It has recently been suggested that players who have not yet reached Player Plus but who have been with the server for some time might still be able to approach races normally barred from those without the title. As we prefer to make things more accessible over time, we have been considering this option but would like to know what people think Player Plus can give.
Player Plus gives fairly minimal but enjoyable benefits. It evades pay to gain or win style rewards and instead is a nod to those who do well by the community. What would you like to see granted by Player Plus? Reasonable or outlandish, sometimes brain storming helps a lot. From there we can figure our approach in rolling out accessibility for those without Player Plus as well, specifically regarding races in a case-by-case. Templates would still very much be off limits.
P+ people could have access to the image uploading plugin, with a reminder on rules to only create items they have in-game, or posters, with no NSFW. This would let people make posters that appear in-game more frequently without having to put staff through extra work. And then if it's abused, the image perms can simply be revoked, similarly to /lore name perms
Alright kinda had a bit of time of time to re read re compose myself for round 2 here. A bit off so if this comes off sounding odd feel free to point it out. So gonna focus on magics on this one like witchcraft and mysticism. Honestly these things rather then be an outright feature given via player plus or something. Maybe something like a hint or direction to under go obtaining it should be given or maybe a boon in doing so to make it easier? As especially in the early days of these magics there was only really at most maybe one or two active users. Which were either staff chars or npcs. This one more applies to witchcraft then mysticism and said char and player seems to have now since left. We do now have a few witchcraft users since then, but even now the act of even possibly obtaining or uses of said magic closely guarded secret ic or not, seems vague at best or ever changing like it's having some kind of identity crisis at worst. This is just me looking from the outside in as admittedly I have encountered witches ic and while I have over time gathered a general understanding on the years system etc. It's always felt like it's more trouble to go through then it's worth given the very limited details or opportunities to obtain it. Speaking of identity crisis. Mysticism is if I recall correctly the 3rd magic Perities introduced into the world and is the one that has now stuck. While unlike it's predecessors it's definitely more solid in feel and here to stay. Kinda suffers from the same issue witchcraft suffered for the longest time. Thanks to that one traveler from the East things got a bit more interesting with more opportunities readily available. So with that in mind I hope that continues to built upon and developed further. To sum up final thoughts here. The other magics are great and should be a earned magic if you ask me as yes they have their drawbacks, and dangers from what I understand with obtaining and using these magics that don't fall into the more traditional system. But more often then not come across as what I can best describe as a carrot on a string. Something to pursue, but denied in the end. And it often comes across as more then just simple ic as the reason. So no I think it shouldn't be a player plus option to obtain them off the bat, but maybe something that can help doing so can be given instead. All for risk and reward. But there's a point where when details are vague, risk is high and resources to pursue are limited and reward doesn't seem to meet a minimum standard a lot of folk simply go why bother? Been in plenty of ic situations here and elsewhere where reward was not worth the effort or in many instances non existent. Let me tell ya stings both ic and ooc. So sometimes having even a slight hand however small before devoting to something can make a big difference in pursuing and overall enjoying.
Kobold race
Hi, I hope I can provide some form of insight into this thread. I don't mean for it to be "No" for thr majority of them but I do have some input as to why.
When it comes to lesser races, I agree that there is already such a large variety of races that are barely played by others such as Ash elves, goblins, orcs, and dwarves that may vary for a time on how many there are, but then we have a community with large human and elven presences. I don't think there would be much of a need to add more to that while there are still avenues to go down. As mentioned before Kalai can't survive anywhere but winter which would mean having a player segregated unless they have special conditions like enchantments to keep them there. Trolls, Naga, Kobolds, and aljjuhaya are races that could be considered kill on sight, similar to what someone would do if they saw a vampire if they were accepted. They're known monsters and even if one says "wait, I'm one of the good ones' ' most characters who've dealt with them probably would still aim to kill.
