Strength: 7 | Constitution: 8 | Agility: 4 | Speed: 4

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Key Features:
Thick Skin
Hardy in nature, the Alba have a resistance to cold and heat.
Magic Aspects
Alba are born magicless. There are common stories shared from parents to children that say the first of their people had demanded children over magic from the Gods but none know the truth.
Common, Dwarvish
Appearance and Traits:
Half-Dwarves, or Alba, are a bulkier race than most, with broader bones and large frames. Their Dwarven blood allows them to gain muscle easily. They stand at an average height between 5'6”- 6'6”, with various skin tones and hair colors that fall between their parents. They are rumored to take the stoutness of dwarves and the heights of humans. Men tend to grow facial hair at a younger age, and women are blessed with thick and wild locks. They're recognizable by their slightly larger hands and feet compared to most other races, or by their rougher overall features. However, most of this race can be easily mistaken as a burly human. They reach sexual maturity by the age of 16, and adulthood by 25. Half-Dwarves tend to live up to 125 years of age on average.
Like Half-Dark Elves, Alba are completely magicless.
Also known as children of Alba, or Daybreak Children. Named after the first recorded of their kind, who was named after the rising dawn. While seemingly more positive in nature compared to the name given to the Half-Elves, Dawn is a term used for those that left the comforting darkness of Thonduhm to walk among humans.
According to ancient stories, the first known romance between a dwarf and human was a young man named Alba. The couple raised him as any dwarf, but quickly found that he was outgrowing the rest. Stronger than any human, yet weaker than any dwarf. Various stories of greatness follow the man like ghostly rumors, many burned in the fires of war. It is rumored he still walks among humans even today.
From that point, occasionally a child with both dwarf and human features was born. Many, like their predecessors, were destined to leave Thonduhm. They dispersed into the wilds, either wandering or dispersing into human cities, rarely letting others know what they were. While not quite a group, many half-dwarves collect under the legacy of Alba as justification for their existence. They are a proud half race, yet reserved in this pride.
Work in Progress!​
Half-Dwarves have no strict religion, being a highly dispersed race with varying wants and interests. Most worship whatever God best suits their individual desires.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Frederick Bethe
Daniel Alina
Galrim Buldora
Thuldor Bretlyn