High Elves
Strength: 4 | Constitution: 4 | Agility: 9 | Speed: 7

Appearance and Traits:
High Elves are tall, lithe and bright beings, both genders tending to cease growth at 7 feet exactly. This can vary slightly from 6’10” to 7’2”, and in extremely rare cases, a High Elf can grow to be up to 7’4”. To grow any further than this is, though possible, virtually unheard of beyond a select few. The hair of High Elves is almost always composed of lighter hues, though of any color. Curiously enough, their eyes appear to hold the same color as their natural hair; the only exception to this rule is blue eyes, which may appear despite a contrary hair color. Their skin is most commonly pale, with hints of more human tones depending on the family; the most common shade is by far a pale peach.
Both genders reach sexual maturity around 25 years old, and reach adulthood around 30 years old. Both genders live to an average of 300 years old, although some are rumored to live far beyond this age before finally expiring.
Elves possess an outstanding metabolism, keeping a lean figure no matter how much they eat; in fact, an obese Elf is entirely unheard of. In the case of female Elves, their chest is rarely of significant size, their beauty more frequently coming from their slender frame. All High Elves possess long and sensitive ears; their hearing far outmatches that of other races, to the point where louder sounds can be painfully crippling to them. Physically, High Elves are weaker than most other races, though they are much lighter and more agile than humans are, with magical potential far surpassing them. An estimated 80% of all High Elves are capable of utilizing magic. Those that do may have up to 4 aspects.
Image Source:
Warhammer Armies: High Elves (8th Edition) pg. 38.
Key Features:
Elvish Slender
High-Elves are very slender in nature, and even though they are one of the weakest races physically, they're also one of the most agile and flexible.
Superior Metabolism
High-Elves have very powerful metabolism, and are capable of going without food for extended periods of time. Not only this, but they will always keep a thin and lean body type.
Immunity to Disease
High-Elves are completely immune to all forms of disease.
Magical Aspects
High-Elves are one of the most magically gifted races in the world; the majority of their people are capable of using magic, and are able to use up to 4 aspects.
Common, Elven, Ancient Elven (Nobles)
The Elves, being as graceful and in tune with nature as they were, first took to the forests of the realm, making it their home. The great forest Manadh Calad, known as the Dark Forest by the non-Elven races, was where the majority of the Elves took up residence. The High Elves built few cities, but those that were constructed were formed from magic; nature was bent to their whims, allowing the Elves to live within towering trees, far above the forest floor below. This protected them both from the predators that lived below, and the non-Elven races they sought to isolate themselves from.
Before the Pact War, the Elves separated themselves from the world. All Elves, especially High Elves, saw themselves as the supreme race, the first and greatest of Kinos' children after the Frol, and refused to have relations with any other race, purposefully secluding themselves inside the giant forests of the realm. Any Elf who was known to have relations with a non-Elf, as well as any who defended them, was shunned by their people. To have a child with a non-Elf was, and to many Elves still is, one of the most blasphemous crimes an Elf could commit; the offspring of such a match were viewed as abominations, and were banished from all Elven cities and villages along with their parents.
When the Pact War began, the Elves were the most resentful of the Alliance in joining forces with other races; however, they had little choice in the matter if they wished for even a chance at survival. While many Elves fought in the war alongside other races, countless were forced to flee and take up shelter inside the human city of Barkamsted, a jarring change after their self-imposed isolation. As a result, many conflicts arose between Elves and other races, especially pronounced during the first few years of the city’s development. The worst of this internal conflict, however, has passed, and there are now many Half-Elves, both High and Dark, living in the city, as well as in Falkvard, both reclaimed for the now-unified Kingdom of Saphriel. There are, however, still many Elven families that refuse to treat any other non-Elf as an equal; discrimination amongst the Elves is still a prominent issue today.
Due to a large percentage of population holding the gift of magic, touch between even good friends is often very frowned upon among the Elves.
Virtually all High Elves worship Kinos, god of earth and sea, much like the Dark Elves and Dwarves. They see themselves as Kinos' first and greatest children after the Frol, and efforts are made by their race to make sure this is maintained. The second most prominent god worshiped by their people is Bothimir, the god of magic. Most Elven mages honor or worship him in some manner.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Vaeldryn Isadora
Varillius Sylviana
Calinar Ayrnya
Arriar Lilliwen