Strength: 8 | Constitution: 7 | Agility: 4 | Speed: 5

Appearance and Traits:
Half-Orcs tend to stand between 5 and 7 feet tall. They can take on any amount of physical traits from both their human and Orcish parents, though Orcish traits seem to take priority in mind and body. This, combined with a frequent lack of education and need to survive in the wilds due to their abandonment, leaves Half-Orcs often only half as intelligent as a human, but almost twice as strong, with their muscular figure being quite prominent. Often they will possess Orcish tusks, though on rare occasions these will not form. Even when they do, they are always much smaller than those of a full-blooded Orc. Their skin tone can be inherited from either their human or Orcish parents, but almost always has a greenish hue to it. Half-Orcs reach sexual maturity by the age of 16, and adulthood by 25. They normally live to between 80 and 90 years of age.
Half-Orcs are considered a blasphemous creature to all races; the offspring of two races who, until recently, had been mortal enemies. Typically they were created during the Pact War, when Orcish males would force themselves upon human women; it is rare to see human-orc couples due to the great prejudice that surrounds them. Half-Orcs typically die at young ages, shunned by the Orcish tribes and hated by all other races, though on rare occasions they will survive to adulthood, Even today, despite the war being over, Half-Orcs are trated with prejudice by virtually all races, though they are nonetheless permitted to live in the human cities, as with all races after the war's end.
Image Source: Here
Key Features:
Thanks to their orcish heritage, half-orcs have a natural increase in muscle mass and strength.
Magic Aspects
Half-orcs have hardly any magical potiental; the ones who do possess magic are only able to use one aspect.
Orcish, Common
Work in Progress!​
Half-orcs, much like the Dwelves, are a minority race and have no set religion. Typically they will follow whatever God that best suits them, or the one that they may have been raised to worship by their parents.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Ugarash Moregash
Daniel Rose
Moregash Umigri
Alexander Meregu