Herbs & Gardens
While the typical farmer can grow wheat, melons, potatoes and carrots along with all the other standard minecraft crops without any issue, the Realm of Saphriel has additional crops and fruits alongside various herbs and other plants which require some involvement from staff to both obtain from the wild and potentially grow with a bit of investment and a bit of patience.
As with most of our hunting and gathering systems, herb searches have a cooldown of 3 OOC hours, which represent an in-character day spent looking for the plants. As a result, this cooldown is shared between systems, so you cannot go herb searching and hunting at the same time. Within this system, you are given three rolls to find what you are looking for, and may allocate these three rolls as you wish; your character may either spend the whole day looking for a single plant and have a greater success at finding it, split their day looking for two or three plants, or look for a completely random set of plants, which whilst carrying debuffs also has the potential to give the character a new plant they haven’t found before. Keep in mind that, depending on the situation of the hunt, such as location, extra eyes to help you search, the weather, season, or time of day, your chances of success may increase or decrease.
Nearly all of our lored plants possess three paragraphs which detail their appearance, their concrete capabilities, and finally the rumors or mythologies that may be tied to that plant. Anyone can know a plant's mythos and rumored uses of it, but understanding what a plant is capable of requires further study and knowledge either from an outside source or self study. There are six stages of understanding which begins at Novice and ends at the Master level. All characters begin at the Novice level meaning if chosen a character will know of that plant's capabilities while anything further will require a background related to herbology or alchemy or study done in character. A few examples of our lored plants can be found below of varying rarities and effects.
Finally, for those that have these plants either for use in alchemy, cooking, or anything else they may desire, a character can set up a garden to grow them. The conditions of the garden will need to match the plants natural environments otherwise growth will not occur and enough space will need to be made between plants otherwise they will keep each other from growing also. To get one set up, either make a HelpOp to have the container and associated sign set up, or contact a member of staff directly who is maintaining the garden if adding to an already existing garden space. A person can even plant larger amounts into things considered as fields, which require significant space.