I've had several people contact me regarding the recently-announced pricing of the Kingdom. I would like to make several clarifications in regards to the agreed-upon pricing of the Merchants' Guild which has now been made into law.
First, the prices set by the Kingdom are minimums. That means that, for a steel ingot's worth of work, a master smith cannot charge less than the set prices. They are at liberty to charge more. This is especially applicable to tinkering or more complex crafts where the amount of labour required alone often elevates the price above the minimums, and the items are highly specialised.
Second, gifting is still permitted within the framework of the law, as long as it's not used to circumvent the law and minimum prices. The law is in place to protect craftspeople and to ensure quality and fair practices in the Kingdom. If you believe someone to be undercutting the minimum prices by using gifting as an excuse please contact the Guard.
Third, reselling of items may be allowed as long as they are originally sold by craftsmen at a correct price, which would mean that unless one earned back the original price and then some they'd still be making a loss in total.
Further questions and clarifications may be directed to me.
Sir Varik Eries