This is a PlayerPlus exclusive Race
Land: Strength: 3 | Constitution: 5 | Agility: 6 | Speed: 5
Water: Strength: 3 | Constitution: 5 | Agility: 7 | Speed: 6

Key Features:
Water Breathing
They are adept swimmers and have no need for oxygen when under water. Due to their unique biology they are also able to withstand a large amount of water pressure from the ocean.
Magic Aspects
Kurol are a magically able race, though not as much as others. Those who are able to use magic have up to two aspects, though one is always water, which they can naturally cast up to Medium level without a trinket.
Kurol, Vasirman
Appearance and Traits:
Most Kurol grow to around 6ft 6inches, with the tallest rarely reaching an inch or two above that. Their physique is lithe and spindly, making them appear weak, even frail at a first glance. This is a mere trick of the eye, however, and the Kurol have enough strength to survive and thrive in their environment, their bodies built perfectly for the harsh world that they call their homes. Though they tend to keep slender through harsh activities, it is entirely possible for Kurol who do not partake in as much exercise to grow curves, and even fatten up.
Kurol are quite beautiful in their own right, with large eyes that seem to shimmer slightly out of the water. These can be any number of colors, depending largely on the environment in which the person was born. Much like with fish, the color Kurol scales also tends to vary massively. From bright oranges and pinks, all the way to dulled greys and browns, there are few hues that would not be seen as natural for this race.
There was only a few traits that are the same through almost all Kurol, If they do have hair, it grows thick and slow, taking years and years to even get to shoulder length. Very long hair is often seen as a sign of age and wisdom. Their fingers end in small points rather than soft tips, each pair being joint together by webs that aid these people with swimming; a trait that is of course shared with their feet.
Tattoos painted with a luminescent algae are not uncommon among the Kurol, with warriors often adding more as their achievements in battle grow, making them look like works of art in their own right.​
The Kurol language sounds very similar to Maori. Due to their isolation from Saphriel, it is extremely rare for the Kurol to come into these lands knowing any language other than their own. If they do end up knowing a different language, it is usually Vasirman.
Kurol tend to reach sexual maturity around 18 years of age moving to live on for possible another 260 years. The oldest known Kurol among their people lived for 306 years.
Tarakoa - which roughly translates to ‘Dragon’ in Common - is the city of the Kurol. Though their people have smaller settlements surrounding Vasirma, this is the center to the nervous system of their civilisation.
Tarakoa itself is comprised of three main districts. The first is the Coral Reefs, the district that supplies housing and minor trade to most of the civilians that live and work within the city. The people of Reefs often dwell in morphed and twisted corals that resemble what others would consider homes. This portion of the city is by far the largest, housing hundreds upon hundreds of Kurol along with smaller fruit and plant farms spread between the Coral homes. These farms supply the rest of the city with food, and are the main means of survival for the denizens of Coral District.
Moving through the Reef, one would see a landmark that stands clear of all other buildings: a large circular portal that spans about 30m in circumference and leads deep into a beautifully lit series of caverns that make up the next two districts of the city. The caves themselves seem to be coated in a coral and plant matter that gives off a peaceful purple glow, making it almost seem like an eternal twilight within these twisted caverns. The coral sprouts from all surfaces, with some pieces large enough to house an entire feasting hall and others just about big enough to house a single person. This was where the Hunters and Warriors of Tarakoa lived.
Looking around the cavern, you’d be see small holes of darkness that seemed like an endless void into nothingness. These were in fact tunnels which led either to hunting grounds or to other villages; a safe and novel method of travelling undetected within the dangers of the deep ocean, where beasts larger than even Kurol cities often dwell.
Members of the Pauna are the Hunters and Warriors of the city. They live within the caverns, so they have direct access to many parts of their nation as quickly as they can in case of emergency. These fighters are often trained in solitude from an extremely young age in some of the most gruelling conditions that one can imagine. By the end of their training, these warriors are expected to be able to fight with the ferocity of Krakens and Sea Serpents alike, fearing not even death itself. As a sort of tattoo, the warriors and hunters of Kurol tend to mark their bodies with luminescent algae, often representing their accomplishments in battle. Among the Pauna, it's often seen that the more tattoos one has the stronger they are.
Even deeper in the cavern, nestled safely into its darkest reaches, was the third district, by far the most beautiful and least used. Aside from being just a trade hub and the largest city of the Kurol, Tarakoa is also the spiritual center to their nation; both a crossroads and a meeting hub. It is there that, every 3 rotations of the planet, all tribes would gather in the deepest chambers, covered in paints and vibrant clothing with flair to show themselves off to potential challenges in either battle or bedroom. This is followed by days of dancing, drinking and feasting. It is a gathering of many different tribes under one branching set of giant roots of coral that during this time glimmer like the stars above. The Kurol have a special dance dedicated to ‘Atua Katoa’ known to most others as Demosto the one who created all else. This tradition was one sacred among all their people.
Work in Progress!​
The Kurol believe all gods play a part in their lives, and follow each equally, though they see them slightly differently then most land dwelling races do.
Demosto is known to the Kurol as Atua Katoa, and is seen largely as something that is within all other things you worship. Atua Katoa resides within everyone and everything, and by simply existing and experiencing life to the fullest the Kurol believe that they are paying great homage to him.
Kinos, known as Kaihanga Ora, brought the Kurol the sea and the very essence of life. They are one of the three most revered gods within the Kurol culture, seeing the cultivation of life itself, and even living in homes grown from corals rather than building them as land dwellers are wont to, as a prayer to him.
Perities, or Ko te Kaikauhoe, is the deity that gives the Kurol chase and let’s them chase. They are the one that swims beside this race as they fight and the one that guides their spears and fins. Perities is often only worshiped by the Pauna, with the greatest dedication to them through the final test that the warrior caste takes, when they are chased by other Kurol and must not be hunted down to prove their worth and join this prestigious rank.
While these gods are the most important ones to the Kurol, the others are also seen as a part of existence and thus worshipped and respected accordingly.
Aderoth, known as Puwhau, is seen as the Ssun and warmth given by the heart of Demosto. Puwhau gives them hope even in the darkest of ocean trenches and against the most terrifying foes.
Behmos, or Ariki Ariki is the representation of darkness itself. He is something that should never be feared but never be embraced, A lurking shadow in the corners of our eyes to make sure we never lose sight of what is true to the service of Atua Katoa.
Udero, to Kurol known as Tuhinga, is a deity that is followed in all aspects of their lives. The Kurolcommonly believe that all the gods and everything in creation is a delicate weave of ocean currents that no one person is strong enough to displace. Though there is no plan for any one person, sometimes people are simply swept up in the currents of balance.
Uldir is known as He Toa to the Kurol, and although they do not often wage war amongst themselves, conflict is an inherent part of their nature. The strongest of Pauna decorate their bodies in intricate tattoos in honor of this fact, dedicating like as paintings to He Toa.
Bothimir, or Mahi Atua, is by far the hardest of gods for the Kurol to relate to. While the majority of their race has Bothimir's gift, they rarely encounter a trinket as to channel anything other than their naturally aspected magic, which they usually attribute to nothing more than their natural ability.
Name Examples:
Male: Female:
Ailill Nara
Airell Aithne
Einion Alys
Naois Erea