Magic Guide
Magic: the gift given by Bothimir to the world, a mysterious force both clearly defined and with much yet to be discovered. Common in some races, extremely rare in others, it is prized among all who wield it. While our system in Saphriel has limits and some well-defined spells, it is a mostly freeform system with basic rules and restrictions to allow for easier moderation by staff and better self-moderation by players. For more details on the lore of Bothimir’s Magic, see Magics of the Realm.
Examples of Aspects
While we may have hard-set spells for some aspects, please note that what is written below is simply an example of what each magic is capable of. A creative mage can use their element in a variety of ways, having incredible control over each element, influencing these to create figures, shapes, structures, and sinkholes, or blasting apart weaker materials. The possibilities are nearly endless, depending on the strength of the mage/s in question.
While spells may often be quick, especially in combat, a mage can attempt to focus for longer periods of time to sustain them over multiple rounds of combat or for multiple minutes at a time depending on the usage and the magic in question, some being easier to sustain than others. Additionally, when cast directly upon a living, mortal creature, the magic can range from being less powerful to simply ineffective, a resistance to prevent magic from instantly, fatally injuring others. Fire is not able to burn out someone’s eyeballs in an instant, wind may not suffocate and steal the air from somebody’s breath, and water cannot suck all the blood out of a person from a cut.
It should also be noted that in some cases, magic does not necessarily follow real-life laws or physics. Feeble lightning not immediately stopping someone’s heart and alteration being able to increase the strength of materials without affecting weight or density are just two examples. These are, however, exceptions rather than rules for the sake of balance and an enjoyable roleplaying experience. If you are unsure of anything, feel free to ask staff or for your character to experiment to see what may happen.