Hello players, both new and old! The purpose of this post is to help guide individuals towards various RP hubs and locations within the current hub city of Falkvard! Below is the map with marked locations of interest and below that will be detailed information about each specific place.

Spawn: This is where a new player will arrive after going through the spawn area! Within Corinaith Square. Behind this and to the right is the cart which allows a person to travel to the Docks, East, North, and Western outer gates.
Chat Fonce: One of the main taverns and RP hubs of the server. A good place to go to meet characters both new and old, but also a location where a notice board can be found and a room rented for a small fee depending on the length of time an individual may wish to stay.
Fighter's Flagon: Another tavern with a homely feel and plenty of seating while also providing food, drink, rooms for rent, and a fighting pit out of the back of the building. With a notice board for anyone to use and a central location in the city it is a great place to meet new people.
Hospital: The hospital! A place very obviously meant for healing. Characters who are hurt or injured can go here free of charge and be seen by a nurse(Player character or NPC) or a doctor. Depending on the severity of the injury they shall be given a room to stay in and safely heal while the hospital staff check on them and tend to their wounds.
Falkvard Church: A holy place to Aderoth and backed by the cemetery where many notable characters can be found buried who have died in the past. It provides free food and temporary shelter for the poor along with service should any require it.
Castle: The Isle of Kings, or Falkvard Castle, is where the king resides! While access to the inner portion is restricted the general public still has access to the inner grounds and gardens where individuals can find divinely blessed holy and warded water to combat the darkness.(Half demons are warned from touching it). Every first week of the IC month(Sundays) court is held by the King, who will rely important information and news about the previous month and warnings about current dangers of the land.(The castle is located across the bridge from the above image)
Arena: Uldir's Arena! Where matches are held between contestants in the honor of the god of War and Conflict. It's a popular location for fighters and warriors to train and spar due to the buildings enchanted sands that help prevent injury, but is by no means able to keep someone alive should they be mortally wounded.
Peoples' Palace: A temple to Udero, and also known as the Council Building, this location can provide basic information on Guild Masters, Scribes, and Counselors of the Kingdom. It is also the location of their various offices within the city(All before mentioned positions included), and makes for a wonderful location for any official meetings with these persons.(For contacting scribes about permits please refer to this Post(Create link).)
Royal Bank: A location for all citizens of the kingdom to store their personal belongings and silver with incredible security against theft or loss. Players may HelpOp to store silver here which will be made into an item and stored within the Enderchest. This also acts as their personal bank space where items can be held safely.
To Barkamsted: The large transport ship the Black Dragon. This ship offers free transport for any citizens between the cities of Falkvard, and Barkamsted with an additional stop at the island mountain of Thonduhm, home of the dwarves, which is considered a fairly dangerous location at this time. Travel between Falkvard and Thonduhm takes roughly half an hour to forty minutes in character while between the two major cities travel can take roughly three hours.