Strength: 3 | Constitution: 3 | Agility: 6 | Speed: 6

Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Goblin Minds
Goblins, while of average intelligence at best, and often socially unintelligent, possess vastly creative minds and are often incredibly book-smart, resulting in many of their race becoming inventors or tinkerers
Disease Resistance
Due to their people living most of their lives in swamps and their own pollution, they have developed a very strong immune system.
Magic Aspects
Goblins rarely show any magical potiental, with most of their race not having any magical power. The ones who do are only able to use one aspect.
Goblin, Common
Appearance and Traits:
The average Goblin stands approximately four feet tall, with relatively little difference between genders. Physically, a Goblin is short and frail, possessing very little physical prowess compared to humans. Despite their size, they possess an uncanny speed, allowing them to cross large distances very quickly. Likewise, their small frames allow them to hide and move unobserved with greater ease than most races, provided they know how to. Like the Orcs, Goblins possess green skin, although only shades of green have so far been observed, compared to the more varied skin tone of an Orc.
Goblins are capable of growing hair as well as facial hair, although this is rare; most Goblins tend to be completely bald. The range of eye color in goblins is currently unknown, but some colors observed have been yellow, orange, green, black, red, and brown. Notably, a goblin’s voice is often grating and raspy, and highly unattractive by most standards. Goblins reach the age of sexual maturity at the age of 11, and adulthood by 12. Both genders expire at roughly 40 years of age, likely a counterbalance to having the most rapid reproduction system of the sentient races.
Goblins are very rarely born with magical abilities. The few that are gifted with magic are only limited to a single aspect.
Far in the eastern lands, the great swamp of Fagorum lies just past the mountains of Hjanteror. For humanity, this land was completely unknown to them, shielded from their eyes by the mighty mountain ranges. It was here the peculiar Goblin race lived in their floating cities atop the murky waters, spending their days living in relative peace. This peace would not last forever, though, as the great minds of their society continued to invent without foresight of what it might do to their surroundings. It began as barely noticeable changes, with a few trees becoming sick and a few bodies of water going bad, but as their pollution grew, so did their problems. Months later, crisis sparked all around the many villages as fish began to die and float to the surface and their planted crops became flat-out poisonous to eat. By the time these problems came to light, however, it was too late to change anything. The swamps they had dwelled in were slowly killing the race, as they had done to it with their inventions. It soon became clear that they would have to move soon to secure their own survival.
It was then that they were approached by an Orcish rider, bringing news of lands beyond the mountains, rich in fertile land and pleasant nature, ripe for taking; for the small price, that is, of the lives who already lived upon it. Out of necessity, the Goblins accepted their new place at the side of the Orcs, serving them well in the invasion of the human kingdom and especially in the siege of the Dwarven capital, which fell to the sheer numbers of Goblin invaders. Thonduhm then became home to the Goblins for a time, before it was reclaimed by the people of Saphriel later in the war. For years they waged war with the people of Saphriel alongside the rest of the Pact, until the war's last years which lead up to their defeat.
Of the eastern races, Goblins are by far the most numerous, outnumbering the Orcs approximately four to one and the Trolls approximately eleven to one. Because of this, they were frequently used as a 'fodder race' of scouts, labourers and troops during the Pact War; this, combined with the many killed in the reclamation of Thonduhm, saw their numbers drop considerably, though with the most rapid reproduction system of all sentient races, their population is quickly recovering. Following the war, the threat of the invading forces of Hell prompted the Goblins and Orcs to unite with their former enemies, in order to protect the land both of them wished to keep. This alliance has persisted even after the threat's disappearance, though many remain hesitant to allow their former enemies into the very cities they sought to take by force mere years ago. Prejudice towards Goblins is not an uncommon sight today, and only time will tell whether this uneasy truce persists.
Work in Progress!​
Goblins typically do not bother with religion, and focus more on their devices and inventions. However, this does not mean their people are completely without religion. While the bulk of their people do not worship any specific god, there are some who still take up a religion for whatever reason they may do so, the most common being worship of Demosto, the god of creation. The reason for his worship is believed to be related to the common desire among Goblins to invent and create.
Name Examples:
Male: Female: