General Crafting Guide
Beyond a few of the most basic items that can be crafted mechanically, general crafting counts for almost all things that are made within the Realm of Saphriel. From weapons or armor, to special food, clothes, and furniture, if it existed within the medieval setting it most likely exists in Saphriel for someone to craft. For those before mentioned mechanical recipes, we do have a few special ones for basic items, resources, and to help introduce people to our crafting system as a whole. More info on those can be found Here.
Before beginning, it has to be understood that nearly every item on the server features custom lore, either lored up by the members of staff or submitted for creation by our players. This lore goes into the detail of the item’s description, how it behaves, and if there are any notable features. This goes for both the mundane and magical, with more magical items possessing further information on their capabilities or limitations. For trinkets and artifacts, the level and type of magic a mage can channel through them is also noted.
For most creations that players will submit material will be needed, which we roughly reflect in costs similar to what minecraft itself has. So a regular sword requires two ingots of metal, with a helmet requiring five. This extends to things such as tailoring too, where a shirt would be eight items of fabric or a cloak being six, etc. Do note that some sheets of cloth or plates of metal may also count for a larger amount of material. If a player is uncertain how much material is needed for a craft they can always ask when submitting their crafting request. When submitting it is also important to consider that a character can only make so many unique items within a single In-Character month (OOC Week), that limit being 10.
Finally, all crafts have a quality associated with them based upon the mechanical enchantments in a scale of 1-5, where 1 would consist of unskilled or apprentice level work, and 5 as something created by a master. A person can improve their quality of craft through making unique items and pushing their skills and challenging the characters ability in crafting, pushing it into the next level. However, to advance in the craft a person needs to make unique crafts; you can’t hammer out a hundred iron daggers to advance your skill as a smith.
Aside from basic crafting requests, we also have Tinkering and Enchanting, which follow our general crafting rules with some few special additions regarding their submission, materials and the methods of the crafters which requires specific review from staff to ensure what is being attempted is possible within our rules and world, and that it fits within the time period or that a character has naturally come to the conclusion of said advancement, particularly when it comes to Tinkered creations. These count as Advanced Crafting requests and are always subject to review by the staff team.