This is a PlayerPlus Addon to any Race

Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Key Feature
Half-Demons have up to 3 demonic traits
Magic Aspects
Half Demons will always have dark up to medium.
Appearance and Traits:
Half-Demons are created when someone is copulating and one part of the equation, male or female, is possessed by a demon. The resulting offspring will be what is known as a Half-Demon. The child will resemble that of their parent race, but with a host of demonic features. Half-Demons hold many of the attributes of a full demon, such as a vulnerability to holy magic and silver. They will also typically live 80-100 years longer than their parent race, and are capable of performing dark magic up to medium level without a trinket as a result of their demonic blood and spirit.
A half demon will resemble that of what their parent race is. (dwarf, half-elf, orc. etc.) along with these following features.
Demonic features every Half-Demon has:
Affinity to chaotic and darker magics (Dark magic trains slightly faster)
Holy magic harms them
Can perform up to medium level Dark Magic without a trinket (Regardless of magical capability)
Weakness to silver
Lives an extra 80-100 years.
Demonic features a Half-Demon can have (you must take 3 of these features! No more, no less!):
Fangs (Retractable or Permanent)
Talons (Retractable or Permanent)
Wings (Vanity, larger wings may allow gliding)
Demonic tail
Demonic Skin Color
Furred or feathered limbs
Chitinous/exoskeletal features
Digitigrade legs
Pupil-less/Demonic eyes (Night vision)
Custom (Must be approved by an admin)
(Half-Demons must always write a magic application, even if their character only can use latent dark magic)
Work in Progress!​
Work in Progress!​
Work in Progress!​
Name Examples:
Male: Female: