Citizens of Saphriel,
A Kingdom Auction shall be held in the last week of Lotesse, Year 110of Common Era ((5th of October 2024, starting at 3PM EST)). This means that all of the items will be provided by the Kingdom, and all of the proceeds will likewise be sent to the Kingdom to bolster its coffers.
The rules of the auction are as follows:
You MUST have enough money to pay the bid.
You must raise your hand and call out your bid.
If you are supporting another's bid, call out by how much and the total.
Items will be auctioned in the order they appear in the pamphlet published a few weeks prior to the auction.
The intermission will be used to pay for the items of the first lot.
You may submit absentee bids for any items once the list becomes available. The auctioneer will bid for those items on your behalf. Absentee bids are made anonymously unless stated otherwise, but should the absentee bidder succeed their name will be announced as the winner.
The list of items available for auction will be published closer to the date. Any questions may be directed to Sir Varik Eries, the Kingdom of Saphriel's Head Auctioneer.
he list of items that shall be available for sale at the auction is now available to be picked up from the front of the auction house. This also means that we now accept absentee bids for anyone who will not be able to attend. If multiple people absentee bid on the same item, the higher pre-bid will take priority, but we will only disclose that another absentee bid has been made, not how high it is.