to trade down in turn. In the case of two candidates of the same level express interest, do state for what purpose you would like to further or explore this aspect so that a decision can be made between each case. Please be sure to disclose any special conditions for any trinkets that may be passed down, including any descriptions or specific requirements needed to cast with it. Again, do not contact me if you only intend to sell this trinket upon receiving it.
(( Send a letter to Cysha through Discord or by responding to this posting! ))
[!] The posters were taken down.