Now onto player plus races. While I don't think they should be moved down personally to normal, I believe that they should be allowed through staff consensus on how well people know the lore, how long they have been on the server, and how much roleplay they've participated to adequately judge if they can. An example used in the past of an inadequate interaction would be caliar players typing in Japanese words as they believe that's just what it is.. if this proposal is accepted, I believe there should just be more restrictions in place.
On the idea of Porting characters from other servers in a fantasy setting, as interesting as it is, it would be very irregular for someone to spout these tales and tell of odd happenings of a different server. I don't know how characters would react if they hear "Oh I worship Ra, he's from where I'm from" without punching them for announcing other deities.. now, maybe Porting could be under a changeling application sure, but otherwise it feels like a hassle to do unless you just go mind wipe plague and then it just means forgoing the backstory. A bias point I will admit is, I've seen other servers do it, and it's a personal turn off for me when it comes to role-playing as it doesn't feel unique to the setting. Just popping in a character from another world and saying they're here now rather than making a personal identity from the server.
Now onto the bread and butter which is the other magics aside from Bothimir's own. I believe firmly that Witch and Mysticism should be specifically an earned thing that's gathered by one server. One, getting either requires going on an exhibition or doing a dangerous situation that could be out of the normal person's purview. Two, they are specifically earned magics, as in you could be a mage of Bothimir or not and decide to go into these if you wish. I feel that having this out is more of a safety net then anything else, and should be done with a character on the server. Three, it's known but not as well known. An example is the NPC who shared about it, only did so recently as well as though there is a group of people out in the desert who know of it, it still feels like a rather quick out to just come into the server with a spiritual animal or a catalyst for these magics as well as the coin and such. Even if it's a simple thing one can do, I just think they still have to risk going out to the dangerous areas or talking with PCs and learning from them.
I am a content person with what we currently have as there are still many un explored avenues on the server that some of us haven't gone through. While having vampires, half demons, changelings, etc. for us to participate in is great, I wouldn't want more extra stuff to feel like being a player plus is such a huge difference to normal players. I understand wanting more and more benefits, I just don't want it to feel like having a new character as a player plus is such a better start than a normal one. I may be in a minority, but I'm content with how it is and I hope my thoughts help staff when it comes to a decision.
Alright gonna try my hand here to share my thoughts on some stuff here that's been mentioned, some experiences I've seen elsewhere and here, and just in general things that might be an interesting touch for player plus. So I'll start with the idea of races. First off I've overall loved the various races that were player plus. I'm kinda of the opinion as well now that some have been around so long and now have got a notable solid establishment they could easily be open to the general player. Especially the Avalti as now having been pretty central in a good number events with even a presence outside of Accadia now around Barkemsted. I think it's pretty reasonable to let at least this race be released to the general public. As to the Kurol, as much as I've now gotten to understand the race more with the new in depth lore to tell you the truth. I think they should remain player plus till more established whether that be a found settlement or even just a regular group that comes to the mainland. I say more because while we've had a couple of notably successfully established Kurol on the server in the past too that did well. For a new or just starting off addition to the community it might be a difficult race to start developing because the Kurol's domain is well the water and more often then not being underwater. The ocean is especially has been stated to be one of the most dangerous locations on the server and as a Kurol you're probably gonna be tackling it on your own for quite some time and probably not in the best state you can be, because well it's got it's own unique challenges. But challenges that very few in the ic world really face or develop to deal with. Not exactly easy for new arrivals and the like to face blind. As to other races like trolls, kobolds, kalai, ajulhaya, naga etc. I'll admit my understanding on these races are limited. Mainly cause I've had over all my chars had very limited interactions with them. It would be interesting to play them but honestly how would you? The only one of them I can even see remotely played which I in truth know next to nothing about would be kobolds. Which would probably take on at best the more socially accepted goblin/dwelf. And that's mostly cause they don't got any negative history or the like to my knowledge cause they're that unknown. Maybe others have heard or had other experiences icly to say differently. But let's face it do we really need another tiny built race? If it was made playable definitely should be player plus, because of the unknown. As to why I'm more in favor kobolds being playable even if only for player plus. It's kinda hard to have char development or rp if the typical reaction from the general ic populace is distrust and hostile. The other races mentioned above have been more actively established as monsters, a hostile force, or have a trait that would more then likely make it stupidly difficult to interact with the ic world, much less other PC which might I add are typically the outliers of the general. If that wasn't enough there's environmental challenges that those races will face beyond the social ones. So ask how is a troll gonna live anywhere in or even near the city without getting hunted or likely starve to death cause he requires so much food? How is a Ajulhaya gonna last a winter without going insane or likely freezing to death if on Kingdom soil? The Kalai only appear when it's cold on Kingdom soil, could be a handful of reasons for that I realize. But for all I'm aware their the inverse of Ajulhaya and can't survive in heat. Naga seem to mutate and vary greatly with notably durable and strong bodies exceeding even dwarves and orcs. Not to mention they're typically hostile like Ajulhaya in winter. Kinda more a monster like a Grendel then a playable race if you ask me. And this is just all based off the little info I've gathered or observed icly and oocly. But I think the one thing I overall would be most concerned about, which I have seen before elsewhere. Is seeing too many races being available to choose from. There's such thing as too many choices and we've got a pretty solidly established cast of races to choose from. Though if I'm being completely honest and I know this is still a work in progress with the new site and everything. Maybe finishing up and updating the existing lore for current races might be a good idea to do before considering adding more races even if for player plus only. As it might be a nice way to add new features or perhaps even a bit of hidden details player plus folk might be allowed access to make the old and established more enjoyable.
Any way sorry if this is rambling or incoherent just wanted to at least try and express my thoughts here. Might be back later for other topics like the various other magics etc.
I think the idea of applying as monster characters is pretty good. It would also open up more social exclusion RP since while most player characters don't bat an eye at a half-demon walking into a bar, no one's going to let a kobold come in and drink with the people, since they don't have full human minds. Same for trolls, and the melty people. There's issues of course but I like the idea
This might be an odd idea but: Character porting. If there a character a player usually plays but won't work in this particular setting lore-wise then you can offer a porting of a character from a different server. These would be limited to strictly fantasy characters so as to not break emersion, and their backstoried knowledge would be reverted back to 1. So if they were an Expert blacksmith they'd be dropped back down to a beginner or novice black smith. Staff can also verify and specify that these characters need to have existed on a roleplay server/setting before (I say setting because ttrpg's exist) by providing either a document or a link to a character page on a forum for examples. Additionally staff would have the discretion to allow or disallow a character to be ported, especially There a 3 main hang-ups that I can see with this suggestion. 1) Mechanics would likely need to be handled on a case by case basis.
2) A lore explanation for how this porting would work.
3) Needing applications for ported characters.
The mechanics suggestion could come with a single baseline set mechanics rather than worrying about the case by case just so staff doesn't get a headache each time a new ported character pops up. This could set up like a race's base set of mechanics rather than making up new ones for that character. Ideally, porting a character means their being mechanics of either an adjacent/similar race (if someone is porting an elf, give them elf stats) or using a porting baseline with its own aspect amounts, stats, etc. Lore explanation...I'm not a lore writer for Saphriel and I'm too new to make proper suggestions. Every server I've been on that had porting handled it differently. From gods to eldritch abominations that look like inkwells. It really depends on what Lore team would think was best for it. Finally, applications. This could be handled on the discord in a new channel that could be made for this process or it could be handled on the forums through an application. Either way, staff could request hefty amounts of information from the players about the characters they want to port as well have them roleplay out what those character are like. This could be structured similarly to how the whitelist application was structured if not with more requirements and scrutiny. Anyway, porting asside, some more lore friendly suggests would be to add badges for PlayerPlus on the discord, an option of playing as a form of sentient undead (think like the undead from divinity original sin), or allowing PlayerPlus to give themselves curses inflicted on their characters that have mechanical consequences. Things like cursed arms that move on their own. Of course player decide on these and work with staff to make them not borked.
And with my rant concluded,
The option to have our dead characters become ghosts and haunt certain places would be cool too. In this scenario I imagine it'd specifically be played by staff, and be just neat potential encounter if found. I don't know if that has always been a potential thing one could request or not... But it'd be kinda neat, and allow for more story out of a character death
I think most are fine as they are right now. If anything, avalti and kurol could be made available to all since I don't think it takes a particularly deep understanding to make sense of them if ca'liar are going to remain available to all when ca'liar have a ton of more lore to read and take in.
-Access to private creative world for both practical and fun building ON SERVER. -Acess to 'risky' or more 'challenging' races that actually require significant rp skill beyond knowing a separate culture. Kalai, Ajulhaya, Trolls, and even Kobolds... These things all are super dangerous/different but very specific in mindset and in how they'd act. It'd be very interesting to have more options beyond what is already there. Especially since good RP and world understanding would be required to represent such correctly. -Being able to start out as a mystic or witch. While there are built in RP methods to do so... It removes the potential of getting right to what someone is wanting to do as a character who wants to be a mystic or witch, and gives a sort of added time on when people can actually get to actually explore the systems and work on playing with something new. That and starting as more unique backgrounds with potential ties to strange stuff through Mysticism or Witchery. Lots to go there. -Submit storylines for side story events that could be potentially ran with that player+ individual playing as npcs within them. It'd be something that would require both staff approval via the submission, and also a staff member to work hand in hand with that player as to bring forward the conflict proper, DM, and so on. Offering new angles to approach things from Player+, as well as different kinds of rp and opportunity for people to tell new stories without making a new character. Very much one off events, similar to how a one shot campaign might be. I think this would fit great with the bi-weekly events that have been going on for some time.
Some outlandish ideas as they were requested: - Let player+ play as some of the currently non playable races on the server! Kobolds, Naga, maybe trolls, etc. - Let Player+ CREATE playable races the same way someone might do a mixed magic request, though with a race and lore instead. More realistically: I think it would be beneficial to look at some Player+ rewards that don't involve creating a new character. Presently, the biggest things that Player+ receive are things that can only be used when making a new character, that being the new race options and extra starting item. I'm not really sure what would be applicable as a reward in this area, to be honest, but I think it's probably good to ponder stuff like that!
I think the restriction for Avalti and Kurol as Player+ races was a good choice when the races were new, and there was more to keep track for the sake of ensuring new races were played properly and to their lore. A way to filter what representation they got. Sadly the Kurol got Nizzin as their ambassador to the server. What a way to go.
I would be of the mind that, given Avalti and Kurol are now much more well understood by those who have been around for so long, they could be released for the general player. Races that staff have been curious about could then be added to Player+ as a form of 'playtest' but also to again filter the characters who emerge from such things. I know many staff feel that there can be race bloat and worry about that. Player+ as a way to filter that can remove a bit of that concern, as they will remain a stark rarity if new races are added.
I know the joke is I wanna see kobolds. I'd also be fine with seeing the Kalai or perhaps lesser Ajulhaya kicking around.
The difficulty with rewards that Player+ gives is that, there is no advantage given, per se. It is absolute that everyone start off on the same foot, otherwise it can very quickly spiral out of control. No matter that characters start at the same relative place, it is where they go that will be the most impactful I believe.
But to throw jello at the wall and see what sticks, here are various ideas I have heard:
Lesser Ajulhaya: Less powerful, less scary, less insane during winter.
Kobolds. Because of course.
Plant people? Dunno details but someone is coming to sue the Vodussi-
Bug? Bug thing? Something from the deepdark that is spooky but not outright bad.